440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 27, 1999 10:25 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Research industry practice on PM and Com Metrics, NSF proposal.
2...PM Software Needs Communication Support to Be Effective
3...Formula for Project Success: team, talent, time
4...Limited Time Impacts CEOs and Project Managers
5...Projects Move Too Fast for Managers to Use Written Discussion
6...Training Makes Technology Work for Manager, Rather Than the Other Way
7...Microsoft Office 2000 Has Increased Advantages and Risks
8...Virtual Basic for Applications Risk Security Using Internet
9...Powerful "Double Agents" Place Security and Privacy at Risk
10...Sabotage by Disappointed Employees, Office 2000 Increases Opportunity
11...Co-evolution of Advantage and Risk is Common Cost/Benefit Issue
12...Advantages Must be Deployed to Improve Productivity, Despite Risks
13...Communication and Security Conflicts Require Risk Management
14...Follow Up Research Sources
Click here to comment!
0201 - Micro Times, HPC, Inc 510 768 1200
020101 - 1300 Clay Street #820, Oakland, CA
020102 - Ms. Deidra-Ann Parrish; Contributing Editor =Telephone
020103 - Contributing Editors
Industry Contacts
PM Automated Support, CPM
Writers on Technology, PM
Management of IT is Poor
Communication Main Factor of Success, Management Productivity
0808 -
0808 - ..
0809 - Summary/Objective
0810 -
081001 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000.
081002 -
081003 - Article in Micro Times recognizes that software needs to be applied
081004 - with management skills in order for projects to succeed. Article
081005 - cites importance of communication, but does not discuss the impact of
081006 - limited time and span of attention.
081007 -
081008 - Submitted ref DIT 1 linked to this record for context on the need for
081009 - communication support in the face of limited time.
081010 -
081011 - Email bounced back at address in article...
081012 -
081013 -
081014 -
081015 - Submitted to editor, Stephen Lawton, requesting forward to author.
081016 -
081017 -
081018 - Second article explains risks caused by advantages of new features in
081019 - Microsoft Office 2000 for increasing ease of access through the
081020 - Internet and the integration of applications. ref SDS 0 9788
081021 -
081022 - [On 990728 notified Dan about article. ref SDS 17 0001]
081023 -
081024 - [On 991110 new virus uses new MS features. ref SDS 21 0674]
081025 -
081026 -
081027 -
081028 -
081029 -
0811 -
0812 -
0813 - Progress
0814 -
081401 - ..
081402 - PM Software Needs Communication Support to Be Effective
081403 -
081404 - Micro Times July 21, 1999 on page 43 has an article on project
081405 - management that explains good tools are not enough to make projects
081406 - successful. ref OF 10
081407 -
081408 - This aligns with the POIMS theory. ref OF 1 8844
081409 -
081410 - Author recommends good communication system is essential ingredient
081411 - to make project successful.
081412 -
081413 - Below, another article explains risks of excessive information,
081414 - which is a risk of communication. ref SDS 0 9788
081415 -
081416 - This aligns with seminar on 950202 presented by Kerzner who advocated
081417 - need to integrate cost, schedule and communications. ref SDS 2 0333
081418 -
081419 - Author recommends analyzing projects to discover why they don't work
081420 - out as expected. ref OF 10 2115
081421 -
081422 - This aligns with Communication Metrics theory of Concurrent Discovery
081423 - cited in the New World Order paper, ref OF 2 1780, that builds
081424 - contemporaneous case studies to facilitate analysis and discovery of
081425 - difficulties and effective work practices. ref OF 2 7351
081426 -
081427 - Article explains that making someone a project manager because they
081428 - can use project management software is a mistake, because managing
081429 - projects requires skills beyond software. ref OF 10 7452
081430 -
081431 - This aligns with experience reported on 950705 where poor results led
081432 - to the demise of project management, rather than training qualified
081433 - project managers. ref SDS 4 2165 and at ref SDS 4 2955 It reflects in
081434 - part that the IT industry has grown so quickly that it has not had
081435 - time to produce people who can manage complex IT projects, as reported
081436 - on 950428. ref SDS 3 7007 Sunshine profits of a new industry can, as
081437 - Peter Drucker points out, buy off the effects of bad management for
081438 - awhile, per analysis on 990625, ref SDS 13 6722, Parrish's point seems
081439 - to be that someday, the sun will begin to set on IT, and to remain
081440 - competitive, management skills are essential.
