440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 13, 1999 10:15 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received call from Ronald Arana with AR Construction Company.

2...AR Construction Awarded New Project, Needs Superintendent
3...Luncheon Meeting Developed Ideas to Support AR Construction
4...Background AR Construction
5...Current Work in Progress for AR Construction
6...Goals for AR Construction - Grow the Business with People and Tools
7...Welch Background - Construction, Litigation, Management Systems
8...Welch Tools and Expertise - Communication Metrics
9...Welch Goals - Implement Communication Metrics for Construction
10...Examples of Welch Work Product
11...References - Phone Numbers....

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...There is a meeting on 991025 with the City, perhaps for project
2...I recommend early attention on the CPM schedule.
3...We need an automation plan, ref DRP 1 5362, per scope of services with
4...We would need a computer work station configured at ARC's office so it
5...Would like to set up DSL or fiber optic link to ISP, since without it,

0201 - A. R. Construction Company           415 656 2800
020101 - Mr. Ronald Arana; President
020102 -


0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000, ref SDS 20 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Ronald needs support to launch a new project, and may need someone for
040504 - operations to manage projects while he focuses on business issues.
040505 - There is a strong interest in trying formal PM processes, and in
040506 - looking at automated systems, which can be provided by Communication
040507 - Metrics.  He is thinking along the lines of an initial 3 - 6 month
040508 - trial.  In the afternoon Ronald called and requested phone numbers to
040509 - call for references, so I included these in the record. ref SDS 0 2970
040510 -
040511 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record.
040512 -
040513 -     [On 991014 problems with email delivery, met again. ref SDS 23
040514 -     0001]
040515 -
040516 -
040517 -
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Discussion
0409 -
040901 -  ..
040902 - AR Construction Awarded New Project, Needs Superintendent
040903 -
040904 - Ronald Arana called in response to the resume, ref OF 4, he got from
040905 - the web address in the fax on 991004. ref SDS 21 0001
040906 -
040907 - Ronald is president of...
040908 -
040909 -         AR Construction
040910 -         6345 3rd Street
040911 -         San Francisco, CA
040912 -
040913 -     The cross street is James.
040914 -
040915 - His firm performs public works projects.
040916 -
040917 - He has a contract to start a $7.3M reservoir project in 6 weeks.  The
040918 - project is located in Golden Gate Park.  The owner is City of San
040919 - Francisco.
040920 -
040921 - He has been doing projects in the $4M range, so this is a step up.
040922 -
040923 - The firm is completing several other projects.  There are claims
040924 - pending in the amount of $500K.  A superintendent is preparing and
040925 - following up on the claims.
040926 -
040927 - He needs a superintendent to start the new project, and is looking for
040928 - a person to support a project management effort, possibly a
040929 - department.
040930 -
040931 - I said my payment objectives are in the $100K range, and might be
040932 - willing to start at $80K.
040933 -
040934 - Ronald is thinking along the lines of $70K.
040935 -
040936 - Ronald proposed a series of 3 meetings to review this opportunity.
040937 -
040938 - We will meet at 1200 in front of the Holiday Inn hotel on Kearny
040939 - across from the park.
040940 -
040941 -
040942 -
040943 -  ..
040944 - Luncheon Meeting Developed Ideas to Support AR Construction
040945 -
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 1200
0413 -
041301 - I waited until 1230 and was about to leave, when Ron arrived.  He
041302 - recalled setting the meeting for 1230, so I must not have heard him
041303 - correctly.
041304 -
041305 -
041306 -
041307 -  ..
041308 - Background AR Construction
041309 -
041310 - Ronald is the president of the company.  He studied nuclear
041311 - engineering at UC Berkeley.  He began building fences, then moved into
041312 - the home remodel business.  Not sure if he constructed new homes.
041313 -
041314 - To expand, he began public works construction, and grew the business
041315 - over 10 years to perform $5 - $10M annual volume.
041316 -
041317 - ARC is a family business. His wife is the office manager.  He has two
041318 - sons, sounds like early teens, who will one day take over the firm.
041319 -
041320 - There are two estimators.  One seems to do the take-off and pricing,
041321 - the other negotiates with subs.  ARC calculates quantities and prices
041322 - sub work to support negotiations for favorable sub bids.
041323 -
041324 - I concur with this practice.  It was very effective at Williams and
041325 - Burrows, and later at Welch Co.
041326 -
041327 - ARC bids about one job a week.  They only get 2 - 3 jobs per year
041328 - because Ronald insists on maintaining a 10% margin.  I concur with
041329 - this approach, rather than taking a lot of low margin work, which is
041330 - higher risk, spreading everyone too thin chasing too few dollars.
