440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 29, 1999 12:20 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received letter from Wayne at DNRC, he needs another SDS update.

2...FTP SDS Updated Code to Web in Directory "10"
3...Install full SDS replacement code with following commands...
4...Improvements Explained
5...Solving Management Mistakes, Saving Money, Injury, Lives

Click here to comment!

0201 - Dep Natrl Recrs & Consrvtn         406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel; Deputy Director =406 444 6722; Director's Office

SDS Update, Sep 17, 1999
Sep 29, 1999

0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Wayne saying he has not downloaded any of
050604 - the prior updates, so the last one sent that was an upgrade of the
050605 - prior update, needs to be replaced with a set of full replacement
050606 - code.
050607 -
050608 - Prepared ref DIT 1 0001 sending SDS replacement code, including last
050609 - change to Medit by Morris on 990912. ref SDS 15 0672
050610 -
050611 -     [On 990930 Wayne requested confirmation that submission is
050612 -     correct. ref SDS 19 0001]
050613 -
050614 -
050615 -  ..
050616 - FTP SDS Updated Code to Web in Directory "10"
050617 -
050618 - Follow up ref SDS 17 3472, ref SDS 13 8398.
050619 -
050620 - Uploaded to web site...
050621 -
050622 -
050623 -          
050624 -
050625 - ..
050626 - Download replacement code to...
050627 -
050628 -
050629 -                         C:\10
050630 -
050631 -
050632 - This is a full replacement, so Wayne should FIRST copy existing SDS
050633 - code to another drive, typically e or i, as follows...
050634 -
050635 -
050636 -             C>xcopy c:\01\04\*.* e:\01\04\ /s   [Enter]
050637 -
050638 -             C>xcopy c:\sd\01\*.* e:\sd\01\ /s   [Enter]
050639 -
050640 -             C>xcopy c:\sd\03\*.* e:\sd\03\ /s   [Enter]
050641 -
050642 -             C>xcopy h:\sd\04\*.* e:\sd\04\ /s   [Enter]
050643 -
050644 -             C>xcopy h:\sd\05\*.* e:\sd\05\ /s   [Enter]
050645 -
050646 -
050647 - ...and then delete it from the operational drives on c and h,
050648 -
050649 -             C>del c:\01\04
050650 -
050651 -        **   C>dd h:\sd\05
050652 -
050653 -             C>del c:\sd\01
050654 -
050655 -             C>del c:\sd\03
050656 -
050657 -             C>del h:\sd\04
050658 -
050659 -      ** Note:  use dd to delete subdirectories, before deleting sd 01
050660 -         because that is where dd.exe is stored.
050661 -
050662 -         Alternatively, use W98 file management to remove h: sd 05
050663 -
050664 -
050665 -
050666 - Install full SDS replacement code with following commands...
050667 -
050668 -               C>zu -d -n cs c:\ *.*             [Enter]
050669 -
050670 -               C>zu -d -n hs h:\ *.*             [Enter]
050671 -
050672 -
050673 - This code has Wayne's name as the only User, so he does not have to
050674 - edit this out.
050675 -
050676 - Sent ref DIT 1 0001 to Wayne notifying the replacement code is on the
050677 - web.
050678 -
050679 -
050680 -
050681 -  ..
050682 - Improvements Explained
050683 -
050684 - Linked to explanation of improvements reported on 990823. ref SDS 13
050685 - 0792
050686 -
050687 -
050688 -
050689 -  ..
050690 - Solving Management Mistakes, Saving Money, Injury, Lives
050691 -
050692 - Linked to letter, ref DIP 1 0001, responding to articles on high cost
050693 - of medical mistakes submitted on 990924. ref SDS 18 3922
050694 -
050695 -
050696 -
050697 -
050698 -
050699 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"