440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 21, 1999 10:21 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Morris about contacting Dave Vannier on NSF issue at Intel.
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Director of Architecture =408 545 9521
Bridge from Known to New Work Methods
Commercial Partners for Phase II Funding
Partners Locate, Develop
NSF Research Support
Communication Main Factor of Success, Management Productivity
Writing SDS Different from Wordprocessing
1108 - ..
1109 - Summary/Objective
1110 -
111001 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000, ref SDS 16 0000.
111002 -
111003 - Called and left message about whether Morris has called Dave Vannier
111004 - per planning on 990912. ref SDS 15 4410
111005 -
111006 - [On 991009 Morris said he tried to call Dave once. ref SDS 22
111007 - 0001]
111008 -
111009 - I don't think I sent Dave a copy of the letter, ref DIP 3 0001, to
111010 - Morris on 990916, ref SDS 18 0002, linked to record on Navy articles.
111011 - ref SDS 19 0001
111012 -
111013 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Dave linked to his letter, ref DRP 1 6033,
111014 - on 990907. ref SDS 10 0800
111015 -
111016 - [On 990923 called to follow up. ref SDS 20 0001]
111017 -
111018 - [On 991007 called Dave to follow up. ref SDS 21 0001]
111019 -
111020 - Linked to NSF proposal. ref OF 2
111021 -
111022 - Linked to report of medical mistakes on 990912. ref SDS 14 0001
111023 -
111024 - Linked to discussion with Landauer on 960624 concerning the need for
111025 - people to gain experience to have faith in technology they do not
111026 - understand. ref SDS 4 1037
111027 -
111028 - Linked to explanation of benefits to internal management discussed
111029 - with Morris on 890809. ref SDS 2 0880
111030 -
111031 - Linked to explanation of benefits for contractors from work with USACE
111032 - on 970107. ref SDS 5 4953
111033 -
111034 - Linked to intelligence explained in POIMS paper. ref OF 1 0582
111035 -
111036 - Linked to Grove on need for strong leadership. ref SDS 6 4316
111037 -
111038 -
111039 -
111040 -
111041 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"