041331 -
041332 - Ronald has confidence in ARC's legal counsel, who is responsive to
041333 - Ron's calls because ARC is a major client.
041334 -
041335 - Ron enjoys the legal process, but is aware that legal entitlement does
041336 - not always yield a favorable result.
041337 -
041338 -     Concurrent Discovery, ref OF 3 2117, which I prepared for Dave
041339 -     Buonchristiani to deliver at the Asilomar Conference on 960620,
041340 -     may be of interest to Ronald. ref SDS 9 1101
041341 -
041342 - I asked about personalities?
041343 -
041344 - Ronald advised that ARC has its fair share of difficult people to deal
041345 - with.  He appreciates the need for strength and purpose in helping
041346 - people acclimate and transition to a new player, and new methods and
041347 - tools.
041348 -
041349 - I call this leadership with a broader vision in the New World Order...
041350 - paper. ref OF 2 5654
041351 -
041352 -
041353 -
041354 -  ..
041355 - Current Work in Progress for AR Construction
041356 -
041357 - Seems like there are several jobs finishing up, and only one or two
041358 - that have work in progress.
041359 -
041360 - ARC was low bidder on a project which has not been awarded due to a
041361 - challenge by a competitor that ARC made a technical error in
041362 - designating a sub.  ARC is asserting its right to the award, and has
041363 - the backing of the unions because the contesting party is evidently
041364 - not 100% union.
041365 - ..
041366 - The $7.3M job which has been awarded to ARC will be the biggest
041367 - job they have done.
041368 -
041369 - There is a meeting on 991025 with the City, perhaps for project
041370 - launch.
041371 -
041372 - I recommend early attention on the CPM schedule.
041373 -
041374 -
041375 -
041376 -  ..
041377 - Goals for AR Construction - Grow the Business with People and Tools
041378 -
041379 - Ronald wants to do larger projects and grow in annual volume.  This
041380 - requires developing people into a strong "machine" with effective work
041381 - processes.
041382 -
041383 - He mentioned several times the objective to develop...
041384 -
041385 -
041386 -                     "sophisticated systems"
041387 -
041388 -
041389 - ARC has used a superintendent/project management model in recent
041390 - years.  Ronald indicated consideration to segment this function on the
041391 - new project, and larger ones that may be performed in the period
041392 - ahead.  Superintendents typically rise through the ranks of trade
041393 - work, and this can be valuable experience for management, especially
041394 - in organizing and leading work crews.
041395 -
041396 - Larger projects need expertise that focuses on organization of work,
041397 - allocation of resources and coordinating senior people in collateral
041398 - organizations, including stake holders.  This is a communication
041399 - function that requires alignment with project requirements, which is
041400 - difficult to accomplish for a superintendent who is directing daily
041401 - activity on site.  Some people do a good job at this, but often the
041402 - complexity becomes overwhelming and masks problems until it is too
041403 - late to avoid delay and loss.
041404 -
041405 - Ronald noticed that superintendents maintain good relations with
041406 - everyone in order to keep the work running smoothly.  There is also a
041407 - need to ensure that work aligns with requirements and commitments so
041408 - that cost and schedule objectives are met.  These tasks can come into
041409 - conflict in some situations.  When performed by one person, personal
041410 - relations often crowd out good judgement about project management, and
041411 - the firm suffers.
041412 -
041413 - Accordingly, Ronald is moving in the direction of segmenting the PM
041414 - role from superintendence.
041415 -
041416 - ARC is using Expedition and other tools, which is pretty
041417 - "sophisticated" by the standards at Turner, Bechtel and other "big
041418 - name" places that have a lot difficulty managing projects.  Ronald
041419 - seemed to indicate his people are open to using technology to support
041420 - management.
041421 -
041422 - For example on 960629 Turner was trying to use Expedition for an
041423 - Enterprise Management effort, without great success. ref SDS 10 5952
041424 -
041425 - Project Management is itself a "sophisticated" field, as seen from the
041426 - PMBOK and ISO standards reviewed on 950721. ref SDS 7 4612
041427 -
041428 - Ronald's near term goal is to perform $10M - $20M annual volume over
041429 - the next few years.  He feels growth above $5M range can be achieved
041430 - faster relative to the 10 years it took to reach the $5M plateau,
041431 - because he has now earned the confidence of the bonding companies and
041432 - so continued success showing a profit will support a faster growth
041433 - curve.
041434 -
041435 - The strong economy provides ample opportunity to meet ARC's growth
041436 - objectives.  The challenge will be to maintain the quality of
041437 - management while ramping up, to ensure budgeted profit is met or
041438 - exceeded.
041439 -
041440 - Ronald is looking into bidding a $15M job, I believe in Santa Cruz,
041441 - but bonding issues may impact the final decision on whether to
041442 - proceed.
