440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 13, 1999 02:41 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom at CESPN on Com Metrics and NSF.
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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020101 - San Francisco District
020102 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020103 - Construction Operations Division
CESPN Review
District Support
Maintenance History on Facilities and
CESPN on Com Metrics, DE, Tom Keesling
Commercial Partners for Phase II Funding
1107 - ..
1108 - Summary/Objective
1109 -
110901 - Follow up ref SDS 25 0000, ref SDS 24 0000.
110902 -
110903 - Next Thursday is Tom's last day. He will be off on Thursday and
110904 - Friday of this week.
110905 -
110906 - He is not very busy now. All of his assignments have been pretty much
110907 - assigned to others now.
110908 -
110909 - Tom recalled reading the proposal to NSF. ref OF 3
110910 -
110911 - He feels it reflects the results using Communication Metrics with
110912 - USACE on the Oakland Harbor project, and over the past several years
110913 - helping CESPN plan application of this new management method.
110914 - ..
110915 - I explained the need to find commercial partners, per telecon
110916 - with Sally Nerlove on 990629. ref SDS 26 9674
110917 -
110918 - Tom advised that the Corps of Engineers participates in research
110919 - projects of this kind. He said there is a group in Vicksburg, MI
110920 - that manages the process.
110921 -
110922 - Tom will call the organization and explain USACE experience with
110923 - Communiation Metrics, and that this experience has led to a proposal
110924 - for an NSF research project to address issues of interest to the Corps
110925 - on cost savings, as set out in Jim Lovo's report at HQ on 990106....
110926 - ref DRP 1 2520, and reported on 990126. ref SDS 2 8503
110927 -
110928 - [On 990721 Tom provides information. ref SDS 27 0001]
110929 -
110930 - Another possibility is USACE Information Directorate, who has
110931 - Communication Metrics under consideration, per Jim's report.
110932 -
110933 -
110934 -
110935 -
110936 -
1110 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"