081441 -
081442 -
081443 -
081444 - ..
081445 - Formula for Project Success: team, talent, time
081446 -
081447 - The author suggests following rule...
081448 -
081449 - success = t + t x t
081450 -
081451 - ...where ts = team, talent and time. ref OF 10 3468
081452 -
081453 - Presumably, "team" encompasses the need for effective "communication"
081454 - (and "problem handling"), which other writers say is the primary
081455 - ingredient of project success, for example...
081456 -
081457 - On 951212 article reports study showing communication biggest risk
081458 - factor in projects. ref SDS 5 4433
081459 -
081460 - On 990625 article in Fortune reports inadequate communication is
081461 - main cause of CEO failure. ref SDS 13 1024
081462 -
081463 -
081464 - ..
081465 - Limited Time Impacts CEOs and Project Managers
081466 - Projects Move Too Fast for Managers to Use Written Discussion
081467 -
081468 - Groupware and intranet vendors promote shared discussion threads on
081469 - Web pages or in newsgroups. But they usually play a minor role in the
081470 - real world. Usually, projects are moving too fast for idle written
081471 - discussion during working hours. ref OF 10 8333
081472 -
081473 - Need references for groupware and intranet vendors who use web pages
081474 - for discussion threads.
081475 -
081476 - Asked for this in a post script. ref DIT 1 1980
081477 -
081478 - Bob Johnston, president of Dutra Engineers, said on 970107 that
081479 - Communication Metrics keeps up with daily workflow. ref SDS 7 4953
081480 -
081481 - USACE reported on 970418, ref SDS 8 3368, that Communication Metrics
081482 - provides "intelligence" support for projects. ref DRP 1 6172
081483 -
081484 - Adding "Intelligence" to information helps managers keep pace with
081485 - fast moving projects, as specified in POIMS. ref OF 1 0582
081486 -
081487 - Like the article in Fortune reviewed on 990625, the author of this
081488 - article does not cite limited time and span of attention that prevent
081489 - managers from applying sound management practice. ref SDS 13 9671
081490 -
081491 - Might mention that Project Managers have a better chance of succeeding
081492 - if they follow the formula for successful CEOs who "...grab a pen and
081493 - start writing." ref SDS 13 1024 An example is Andy Grove at Intel
081494 - from review of his book on 980307. ref SDS 10 3668
081495 -
081496 - How, though can CEOs burdened by limited time solve the problem of
081497 - psyche cited by Fortune. ref SDS 13 4914
081498 -
081499 -
081500 -
081501 - ..
081502 - Training Makes Technology Work for Manager, Rather Than the Other Way
081503 -
081504 - Author recommends managers be trained to use technology rather than
081505 - hiring a specialist and hope that everyone will acquire expertise
081506 - through interacting with the specialist the technology during the job.
081507 - ref OF 10 6887
081508 -
081509 - This is good advise, but it is, also, a little tricky, because some
081510 - people feel they should be able to learn how to use management support
081511 - technology on their own, and feel embarrassed and offended when this
081512 - does not work out. They then recede into denial mode.
081513 -
081514 -
081515 -
081516 -
081517 -
0816 -
Security, Privacy - Discovery
Office 2000 Risks Virus Problems
Risk Communication Main Factor of Management Success
Risk Management
Virus Risk Office 2000
Security Privacy Communication on Internet
Virtual Basic Applications MS Office 2000
Binary Structures
1711 -
171101 - ..
