440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 12, 1999 01:19 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Sent Morris review of his comments on Mars space probe problem.
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Director of Architecture =408 545 9521
Bridge from Known to New Work Methods
Commercial Partners for Phase II Funding
Partners Locate, Develop
NSF Research Support
Communication Main Factor of Success, Management Productivity
Writing SDS Different from Wordprocessing
Mistakes in NASA JPL Space Program
Risk Management Communication Main Task of Managers, Largest Risk
1510 - ..
1511 - Summary/Objective
1512 -
151201 - Follow up ref SDS 47 0000, ref SDS 46 0000.
151202 -
151203 - Will try using the method Morris suggests on 991009 of putting links
151204 - in email. ref SDS 46 4154
151205 -
151206 - Actually, this did not work. I was unable to figure out how to
151207 - get HTML functional in an email. It just showed up as HTML text.
151208 -
151209 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 responding to Morris' letter, ref DRP 5 0001,
151210 - received on 991010. ref SDS 47 1560
151211 -
151212 - [On 991014 Morris appreciated the effort, but overlooked the
151213 - effect on the lack of intelligence. ref SDS 48 0001]
151214 -
151215 - Linked to discussion on 991009 about putting letters in email.
151216 - ref SDS 46 4154
151217 -
151218 - Linked to strong cultural forces on 990527. ref SDS 15 1233
151219 -
151220 - Linked to Morris suggestion on 990721 to explain SDS as a memory aid.
151221 - ref SDS 20 0001
151222 -
151223 - Linked to his letter on 980903. ref DRP 2 0001, received on,
151224 - ref SDS 11 0001
151225 -
151226 - Linked to new math humor in the letter to Dave. ref SDS 39 0001
151227 -
151228 -
151229 -
151230 -
151231 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"