440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 30, 1999 06:31 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
CPU10 cooling fan for CPU is failing again.
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0201 - PCtown 415 788 8696 fax 217 7731
020101 - Mr. Chris Grossman; Sales Executive
020102 - Sales Department
0202 - CompUSA 925 681 0255 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Mike NLN
020202 - Sales Department
020203 - Description
0203 - Fry's Electronics #02 510 252 5300 fax 9423
020301 - Mr. David Brandon
020302 - Sales Department
020303 - Description
CPU Cooling Fan Failing
Cooling Fan on CPU
CPU Fan Failing
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
060702 -
060703 - We are getting the same noise that occurred on 981122, ref SDS 8 0001,
060704 - that turned out on 981128 to be the cooling fan. ref SDS 9 0001
060705 -
060706 - Morris said the other day to get a cooling fan with ball bearings.
060707 -
060708 - Called CompUSA.
060709 -
060710 - Talked to Shawn.
060711 -
060712 - He said it costs $15 for the fan if they have the right one, and $30
060713 - or so for the labor.
060714 -
060715 - They are open until 2100 this evenning.
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060718 - ..
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - 1921
0611 -
061101 - Took CPU10 to CompUSA in Concord.
061102 -
061103 - Talked to Shawn.
061104 -
061105 - He removed the CPU from the motherboard. It has clips at either end
061106 - of the unit that are pressed inward, to release the unit to pull free
061107 - of the motherboard.
061108 -
061109 - He removed the heat sink with the fan assembled integrally. It is
061110 - clipped into the side of the CPU with plastic anchors at each corner.
061111 -
061112 - Shawn consulted with a colleage who directed him to a rack that was
061113 - the complete inventory of fans and heat sinks in the store.
061114 -
061115 - Shawn said the units they have are for a Pentium III processor, and
061116 - so will not work with our processor which is a Pentium II.
061117 -
061118 - We noticed the description of the packaging said it is a fan and heat
061119 - sink for a Pentium II processor.
061120 -
061121 - Shawn said the manufacturers made a mistake in labeling. He showed
061122 - that the unit has different connection system that will not work with
061123 - our Pentium II processor.
061124 -
061125 - Shawn suggested going to Fry's.
061126 -
061127 - [On 991113 purchased heat sink at Frys. ref SDS 11 7104
061128 -
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"