440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 25, 1999 09:27 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Ross on progress with new job and family.
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0604 -
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 34 0000, ref SDS 26 0000.
060602 -
060603 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Ross responding to ref DIP 6 0001
060604 - submitted yesterday. ref SDS 34 0001
060606 - ..
060607 - Ross says SDS links on the Internet read quickly at his office in New
060608 - York. ref DRT 1 0001 This responds to the post script in my letter,
060609 - ref DIP 6 0918, based on discusion with Bill DeHart on 990909.
060610 - ref SDS 27 0001
060611 -
060612 - [On 991107 sent follow up. ref SDS 36 0001]
060614 - ..
060615 - They are enjoying their new home, and the colors which are a prominent
060616 - part of changing seasons on the East Coast. The family picked apples
060617 - together this past weekend and baked an apple pie. ref DRT 1 2196
060619 - ..
060620 - Work for Ross and Claudia is going well. Claudia may get an
060621 - assignment for Latin America marketing, that would involve travel, and
060622 - apply bi-lingual skills. ref DRT 1 7575
060624 - ..
060625 - Hutch is playing offensive guard and defensive end on the freshman
060626 - team and suits up for JV games. He gets in on a couple of series in
060627 - JV games. Hutch will be invited to the varsity summer program in
060628 - preparation for making the varsity next year, as only a sophomore.
060629 - ref DRT 1 2584
060630 - ..
060631 - Hutch is showing keen interest in Science and Math. He is on the
060632 - honor roll and is turning out to be quite a solid young man. He is now
060633 - taller than Ross, and tips the scales at just under 175lbs.
060634 -
060635 - Wish I tipped the scales at just under 175#, per visit with Syed
060636 - on 990628. ref SDS 25 0132
060637 -
060638 - Should ask about "new math" reported on 990923. ref SDS 28 0001
060639 -
060641 - ..
060642 - Stu is playing football, defensive tackle and tight end. He has
060643 - developed very good receiving hands and understands the importance of
060644 - catching the pass first and then gaining yards. He is going to be
060645 - bigger than Hutch and is hard to tackle one-on-one. ref DRT 1 2088
060647 - ..
060648 - Stu and Ross are becoming Met fans. ref DRT 1 5808
060649 -
060650 - Not sure what it is about the Mets. Maybe its that Casey Stengle
060651 - was the first coach, and everyone just took to the team because of
060652 - the contrast between their miserable beginning and Stengle's greate
060653 - past success coaching the Yankees.
060655 - ..
060656 - The Yankees are the IBM of baseball; the Mets are the rebellious
060657 - son, so you get the James Dean fan club effect.
060659 - ..
060660 - Nyna is back from sailing and is engaged to be married to Tom. She
060661 - and Tom purchased a home (mansion) in Hillsborough. They plan to sale
060662 - from Miami through the Panama canal this winter, cruise up to Alaska
060663 - for the summer, and return to the bay area in time for the Holidays in
060664 - '00. ref DRT 1 0665
060666 - ..
060667 - Diane visited during the summer for several weeks. They went to New
060668 - York City to see Broadway shows and the Empire State Building, visited
060669 - Niagara Falls, and New England historic towns. ref DRT 1 3380
060671 - ..
060672 - Rich has taken primary responsibility for her parole activities.
060673 -
060674 - What are "parole" activities?
060675 - ..
060676 - Richard was not posted Kosovo, ref DRT 1 2891, per my letter,
060677 - ref DIP 6 4800, citing the call to Ross on 990629. ref SDS 26 0001
060679 - ..
060680 - He got married to Utako, and are living on a 30' sailboat in San
060681 - Diego.
060682 -
060683 - Need Richard's email.
060685 - ..
060686 - Ross remembered our trips to Yosemite, and that on the first trip
060687 - Millie charged ahead climbing up Yosemite falls trail, ref DRT 1 3024,
060688 - per the link in my letter to him, ref DIP 6 4352, to a letter to
060689 - Millie's daughter Pam on her birthday, ref DIP 7 6000, submitted on
060690 - 991008. ref SDS 29 1558
060691 - ..
060692 - Ross remembered having to climb the last part of the half dome
060693 - route by himself, because his two partners could go no further. At
060694 - least we all hooked up before night fall. ref DRT 1 1748
060695 -
060696 - This is a little bit incorrect.
060697 -
060698 - It is an example of "meaning drift" commingling events, explained
060699 - in the record on 991101, ref SDS 35 2800, which is accelerated by
060700 - complexity explained on 991014. ref SDS 31 5600
060701 -
060702 - [On 991108 Jeanne noticed "meaning drift." ref SDS 37 3968]
060704 - ..
060705 - [On 991108 Ross noticed "meaning drift." ref SDS 38 3465]
060707 - ..
060708 - On 940917 Ross and I hiked up Half Dome. He made it, and I got
060709 - close, but not to the top, as he reports. ref SDS 1 0001
060711 - ..
060712 - On 950916 Ross, Tavo and I hiked up Half Dome trail. We got
060713 - separated from the beginning, and I only made it as far as Little
060714 - Yosemite Valley, above Nevada Falls, and had to turn back due to
060715 - blisters. ref SDS 2 9879 At least that is my story and I am
060716 - sticking to it, as Eddie Murphy says. Noticed also that Ross and
060717 - Tauvo ran ahead and had the water. That was another excuse for
060718 - wimping out. ref SDS 2 3150
060720 - ..
060721 - So I returned to the Valley separately from Ross and Tauvo.
060723 - ..
060724 - When Ross and Tavo returned, seems to have turned out that Tavo
060725 - got about as far as I did the year before. ref SDS 2 6204
060727 - ..
060728 - We had a drink at the Awanhee hotel to celebrate Ross' triumph,
060729 - and then Ross cooked a great dinner. ref SDS 2 0567
060731 - ..
060732 - Ross combined two separate events a year apart into a single event,
060733 - because it is a correct explanation of a broader mosaic.
060735 - ..
060736 - Ross might enjoy taking a look at the record, sharing it with the
060737 - family, including Tauvo, if he has an email address for him.
060738 - ..
060739 - They are thinking Europe again, ref DRT 1 0748, per meeting on
060740 - 981024 when Ross expected to be traveling to Europe, and possibly have
060741 - an eventual assignment on the continent, he was thinking Paris.
060742 - ref SDS 9 7388
060743 -
060744 -
060745 -
060746 -
060747 -
060748 -
060749 -
060750 -
0608 -