041443 -
041444 - He wants to focus on business issues.  His immediate goal is to build
041445 - an organization that can perform projects on time and on budget.
041446 -
041447 -
041448 -
041449 -  ..
041450 - Welch Background - Construction, Litigation, Management Systems
041451 -
041452 - Reviewed growing up in Cupertino working for my Dad in his home
041453 - remodel business.  During college in Portland, Oregon got a job as the
041454 - personal assistant for Bill Lord, the president of Lord Bros. a medium
041455 - sized engineering contractor.  After two years in Vietnam, joined my
041456 - Uncle's construction firm in Menlo Park as his estimator.  We had a
041457 - falling out, and I joined Williams and Burrows as an estimator.  This
041458 - experience led to the view that "estimating" is the foundation for
041459 - managing projects because it provides knowledge of the work, the subs,
041460 - and terms of the contract, that provide opportunities for scope
041461 - adjustments which increase earning potential.
041462 -
041463 - At 24, my Uncle asked me to start a branch office in Sacramento. This
041464 - worked too well.  Soon the Sacramento office was doing more business
041465 - than Menlo Park, which led to another falling out and I left.  Bill
041466 - Lord then sponsored a branch office of Lord Bros. in Sacramento.  Two
041467 - years later at 26 I got a contractors license and started Welch
041468 - Construction with earnings from the prior partnership ventures.
041469 -
041470 - Five years later the Pier 11 Fender project was undertaken.  At lunch
041471 - I related this 15 year effort.  It is in explained somewhat in the
041472 - letter to Mike Timpane, ref DIP 1 3966, if Ron wants further
041473 - background.  He can also ask his lawyer about the case...
041474 -
041475 -
041476 -         Welch v. State of California, 139 CA Third, page 586
041477 -
041478 -
041479 - This experience provided expertise in claims and litigation, and shows
041480 - significant risk in contracting.  It, also, shows that human relations
041481 - in business ebb and flow over time, with success and difficulties,
041482 - sometimes despite hard work, good ideas and good intentions by
041483 - everyone.
041484 -
041485 -
041486 -
041487 -  ..
041488 - Welch Tools and Expertise - Communication Metrics
041489 -
041490 - Experience in contracting and litigation led to formulation of
041491 - automated tools to improve management.
041492 -
041493 - Not everyone agrees on what it takes to "manage" anything, so strong
041494 - leadership is needed in the beginning to help people experience new
041495 - methods that increase earnings over time.
041496 - ..
041497 - Communication Metrics adds "control" to communication to
041498 - supplement cost and schedule control.  This sounds simple, but is
041499 - quite complex because communication is more difficult than people
041500 - realize.
041501 -
041502 - Command and Control of the Record is explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 1113
041503 -
041504 - Communication Metrics has been used mostly against contractors.
041505 - ..
041506 - ARC presents an opportunity to support the contractor.  I am
041507 - willing to try this, and believe it can improve earnings, but it
041508 - requires initial recognition that people will object for a few months,
041509 - until the benefits begin rolling in, as seen from the meeting with a
041510 - Corps of Engineers rep on 961017. ref SDS 13 5832
041511 -
041512 -     [On 991014 Ronald is concerned subs and engineers will object to
041513 -     email and web mail because they want to use fax. ref SDS 23 2066]
041514 -
041515 - Another example is the discussion with Bob Johnston, President of
041516 - Dutra Construction on 970107. ref SDS 14 4953
041517 -
041518 -
041519 -  ..
041520 - Welch Goals - Implement Communication Metrics for Construction
041521 -
041522 - I would like to support a contractor.  ARC presents a good opportunity
041523 - because they do not seem to have a lot of work underway, and we would
041524 - be starting a project, so there is not a lot of catch up work to do.
041525 -
041526 -     [On 991014 Ronald recognized this opportunity. ref SDS 23 2900]
041527 - ..
041528 - One problem is working full-time at ARC's office.  Since I
041529 - basically work 24 hours a day, commuting wastes a lot of time.  We
041530 - obviously have to interact with the team.  My guess is this will work
041531 - itself out based on performance.
041532 - ..
041533 - There should be no illusions that introducing new systems takes
041534 - a lot of hours that are largely trial and error work.  It is fun and
041535 - productive if leadership supports the effort, but nearly impossible if
041536 - there are endless emotional battles over every sub-level initiative.
041537 - We have to turn out the PM work day-to-day, and this always discloses
041538 - new ideas for improving the tools.  Making those improvements takes
041539 - time to create and test.  We have to teach new concepts and train
041540 - people to implement, and it all has to transition smoothly with ARC's
041541 - exisitng methods. So its a big job - not something for the 8 - 5
041542 - mentality.
041543 -
041544 -      [On 991015 Pat asked about the ability to keep the record up.
