440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 6, 1999 11:21 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom Landauer at Univ Colorado on NSF proposal review.
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0201 - University of Colorado 303 492 2875 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Thomas K. Landauer; Professor
Reviewer, Tom Landauer, 990614
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
060602 -
060603 - Tom can't do the assignment, and it appears he cannot facilitate
060604 - contact with Steve Pinker.
060605 -
060606 - Sent ref DIT 1 asking for suggestions on who else might be able to
060607 - perform the review. Sent copy to Sara Nerlove at NSF, per the work at
060608 - ref SDS 14 0924.
060609 -
060610 - [On 990707 Sally responded that the principal investigator is not
060611 - involved in proposal review for Phase I. ref SDS 15 0001]
060612 -
060613 -
060614 -
0607 -
0608 -
0609 - Progress
0610 -
061001 - Tom's voice mail says he will be back in the office on 990707.
061002 -
061003 - Left message for Tom about my letter ref DIP 5, sent on 990630, shown
061004 - at ref SDS 13 0001, and linked to Sarah call on 990629. ref SDS 12
061005 - 0886
061006 -
061007 - Called and talked to Darrell.
061008 -
061009 - He said Tom will be in later today. He will ask him to find my letter
061010 - and call me.
061011 -
061012 - Darrell said he has not had time to review the Welch web site to
061013 - comment on Communication Metrics support for LSA. ref SDS 10 0001
061014 -
061015 -
061016 - ..
0611 -
0612 -
0613 - 1517 received letter from Tom
0614 -
061401 - In the afternoon, received ref DRT 1 from Tom saying his schedule does
061402 - not permit him to review the NSF proposal.
061403 -
061404 - Background working with Tom is on 960221. ref SDS 4 5162
061405 -
061406 - Tom's position seems suprising for three (3) reasons...
061407 -
061408 - 1. The underlying SDS technology presented in the NSF proposal,
061409 - addresses many of the concerns raised in Tom's book...
061410 -
061411 -
061412 - The Trouble with Computers
061413 -
061414 -
061415 - ...reviewed on 950710. ref SDS 3 4791
061416 -
061417 - Tom explains throughout his book that personal computers do not
061418 - raise personal productivity, because computers need to help
061419 - people think. ref SDS 3 3387
061420 -
061421 - SDS, POIMS and Communication Metrics use personal computers to
061422 - add "intelligence" to management, ref OF 1 0582, as reviewed
061423 - recently on 990303. ref SDS 8 9499 The NSF proposal extends
061424 - this work. ref OF 4
061425 -
061426 - 2. Tom's LSA work relates to text. SDS helps people produce lots
061427 - of structured text, and in fact aims to improve the alphabet by
061428 - integrating time and information, explained in Part 2 of the
061429 - Technical Proposal. ref OF 5 3417
061430 -
061431 - On 940609 Henry Kissinger cited advantage of textual analysis
061432 - relative to reliance on "pictures," to improve the practice of
061433 - management. ref SDS 1 4238
061434 -
061435 - 3. The proposed research develops on the Internet a "fisheye"
061436 - subject management feature, ref OF 6, that applies ideas Tom
061437 - cites as a thorny technology problem. ref SDS 3 0003
061438 -
061439 - Thus, Tom seems uniquely qualified to review the proposal, since he
061440 - has worked on applying cognitive science in technology.
061441 -
061442 -
0615 -
0616 -
0617 - 1542 called for Tom
0618 -
061801 - Talked to Darrel.
061802 -
061803 - Explained I got Tom's letter declining to review the proposal.
061804 -
061805 - I asked to talk to Tom about possibly coordinating with Steve Pinker,
061806 - per telecon with Sarah Nerlove at NSF on 990629. ref SDS 12 5265
061807 -
061808 - Darrel said that Tom and Steve have different views about how the mind
061809 - develops "intellligence," and this would prevent Tom from following up
061810 - on Sarah's suggestion.
061811 -
061812 - My sense is that the NSF proposal and the Welch work on "intelligence"
061813 - does not deal at the level where Landauer's and Pinker's professional
061814 - views diverge.
061815 -
061816 - Darrel said he will see Tom later today, and will tell him I want to
061817 - talk for a few minutes, if he can spare the time.
061818 -
061819 -
061820 -
0619 -
0620 -
0621 - 1609 called Tom's number
0622 -
062201 - Left message I would like to discuss his letter and other people who
062202 - might be qualified to review the Com Metrics proposal.
062203 -
062204 - Submitted ref DIT 1 linked to this record, asking Tom for other names.
062205 -
062206 - [On 990707 Sally responded that the principal investigator is not
062207 - involved in proposal review for Phase I. ref SDS 15 0001]
062208 -
062209 -
062210 -
062211 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"