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1...Lenore will explain how to contact Pac Bell about developing password
0201 - A. R. Construction Company 415 656 2800
020101 - Mr. Ronald Arana; President
020102 -
0202 - JPS Net 800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. James Davey; Web Hosting Sales =Telephone
020202 -
020203 - Sales Department
Communication DSL Internet Access
DSL High Speed Transmission System
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 28 0000, ref SDS 27 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Research on DSL service for ARC's project at Golden Gate Park, and at
050604 - its home office, indicates Pac Bell is the most direct service
050605 - provider.
050606 -
050607 - [On 991108 got competivie price from Rythms. ref SDS 29 0001]
050608 -
050609 - [On 000401 Pac Bell called back. ref SDS 30 0001
050610 -
050611 -
050612 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Progress
0510 -
051001 - ..
051002 - Obtain Price for DSL Communication Access to Internet
051003 -
051004 - Follow up ref SDS 28 0710.
051005 -
051006 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Evelyn at Pac Bell, confirming our
051007 - telecon yesterday. ref SDS 28 0710
051008 -
051009 - She advises there are other DSL providers, so it is not necessary to
051010 - contract solely with Pac Bell. ref DRT 1 0001
051011 -
051012 - ARC has a centrix telephone system that is not compatible with DSL,
051013 - however, a fax line may be analog that would support DSL. ref DRT 1
051014 - 4575 confiriming discussion yesterday. ref SDS 28 1364
051015 -
051016 - The wire center (or central office) providing the analog service for
051017 - 415-781-5700 has DSL service capability. We can call the DSL order
051018 - desk...
051019 -
051020 -
051021 - 888-884-2375
051022 -
051023 -
051024 - ... to see if DSL service is available. ref DRT 1 3088
051025 -
051026 - ..
051027 - Evelyn has requested a call for a presentation by a Pac Bell
051028 - representative on DSL services, ref DRT 1 7189, per our telecon
051029 - yesterday. ref SDS 28 8160
051030 -
051031 - Web sites for getting information on Pac Bell DSL service are at...
051032 -
051033 -
051034 -
051035 -
051036 -
051037 -
051038 -
051039 -
051040 - [On 000401 received call from Pac Bell following up a call received
051041 - on 000329, which was a 4 month delay. ref SDS 30 4096
051042 -
051043 -
051044 - ..
0511 -
0512 -
0513 - 1208 received letter from JPS
0514 -
051401 - Received ref DRT 2 0001 from James at JPS confirming discussion
051402 - yesterday that we can use JPS for web hosting, and access the record
051403 - at DSL speed using Pac Bell. ref SDS 28 1700
051404 -
051405 -
051406 -
051407 -
0515 -
0516 -
0517 - 1351 called DSL Order Desk 888-884-2375
0518 -
051801 - Talked to Lenore.
051802 -
051803 - She has to investigate further with engineering to see if the wire
051804 - center is close enough to our building. It takes 3 or 4 days to get
051805 - a response.
051806 -
051807 - Talked to Gloria the supervisor
051808 -
051809 - Gloria said they may be able to get the information in 10 minutes,
051810 - but like to commit to 3 - 4 days.
051811 -
051812 - [On 000401 Pac Bell called back. ref SDS 30 0001
051813 -
051814 - Lenore says $200 installation charge is being waived.
051815 -
051816 - She cited other expenses.
051817 -
051818 - I asked her to submit a letter via email explaining the charges.
051819 -
051820 - Lenore will explain how to contact Pac Bell about developing password
051821 - security.
051822 -
051823 -
051824 -
051825 -
051826 -
051827 -
051828 -
051829 -
051830 -
0519 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"