440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 21, 1999 12:07 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Joe about NSF proposal 9961176 on Communication Metrics.
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0201 - National Science Foundation 703 306 1234
020101 - Mr. Joe Hennessey; 703 306 1330 Ext 5283
020102 - FastLane SBIR Registrtion
020103 - ENG/DMII
Submission of Proposal
Comments on Proposal Process
Proposal, Receipt, Processing
Administration, Receipt, Processing
0806 - ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000, ref SDS 6 0000.
080802 -
080803 - Joe said he received my letter, ref DIP 1, sent by email and linked to
080804 - our proposal #9967716, and to the record on 990616. ref SDS 7 . There
080805 - is also a link in the post script of the letter to a second letter on
080806 - 990616 that submits names of potential reviewers.
080807 -
080808 - Joe said he has not received the printed version sent by Fed Ex on
080809 - 9960616, as set out in the letter.
080810 -
080811 - Joe asked if I am sure I mailed it?
080812 -
080813 - I asked if he saw the record on 990616 that shows the Federal Express
080814 - USA Airbill #809231936065, ref SDS 7 0001, which is linked in the
080815 - letter he received, ref DIP 1?
080816 -
080817 - Joe said he saw that in the record. He expects that NSF has received
080818 - the printed proposal; but, it has not been delivered to him
080819 - personally, by their mail system.
080820 -
080821 - He expects to get another delivery of proposals later today, and more
080822 - tomorrow.
080823 -
080824 - He said if we do not hear from him, it will mean they have the
080825 - proposal.
080826 - ..
080827 - Joe noted that the submission of the proposal via Internet
080828 - reflects the methodology of the proposal, as we discussed with Cheryl
080829 - on 990614. ref SDS 4 0561
080830 -
080831 -
080832 -
080833 - ..
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - 1223
0812 -
081201 - Called Fed Express 800 463 3339
081202 -
081203 - Requested tracking information.
081204 -
081205 - Federal Express reports that
081206 -
081207 - #809231936065
081208 -
081209 - ...was delivered on 990617 0928, and signed by J. Cambell.
081210 -
081211 -
081212 -
081213 -
0813 -
0814 -
0815 - 1424 received call from Joe
0816 -
081601 - He has not received the proposal.
081602 -
081603 - Joe asked for the Fed Ex tracking number.
081604 -
081605 - I explained it is in the record linked to the letter he received this
081606 - morning.
081607 -
081608 - Joe said he is not near his computer, and so requested the Fed Ex
081609 - tracking number.
081610 -
081611 - I gave him...
081612 -
081613 - #809231936065
081614 -
081615 - I advised of having contacted Fed Ex this morning, and got a report
081616 - that the letter was delivered to NSF, per above. ref SDS 0 4950
081617 -
081618 - Joe said he will track it down.
081619 -
081620 - [On 990628 received call on proposal indicating it has been
081621 - received by NSF. ref SDS 8 0001]
081622 -
081623 -
081624 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"