171102 - Microsoft Office 2000 Has Increased Advantages and Risks
171103 - Virtual Basic for Applications Risk Security Using Internet
171104 -
171105 - Micro Times July 21, 1999 on page 151; an article on risk management
171106 - reports new features in Microsoft Office 2000 improve productivity;
171107 - but, also, increase the risk of improper access to key information
171108 - through virus technology. ref OF 12
171109 -
171110 - On 990716 Dan Palanza issued a Final report to NSF that explains
171111 - binary structures in nature based on bookkeeping debits and credits
171112 - bookkeeping, which balance risks and benefits. ref SDS 14 4940
171113 -
171114 - On 990718 Dan asked about balancing risks and benefits of using
171115 - Internet for daily communication. ref SDS 15 6344
171116 -
171117 - [On 990728 notified Dan about article. ref SDS 17 0001]
171118 -
171119 - [On 990728 asked about this issue at Intel. ref Sds 18 0001]
171120 -
171121 - [On 990729 received comments from Morris. ref Sds 19 0001
171122 -
171123 - Office 2000 is inviting to hackers and others, who seek to breach
171124 - security, because it is popular and so will be used, despite increased
171125 - risks. ref OF 12 3819
171126 - ..
171127 - Office 2000 has new Internet connection features and programming
171128 - macro capabilities called...
171129 -
171130 -
171131 - Virtual Basic for Applications (VBA)
171132 -
171133 -
171134 - ...that permits building integrated applications for the Internet,
171135 - e.g., ref OF 12 2544, and, also, at ref OF 12 9114, and still further
171136 - at ref OF 12 8740
171137 -
171138 - [On 990728 inquired about this potential. ref Sds 18 0001]
171139 -
171140 - The author says that the VBA feature increases vulnerability to virus
171141 - infection, and cites the recent Melissa virus. ref OF 12 5452
171142 -
171143 - On 990423 the Melissa virus hit our systems, and we avoided major
171144 - problems by using caution. ref SDS 11 4466 Caution, alone, is not a
171145 - good defense because information overload overwhelms span of attention
171146 - that vitiates caution. On 990424 Intel was significantly impacted by
171147 - the Melissa virus. ref SDS 12 9638
171148 -
171149 -
171150 - ..
171151 - Powerful "Double Agents" Place Security and Privacy at Risk
171152 -
171153 - Author explains MS Word, Excel and the email program, Outlook, can be
171154 - invaded more easily in Office 2000. ref OF 12 9785 Office 2000 is an
171155 - inviting target because it is popular. ref OF 12 3472 and discussed
171156 - again. ref OF 12 3819
171157 -
171158 - [On 991110 new virus uses new MS features. ref SDS 21 0674]
171159 -
171160 - Microsoft provides security features, ref OF 12 0866, to avoid
171161 - improper access to Office 2000 information...
171162 -
171163 - Similar features reported on 990718 can protect SDS. ref SDS 15 1160
171164 -
171165 - 1. passwords
171166 -
171167 - 2. compile and hide code
171168 -
171169 - 3. Security levels range from trusting to totally paranoid.
171170 -
171171 - 4. Encryption is now augmented with digital signatures and
171172 - certificates that identify work from people you trust - people
171173 - whose documents you can accept and run without fear of
171174 - infection.
171175 -
171176 - Author explains how security features can be circumvented to "blow up"
171177 - an entire system. ref OF 12 4214
171178 -
171179 - Binary Virus seems to require two components: an embedded program that
171180 - is triggered by a second program received at a future time in an
171181 - email.
171182 -
171183 - Office 2000 is at greater risk because it is popular. It is inviting
171184 - to hackers and others who seek to breach security. ref OF 12 3819
171185 -
171186 -
171187 - ..