041545 -      ref SDS 24 3381]
041546 - ..
041547 - Ideally, we can gain leadership support in the beginning with
041548 - the vision and planning for new systems on a reasonable scale. ARC is
041549 - a fairly good setting because there are not many levels of management
041550 - to wade through for approvals.
041551 - ..
041552 - So this is doable, if there is initial buy-in at the top.  That
041553 - seems to be Ronald's concept.
041554 -
041555 - We need an automation plan, ref DRP 1 5362, per scope of services with
041556 - Corps of Engineers. ref DRP 1 4929
041557 -
041558 - We would need a computer work station configured at ARC's office so it
041559 - is easy to transfer stuff.  This might cost $2K or so.  I would be
041560 - willing to pay for the thing to ensure proper configuration.
041561 -
041562 - Would like to set up DSL or fiber optic link to ISP, since without it,
041563 - things go a little too slow for expeding daily operations.  That may
041564 - already be done.
041565 -
041566 -      [On 991014 discussed automation planning. ref SDS 24 1581]
041567 - ..
041568 - I mentioned at lunch that $80K with some incentives, is probably
041569 - a better figure to shoot for than Ronald's initial idea.  Buying
041570 - expertise too cheap, tends to cause people to listen to other more
041571 - expensive players.  They don't follow advise and things fall apart. In
041572 - any case, the role of this investment is to increase earnings.  If it
041573 - does not do that, $80K or $100K won't be the issue.
041574 -
041575 - A $7M project, along with a $15M annual volume, presents a lot of
041576 - opportunity to "discover" bigger earnings, provided ARC holds to its
041577 - course of 10% margins.  If we can jump it to 12% or even 15% through
041578 - effective management, $10K is not an issue.
041579 - ..
041580 - I suggested giving a presentation to ARC on Com Metrics to
041581 - explain the "plan, perform, report" process. ref OF 1 1103  If he and
041582 - his people feel they can support this method, then maybe something can
041583 - be worked out.
041584 -
041585 -     [On 991015 explained Com Metrics at ARC's office. ref SDS 24 3002]
041586 -
041587 - Ron raised the idea of trying a 3 - 6 month commitment.
041588 -
041589 - I agree with this.  It can be on a contract basis, rather than payroll
041590 - to minimize AR Construction's paperwork, and fits well with the NSF
041591 - initiative set out in the Welch resume. ref OF 4 4690
041592 -
041593 - We will try to meet again in a few days.
041594 -
041595 -    [On 991014 Ronald called and requested a meeting. ref SDS 23 2275]
041596 -
041597 -
041598 -  ..
041599 - Examples of Welch Work Product
041600 -
041601 - I suggested that Ron and his team review some Welch meeting notes to
041602 - get a feel for the process and see if this is something they want to
041603 - try.
041604 -
041605 -     920128 analyse replace v. retrofit speed increaser on generator
041606 -     for Broadwater Dam. ref SDS 2 0001
041607 -
041608 -     940928 saving money on PG&E project with CDWR. ref SDS 5 0001
041609 -
041610 -     961009 progress meeting notes. ref SDS 11 0001
041611 -
041612 -     970320 Construction Launch meeting notes. ref SDS 15 0000
041613 -
041614 -     990910 meeting with Doctor Boulris. ref SDS 19 0000
041615 -
041616 -
041617 -  ..
041618 - References - Phone Numbers....
041619 -
041620 - In the afternoon, Ronald called back and requested phone numbers for
041621 - references in the resume.
041622 -
041623 -
041624 -     1.  Max Blodgett at USACE              415 977 8444
041625 -         Background Meeting on 960105
041626 -         ref SDS 8 0001
041627 -
041628 -     2.  Bill DeHart at PG&E                415 973 1014
041629 -         Background Meeting on 941004
041630 -         ref SDS 6 4920
041631 -
041632 -     3.  Wayne Wetzel at DNRC               406 444 6722
041633 -         Background Meeting on 911205
041634 -         ref SDS 1 8402
041635 -
041636 -     4.  Dave Buonchristiani                415 392 6320
041637 -         Attorney with TRP
041638 -         Background Telecon on 990419
041639 -         ref SDS 17 9420
041640 -
041641 -     5.  Denis Henmi at Kwan Hemin          415 777 4770
041642 -         Background Telecon on 990419
041643 -         ref SDS 16 0000
041644 -
041645 -     6.  Morris Jones at Intel              408 545 9521
041646 -         Background Telecon on 991010
041647 -         ref SDS 22 0001
041648 -
041649 -
041650 -
041651 -
041652 -
041653 -
041654 -
041655 -
041656 -
041657 -
041658 -
041659 -
041660 -
041661 -
0417 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"