440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 20, 1999 08:04 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Discuss meeting with City PM on ARC's GGP project.
2...Meet with City PM on Issues to Launch Reservoir Project
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0201 - A. R. Construction Company 415 656 2800
020101 - Mr. Ronald Arana; President =415 656 2806
020102 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up, ref SDS 11 0000 ref SDS 10 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Ronald is meeting a candidate for the superintendent's job today. He
040504 - wants more progress on developing an agreement for Welch, before I
040505 - meet with the City Project Manager. ref SDS 0 3224 He will try to
040506 - come by this afternoon, after his meeting at City College. ref SDS 0
040507 - 4819 If that does not work out, he will pick me up tomorrow from the
040508 - meeting with Yves Barbero, and we can work on an agreement. Then I
040509 - will try to go meet with the City Engineer.
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0407 -
0408 - Discussion
0409 -
040901 - ..
040902 - Meet with City PM on Issues to Launch Reservoir Project
040903 -
040904 - Follow up ref SDS 10 5694, ref SDS 9 2673.
040905 -
040906 - Per planning on 991015, ref SDS 10 3630, discusison with Ronald
040907 - yesterday, ref SDS 11 2940, and analysis from questions by Pat last
040908 - night. ref SDS 12 0875
040909 -
040910 - Called and requested name of City's Project Manager and phone number.
040911 -
040912 - Ronald asked me to call him back in 30 minutes.
040913 -
040914 -
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 0900
0413 -
041301 - Jacki said Ronald has another call, and asked her to take a message.
041302 -
041303 -
041304 - ..
0414 -
0415 -
0416 - 0904 Ronald called back
0417 -
041701 - Ronald is meeting with a superintendent candidate at 1000, per
041702 - planning on 991015, ref SDS 10 0286, so we cannot meet now.
041703 -
041704 - Ronald wants to defer meeting with the City Engineer, per planning on
041705 - 991015. ref SDS 10 3630 and ref SDS 10 5796, until after we agree to
041706 - terms for my assignment, discussed yesterday. ref SDS 11 8933
041707 -
041708 - Ronald is worried such a meeting would undermine the credibility of
041709 - ARC.
041710 -
041711 - This aligns with Pat's letter last night, asking why such discussions
041712 - with the City are necessary, ref SDS 12 4940, answered in the record
041713 - reviewing Pat's letter, ref SDS 12 1302, which was submitted to Pat
041714 - via email early this morning.
041715 -
041716 - [On 991021 Ronald indicated concern that early discovery of
041717 - Communication Metrics by the City might result in the City using
041718 - this method to manage the contractor. ref SDS 14 5320]
041719 -
041720 - We reviewed the goal to conduct a meeting in a professional manner
041721 - that will show credit for ARC, rather than cause harm. The meeting
041722 - would be similar to ARC considering adopting a new business system,
041723 - and Ronald saying to the vendor or manufacturer, he is not sure if his
041724 - customer will be comfortable, so if you can sell my customer, then I
041725 - will consider buying your system. An example might be buying a new
041726 - nailing machine, and you want to ensure the inspector will approve it
041727 - without a lot of hassels. This is done all the time.
041728 -
041729 - Accordingly, reluctance to support reasonable inquiry, conflicts with
041730 - the letter on 991015, indicating a condition of accepting the
041731 - assignment is meeting with the City to determine level of effort for
041732 - accomplishing objective to use Communication Metrics.
041733 -
041734 - Ronald feels he is willing to "take a chance" on the Welch system, and
041735 - that it can be applied in working with the City, without prior
041736 - discussions.
041737 -
041738 - Ronald has a meeting with the superintendent. He will call me later
041739 - about meeting on this.
041740 -
041741 -
0418 -
0419 -
0420 - 1108 Ronald called back
0421 -
042101 - Ronald has completed meeting with a superintendent applicant, and has
042102 - an hour or so to meet on finalizing terms of a possible asisgnment.
042103 -
042104 - I explained I have another call (with Wayne Wetzel Deputy Directory of
042105 - the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation), ref SDS 13
042106 - 0001
042107 - ..
042108 - He has a meeting at City College beginning at noon, which he
042109 - estimates will take 6 hours.
042110 -
042111 - The meeting with City College is to review the job record as a result
042112 - of the ARC superintendent quitting. The project engineer, and other
042113 - representatives plan to review a lot of job correspondence in order to
042114 - ascertain status of pending issues.
042115 -
042116 - Yesterday we discussed the advantage of SDS that provides a record
042117 - that avoids this risk. ref SDS 11 0660
042118 - ..
042119 - Ronald will call me after the meeting with City College, and if
042120 - he feels up to it, we can meet here at 1800 or so. If he does not
042121 - feel up to another meeting, or if something else comes up, he wants me
042122 - to call him from Yves Barbero's office, about 1100, and he will pick
042123 - me up to drive back to my office for our meeting at 1130.
042124 -
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0422 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"