440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 17, 1999 08:31 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Article on readers prefer printed material to electronic media.
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Paperless Office
Reading Expedited by SDS Judicious Review
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 19 0000, ref SDS 15 0000.
060602 -
060603 - An article, ref OF 8 0001, in the San Francisco Chronicle on page B3,
060604 - published 990913 explains advantages of printed media...
060605 -
060606 - portability
060607 - ease of use
060608 - privacy
060609 -
060610 - ...that restrain the move toward a "paperless" office, also, called a
060611 - "virtual office." ref OF 8 1081
060612 - ..
060613 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Anne Blackman who mentioned over
060614 - the weekend that she has an email address. Anne might enjoy this
060615 - article that supports a popular view about advantages of printed
060616 - material. Linked to the letter for Craig Boulris at Kaiser,
060617 - ref DIP 7 0001, which shows how the web supports medical practice,
060618 - from the record on 990913. ref SDS 17 7728
060619 -
060620 - [On 991001 followed up. ref SDS 20 0001]
060621 -
060622 - This assessment reflects in part the article in Today's Engineer
060623 - reviewed on 980613 that cited limited progress toward the "virtual
060624 - office" lauded by technologists for the past 15 years. ref SDS 4 0526
060625 - The Today's Engineer article said the problem is information overload.
060626 - ref SDS 4 2109
060627 -
060628 - The article in the Chronicle does not explain how continuing to use
060629 - paper relieves information overload.
060630 -
060631 - I have noticed that some people do "paperwork" while traveling to and
060632 - from work on BART trains. This reflects portablity and ease-of-use,
060633 - cited in the Chronicle, as advantages of printed media.
060634 -
060635 - I, also, notice, however, that the work performed is cursory and
060636 - awkward.
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060638 - Reading, alone, which can be done well with printed media, reduces
060639 - productivity in management. Reading novels and magazines for
060640 - entertainment, therefore, works well in printed media.
060641 -
060642 - The management arena needs connections between what is read, and
060643 - objectives, history and other sources. Without connections, which are
060644 - easily accomplished in SDS, reading, alone, reduces productivity
060645 - because it provides only cursory understanding, and no opportunity to
060646 - create controllable action items.
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