440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 5, 1999 08:07 PM Sunday; Rod Welch

Received letter from Rita on family matters.

2...Struggle of Culture and Ideas
3...Resume and Job Search Support
4...Life and Friendship
5...Visiting Judy and Norman

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Additionally, Rita does not actually submit the resume. At least I



0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0000, ref SDS 32 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Have received 5 letters from Rita the past month.  Submitted a
040504 - response, ref DIT 1 0001, linked to this record, to the record on
040505 - 950426, that relates frustration of the "genie in the bottle."
040506 - ref SDS 5 8599
040507 -
040508 -
040509 -
040510 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Finally got a chance to read Rita's five letters sent the past few
040902 - weeks.
040903 -
040904 - Her first letter, ref DRT 1 0001, sent on 990823 thoughtfully offers
040905 - understanding of my current struggle to "communicate," and asks me to
040906 - write more often. ref DRT 1 2709
040907 -
040908 - She picks up on my comment that it is only half-true to describe Rita
040909 - as a live wire. ref DRT 1 1116  I think what I have in mind is that
040910 - Rita is quite a bit more than a "live wire," having considerable
040911 - imagination to support a lot of energy, wit, and zest for life.
040912 -
040913 - Rita offers good wishes for my visit with Kathleen on 990822, when she
040914 - and Bob came to pick up the computer, ref DRT 1 1596, and I spent a
040915 - few hours explaining things. ref SDS 38 0001  Rita notes Kathleen's
040916 - strong intellect, despite denials by Kathleen.
040917 -
040918 -
040919 -  ..
040920 - Struggle of Culture and Ideas
040921 -
040922 - Rita asks for an explanation of my struggle with culture and ideas.
040923 - ref DRT 1 0980   She comments...
040924 -
040925 -     I believe we are alienated only to the extent we allow the outside
040926 -     to take over our insides.  Knowing exactly who we are on the
040927 -     inside, is the difference.  If I do not know WHO I AM, then I will
040928 -     accept as truth what others say about me. Ergo, know thyself!  As
040929 -     for communication, we can only manage what we, ourselves, mean to
040930 -     say, how we say it, and why.  We can never anticipate or control
040931 -     what others will make of it.  Nor do we need to.
040932 -
040933 - This perspective is powerful and useful for self-awareness.
040934 -
040935 - My particular struggle seems different.
040936 -
040937 - I am concerned that having discovered a better way to use the alphabet
040938 - (see explanation on 990218. ref SDS 22 7790) that lifts the capacity
040939 - to think, remember and communicate, I cannot help others grasp this
040940 - opportunity, and so am adrift in a sea of ignorance, fear and denial,
040941 - cited by Wayne Wetzel on 920110. ref SDS 1 4839 and again on 920128.
040942 - ref SDS 2 1199  I am speaking a language that colleagues do not
040943 - understand, friends shun, and everyone refuses to consider.  I fear
040944 - the opportunity is slipping away, as the prospect looms of me leaving
040945 - the scene without having passed along this secret to advance
040946 - civilization.
040947 -
040948 - Such, is the stuff of hubris; yet, no one seems to be taking up the
040949 - sword, despite analysis in the NWO paper. ref OF 2 7055
040950 -
040951 - Those most helped, and who daily struggle and cry out for a solution
040952 - (see for example the report on 950412, ref SDS 4 3920, refuse to see,
040953 - as evidenced by discussion on 990527. ref SDS 31 1233 Refusal is not
040954 - an evil design, but merely culture, i.e., inertia of success, reviewed
040955 - on 980307. ref SDS 11 3740
040956 -
040957 - Cultural challenge arises because I have found a multi-discipline
040958 - solution, set out in the POIMS paper, ref OF 1 2688, to the dilemma of
040959 - civilization's thirst for knowledge that leads to faster ways of
040960 - getting information, which in turn causes mistakes, conflict and
040961 - frustration, as explained in the New World Order... paper, ref OF 2
