440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 11, 1999 09:27 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Dan on NSF proposal for Communication Metrics.
.......................artifact coordination
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Director of Architecture =408 545 9521
0202 - Kwan Henmi 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020201 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Executive Vice President
Commercial Partners for Phase II Funding
Partners to Support Development, Palanza, Dan on 990711
Design Support, Engineering Management
Engineers Don't Like to Write
Concurrent Engineering, Links Easy to Follow
Thinking Doing, Needs Balance Leveraged by SDS
Partners to Support Development
Palanza, Dan Com Metrics Helps Engineering Management
Sel -evident Benefits
Links Need Map to Maintain Focus
Privacy, Security - Discovery
Pattern Language
Accounting, Bookkeeping Double Entry Feedback Loops
Bookkeeping Network Pattern Language for Context Management
2216 - ..
2217 - Summary/Objective
2218 -
221801 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
221802 -
221803 - Received ref DRT 1 from Dan responding to my letter, ref DIP 5, on our
221804 - discussion yesterday. He sent a copy to Sally at NSF, and possibly to
221805 - his consultant, Jenny. ref DRT 1 7308
221806 -
221807 - Dan feels Communication Metrics can support the design function, and
221808 - particularly software engineering. ref DRT 1 3074 On 990520 support
221809 - for software design was reviewed. ref SDS 6 0876
221810 -
221811 - [On 990712 Morris responds. ref Sds 13 0001]
221812 -
221813 - On 990615 listed commercial applications. ref SDS 7 2394
221814 -
221815 - ..
221816 - Dan says Communication Metrics would support...
221817 -
221818 - artifact coordination
221819 -
221820 - ...and is a direct complement to his work on a...
221821 -
221822 - network bookkeeping system
221823 -
221824 - ... ref DRT 1 3264, discussed last night, ref SDS 12 0864, and
221825 - previously on 990706 where the SDS electronic time card system
221826 - provides direct support for bookkeeping. ref SDS 11 0783
221827 -
221828 - He indicates Communication Metrics on the Internet provides a useful
221829 - application of links. ref DRT 1 3264
221830 -
221831 - ..
221832 - This assessment reflects recognition of "self-evident" benefits from
221833 - delivering "intelligence" on the Internet, cited by the U.S. Army
221834 - Corps Engineers on 981104. ref SDS 3 4320 On 990225 Engineering
221835 - Manager at DOD cited benefits of Communication Metrics to strengthen
221836 - conventional management practice. ref SDS 5 6956
221837 -
221838 - ..
221839 - Dan suggests distinguishing public and private forums. He notes this
221840 - is hard to accomplish, but indicates his work on "holistic" pattern
221841 - languages can do it. ref DRT 1 8148 In our discussion yesterday, he
221842 - mentioned this. ref SDS 12 0864 Today, I corrected the record that
221843 - referred to "pattern recognition," to say instead "pattern language"
221844 - conforming to Dan's letter.
221845 -
221846 - ..
221847 - Dan anticipates people will shy away from public disclosure of
221848 - discussion. ref DRT 1 0832
221849 -
221850 - [On 990719 Dan conerned about security. ref SDS 15 0968]
221851 -
221852 - On 970107 the president of a major contracting firm cited benefit
221853 - of timely, accurate understandings which disclosed needed work
221854 - that had been overlooked. ref SDS 1 4953
221855 -
221856 - ..
221857 - On 970110 government contracting officer noted benefit of someone
221858 - capturing the record, which later saved a lot of money, because
221859 - otherwise nobody can remember anything. ref SDS 2 2487
221860 -
221861 - ..
221862 - Generally, discussion presented in a constructive manner that
221863 - helps everyone do their job is well received. Initially, everyone
221864 - is afraid of accountability; but, after working with the system
221865 - for a few weeks, they discover the work is improved. Then they
221866 - look forward to reading how well things are going, and that they
221867 - will get credit for doing a good job, instead of worrying about
221868 - covering up to avoid blame for mistakes.
221869 -
221870 - [On 990719 Dan charcterizes SDS as "big brother" looking over
221871 - his shoulder. ref SDS 15 0864]
221872 -
221873 - [On 990719 reviewed value of timely, accurate intelligence.
221874 - ref SDS 15 7822]
221875 -
221876 -
221877 -
221878 - ..
2219 -
2220 -
2221 - 0045 sent letter to Morris
2222 -
222201 - Sent ref DIT 1 to Morris asking about the meaning of "artifact
222202 - coordination and refinement," ref SDS 0 2200, whether this was
222203 - considered in his analysis on 990524. ref SDS 6 0876
222204 -
222205 - [On 990712 Morris responds. ref Sds 13 0001]
222206 -
222207 - Sent a copy to Denis and Bill at Kwan Henmi for comment on the design
222208 - application issue, based on work last year, per meeting with Bill Long
222209 - on 981215, ref SDS 4 7649, and telecon on 990628. ref SDS 8 0877
222210 -
222211 - [On 990712 Denis responded. ref SDS 14 0001]
222212 -
222213 -
222214 -
222215 -
222216 -
222217 -
222218 -
222219 -
222220 -
222221 -
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222223 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"