171188 - Sabotage by Disappointed Employees, Office 2000 Increases Opportunity
171189 -
171190 - Increased functionality of Office 2000 enables a wider range of
171191 - people, virtually every employee working with a computer, which is a
171192 - growing portion of total staff, the opportunity to create harmful
171193 - applications to vent disappointment. ref OF 12 0785
171194 -
171195 - Large organizations necessarily entail a large number of interpersonal
171196 - conflicts. Increased conflicts combined with increased opportunity to
171197 - to strike back, leads to increased risk of wide-spread harm from
171198 - sabotage.
171199 -
171200 -
171201 - ..
171202 - Co-evolution of Advantage and Risk is Common Cost/Benefit Issue
171203 - Advantages Must be Deployed to Improve Productivity, Despite Risks
171204 -
171205 - Author notes that Office 2000 provides powerful advantages, though
171206 - there is increased risk, per above. ref SDS 0 0674 If new features
171207 - are not applied, productivity will not improve, earnings will suffer
171208 - in the competitive environment of enterprise. ref OF 12 3402
171209 -
171210 - Internet presents a dilemma of increased opportunity for productivity
171211 - improvement and risk of harm. ref OF 12 5840
171212 -
171213 - On 990718 Dan Palanza posed this dilemma. ref SDS 15 6344
171214 -
171215 - Author says market place will deploy Office 2000 despite increased
171216 - risks in order to obtain benefit of increased productivity, and that
171217 - people will strive to take precautions to meet increased vulnerability
171218 - from outside access. ref OF 12 2914
171219 -
171220 -
171221 - ..
171222 - Communication and Security Conflicts Require Risk Management
171223 -
171224 - This article, ref SDS 0 9788, and the preceding one on projects
171225 - failing due to poor communication, ref SDS 0 1185, show there are
171226 - risks in failing to provide information, and there are risks of
171227 - providing information.
171228 -
171229 - It is the classic us v. them, good guy v. bad guy scenario.
171230 -
171231 - [On 990728 asked about this issue at Intel. ref Sds 18 0001]
171232 -
171233 - [On 991028 privacy, security risk with cookies in web browsers.
171234 - ref SDS 20 0001]
171235 -
171236 - [On 991110 new virus uses new MS features. ref SDS 21 0674]
171237 -
171238 - Risk management is the art and science of balancing competing binary
171239 - interests which comprise organic structures in the microcosm of human
171240 - relations. On 990716 binary forces were discussed. ref SDS 14 4940
171241 -
171242 - For example, there is a risk of meeting with people, calling people
171243 - and sending correspondence, even to our closest friends and allies,
171244 - that information will be used for improper purposes that cause harm.
171245 - This is the common security/privacy worry that a spy or "big brother"
171246 - will get information that people do not want known. Recent liturature
171247 - on medical records has focused on this problem, reviewed on 990719.
171248 - ref SDS 16 0945 This risk occurs on a sliding scale from large to
171249 - small. Suppose we tell the carpenter to use 6 penny nails for the
171250 - siding. Normally, this is not a top security issue, but it could be.
171251 - We could avoid this risk, small as it is, by not tell him, and rely on
171252 - him reading the specs, or being reminded by the inspector. This would
171253 - improve security, but it risks using the wrong nails. This might not
171254 - be a problem, but it could be, as seen from meeting with Turner
171255 - Construction on 960125. ref SDS 6 2002
171256 -
171257 - There is, also, risk that information will be ignored, forgotten, or
171258 - misused, due to error and oversight, or will not be distributed to
171259 - those who need it in time to perform work. This latter risk is the
171260 - common worry that communication fails, discussed in another article
171261 - reviewed above. ref SDS 0 1185
171262 -
171263 - [On 991110 new virus uses new MS features. ref SDS 21 0674]
171264 -
171265 -
171266 -
171267 - ..
171268 - Follow Up Research Sources
171269 -
171270 - There is a list of website resources at the end of the article to
171271 - facilitate further research. ref OF 12 8330
171272 -
171273 -
171274 -
1713 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"