040962 - 1675, and Johanna Neuman's book, "Light's Camera, War." ref SDS 7 9405
040963 -
040964 - There is not a convenient path for assimilating a multi-discipline
040965 - solution.  Cultural forces prevent cognitive science from contributing
040966 - to management science and accepting input from technology, the law,
040967 - religion, journalism and investing. Technologists are equally
040968 - resistant to input from cognitive science, law, religion, etc.; and,
040969 - managers demur from the notion that any combination of ideas and
040970 - technolgy can help them. Managers attend a lot of conferences on
040971 - improving "management," and get MBA degrees, but their work practice
040972 - is unchanged from a daily process of reacting to events with a
040973 - constant stream of dialog, essentially foraging on informtion, much
040974 - like nomadic hunter, gathers, explained on 950426. ref SDS 6 4404
040975 -
040976 - Fear of accountability reviewed on 980405 prevents using intelligence.
040977 - ref SDS 12 5065
040978 -
040979 - Cite recent issue of privacy on the Internet, ref DIT 1 0754; and
040980 - mention problem of people not having enough time to read their own
040981 - mail, much less read other people's stuff, from work on 970910.
040982 - ref SDS 10 3479   The problem at S&C is an example, ref SDS 33 0001;
040983 - another is the meeting with Sylvia on 990625. ref SDS 35 2652  This
040984 - results in continual bumbling, rather than the managerial ideal of
040985 - continual learning, because people do not have enough time to prepare
040986 - for their work, as reviewed on 990817. ref SDS 37 8663
040987 -
040988 -
040989 -
040990 -  ..
040991 - Resume and Job Search Support
040992 -
040993 - Rita's second letter on 990826, ref DRT 2 0001, mentions a discussion
040994 - with Kathleen concerning configuration of Kathleen's computer,
040995 - referring again to the orientation on 990822. ref SDS 38 0001  Rita
040996 - compliments my work, based on discussion with Kathleen, and says she
040997 - does not need something "...that complicated," evidently referring to
040998 - SDS.
040999 -
041000 - Kathleen suggested Rita submit her resume, ref DRT 2 4402, with the
041001 - idea I might have useful contacts.  She wants to start at or above $13
041002 - per hour. ref DRT 2 4284  I do not have any contacts in the Sacramento
041003 - area, and none really anywhere that can help on the resume issue.
041004 -
041005 - Additionally, Rita does not actually submit the resume.  At least I
041006 - did not notice the attachment to her email.  I will let her know, so
041007 - she can send it along if she wants me to comment, which she in fact
041008 - requests in the last paragraph. ref DRT 2 3355
041009 -
041010 - She submits what seems to be a prototype cover letter for her resume,
041011 - or maybe it is an actual transmittal submitted on a specific position.
041012 - ref DRT 2 0002
041013 -
041014 - The letter relates grades in recent schooling, and seems to be
041015 - directed at applying for a position with the Auburn board of
041016 - supervisors. ref DRT 2 1521
041017 -
041018 - I think Rita would be excellent for any job that entails public
041019 - contact and communication.  The cover letter is great if it is
041020 - submitted to somone she knows, or has met.
041021 -
041022 -
041023 -
041024 -  ..
041025 - Life and Friendship
041026 -
041027 - A third letter on 990902 forwards a chain-type letter on issues of
041028 - life.
041029 -
041030 - A fourth letter on 990902 forwards a story on friendship.  The story
041031 - relates the notion that harmful actions, as for example from a bad
041032 - temper, have permenant consequences, in this case on friendships. This
041033 - is embodied in the parable of the moving hand having written, words
041034 - cannot be retrieved.  This is a lesson of life along the lines of
041035 - "look before you leap."
041036 -
041037 -
041038 -
041039 -  ..
041040 - Visiting Judy and Norman
041041 -
041042 - Rita's fifth letter, also sent on 990902, relates plans to visit
041043 - Judy and Norman for lunch.
041044 -
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041049 -
041050 -
041051 -
0411 -