440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 28, 1999 02:17 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Received call on NSF proposal 9961176 for Communication Metrics.
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0201 - National Science Foundation 703 306 1234
020101 - Mr. Joe Hennessey; 703 306 1330 Ext 5283
020102 - FastLane SBIR Registrtion
020103 - ENG/DMII
Submission of Proposal
Comments on Proposal Process
0704 - ..
0705 - Summary/Objective
0706 -
070601 - Follow up ref SDS 26 0000, ref SDS 25 0000.
070602 -
070603 - I am in Concord today for a physical exam. ref SDS 30 0001
070604 -
070605 - Got a voice mail message from...
070606 -
070607 - Sarah Nerlov
070608 -
070609 - 703 306 1395 Ext. 5247
070610 -
070611 - Sarah called about the proposal #9961176 submitted via ref DIP 16 on
070612 - 990616. ref SDS 26 0001
070613 -
070614 - Sarah's message discussed need to clarify scope of conslutants work.
070615 - She indicated specific scope of work assignments need to be
070616 - identified, or else this should be removed from the proposal.
070617 -
070618 - This concern arises from budget that proposes $15K for consultants
070619 - out of a total budget of $100K.
070620 -
070621 - One sense that arises from Sarah's message is that if NSF becomes
070622 - interested in the proposal, the scope of consultant work can be
070623 - resolved at that time.
070624 -
070625 - I called her back. She had left for the day.
070626 -
070627 - I asked if we need to revise the proposal in order to permit a review
070628 - on the merits, rather have it rejected due to inadequate format.
070629 -
070630 - Advised I will call her tomorrow on this.
070631 -
070632 - [On 990629 called Sarah again. ref SDS 32 0001]
070633 -
070634 -
070635 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"