440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 30, 1999 09:37 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Received letter on meaning drift from author on intellectual capital.
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Investing Intellectual Capital Creates Knowledge Space
Email Causes Mistakes
Web Mail Improves Writing
Email Error Prone
Writing Quality Declines in Work Place
Meaning Drift Verbal Communication Error Prone
Web Mail Permits Correcting Mistakes
0909 - ..
0910 - Summary/Objective
0911 -
091101 - Follow up ref SDS 57 0000, ref SDS 56 0000.
091102 -
091103 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Thomas Stewart, an author of a book on
091104 - investing intellectual capital, which is a big theme in Com Metrics,
091105 - based on POIMS. Linked to the paper on medical mistakes that explains
091106 - meaning drift. ref DIP 2 1680
091107 - ..
091108 - Received response from Tom. ref DRT 1 0001
091109 -
091110 - Tom probably dashed this response off pretty quickly because it has a
091111 - lot of errors, which supports the point that email is error prone, as
091112 - explained in the letter on medical mistakes, ref DIP 2 1045, prepared
091113 - on 990924. ref SDS 22 0715 The prior example on 991227, ref SDS 57
091114 - 9844,
091115 -
091116 - Actually, the number of errors in Tom's letter may be deliberate to
091117 - have fun with the observation about email being an error prone
091118 - environment.
091119 -
091120 - Tom comments...
091121 -
091122 - Of coruse, what you here call "meaning drift" might also be
091123 - called "continuing adaptation to changine circumstances"--i.e.
091124 - evolution, so that the meaning of worlds changes over time, etc.
091125 - Obvioulsy management is not a matter of calling people back to
091126 - old meanings--otherwise we would stil lbe making buggy
091127 - whips--but instead a function of channeling the drift to that we
091128 - keep our attention on what matters to the organization
091129 - ..
091130 - I agree that "continuing adaptation to changing circumstances,"
091131 - also, "evolution" is inevitable and necessary.
091132 -
091133 - Involuntary meaning drift that causes mistakes is not adaptation nor
091134 - evolution. The examples in the paper...
091135 -
091136 - 1. Telephone game. ref DIP 2 1680
091137 -
091138 - 2. ...cultural forces cause constant mistakes (bumbling), loss
091139 - and conflict in the new environment of constant communication
091140 - on the Information Highway, commonly called "noise" because
091141 - human intelligence cannot covert constant information into
091142 - knowledge accurately. Limited time and span of attention
091143 - cause differences of meaning that lead to mistakes.
091144 - ref DIP 2 2079
091145 -
091146 - 3. ...everyone tried hard, but there was no time to check the
091147 - record, so we replaced the left hip instead of the right hip,
091148 - replaced tires instead of the fan belt, specified 2000#
091149 - concrete instead of 3000# concrete, launched space ships with
091150 - the wrong O rings, and the wrong course... ref DIP 2 3650
091151 - ..
091152 - The point is further explained in the record on 991101.
091153 - ref SDS 31 2800
091154 -
091155 - Since Tom's book is about intellectual capital, he might comment on
091156 - POIMS concept of "investing." ref OF 5 1101
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