440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 30, 1999 10:01 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Received letter from Wayne on SDS update being accurate.

2...Analysis Shows Submission is Correct and Can Be Installed

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0201 - Dep Natrl Recrs & Consrvtn         406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel; Deputy Director =406 444 6722; Director's Office

SDS Update, Sep 17, 1999
Sep 29, 1999

0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 22 0000, ref SDS 19 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Wayne responding to my letter,
050604 - ref DIP 9 0001, yesterday sending updated SDS code.
050605 -
050606 - Wayne cites following problems...
050607 -
050608 -     1.  The file is 2.01 MB and I have an earlier (Sept
050609 -         10) that is 3.89 MB. Presumably there were other things in
050610 -         earlier updates that I should have incorporated into SDS that
050611 -         up to now, I haven't.
050612 -
050613 -     2.  Also, when  you implemented the major revision, there were
050614 -         other files like
050615 -
050616 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record advising review
050617 - indicates the submission is okay to install.
050618 -
050619 - Also, linked to comments from Amy on Tuesday, 990928, about not
050620 - wanting to perform detailed management work. ref SDS 21 3658
050621 -
050622 -
050623 -
050624 -  ..
050624 - Analysis Shows Submission is Correct and Can Be Installed
050625 -
050626 - I sent him an interim email saying I will investigate, and speculating
050627 - that the prior 3.89 MB upgrade file included the entire Medit code,
050628 - and this current submission only includes recent changes to Medit
050629 - code, which is much smaller.
050630 -
050631 - Investigation showed...
050632 -
050633 -     1.  I zipped up SDS again and it comes out about 2M, which is
050634 -         what was submitted on 990929, so that is correct.
050635 -
050636 -     2.  I zipped SDS and included the entire Medit code and it comes
050637 -         out 3.9M, which correlates with the record Wayne cites.
050638 -
050639 - The prior submission of a file, which transmits SDS records on
050640 - the d drive, is not clear in the record.
050641 -
050642 -    Normally there is no reason to send SDS records to Wayne in
050643 -    connection with updating the SDS program which are stored only on
050644 -    the c and h drive partitions.
050645 -
050646 -    On 990119 Wayne reported a problem that SDS was not booting up
050647 -    correctly, and sent his SDS records using a file for me to
050648 -    fix. ref SDS 5 4290
050649 -
050650 -    On 990120 the problem was solved.  I sent Wayne updated SDS program
050651 -    code.  At that time I could have corrected his SDS records and
050652 -    returned them using a file, but the record does not show
050653 -    this was done. ref SDS 6 0320   It appears instead that I called
050654 -    Wayne and explained how to fix his 00 Schedule file, and then sent
050655 -    a letter linked to the record that has the explanation. ref SDS 6
050656 -    9488  The letter to Wayne seems to indicate he was following
050657 -    instructions about fixing the 00 file, and not receiving a
050658 -    file. ref DIP 5 0001
050659 -
050660 -    Possibly I sent a file but did not report it, and this
050661 -    accounts for Wayne's recollection.  Or, he may have confused his
050662 -    submission by recalling now that it was something he received from
050663 -    me.  This happens a lot these days due to information overload...
050664 -
050665 -       On 970107 the President of Dutra Engineering had a similar issue
050666 -       arise. ref SDS 1 4953
050667 -
050668 -       On 980214 the President of Kwan Henmi, AIA, reported similar
050669 -       experience using email. ref SDS 2 0923
050670 -
050671 -    If Wayne has a specific letter showing I submitted a file
050672 -    this would clarify the record.  Maybe something important happened
050673 -    that requires review.
050674 -
050675 -
050676 -
050677 -
050678 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - 1125 called Wayne
0510 -
051001 - Left message I have submitted a response to his inquiry, and that it
051002 - looks like it is okay to install the stuff sent yesterday.
051003 -
051004 - Suggested he call and we can walk through the steps.
051005 -
051006 -
051007 -
051008 -
051009 -
051010 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"