440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 18, 1999 01:00 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Larry call on issues from car service on 990507 by S&C.
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0201 - S & C Ford 415 553 4400 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Larry Smith; Manager
020102 - Service Department
Millie's Mercury Sable, 940423
Ford Recall, Change Oil, Hoses, Tire Tread
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
040602 -
040603 - S&C installed Firestone tires, not Generals. ref SDS 15 0001
040604 -
040605 - Larry is out, so talked to Carol Pool.
040606 -
040607 - She said she did not have time this week to give Larry the message
040608 - about my call on 960611, ref SDS 14 0988, when Carol said she would
040609 - talk to Larry on 990614, and tell him about our letter, ref DIP 2,
040610 - sent on 960611.
040611 -
040612 - Carol said she will call me back on this matter.
040613 -
040614 - I asked when she expects to call back.
040615 -
040616 - Carol said she doesn't know when she can get to this. She will try
040617 - to do something by the end of the day.
040618 -
040619 - I thanked Carol for her effort, and indicated I will appreciate
040620 - hearing from her, when she takes action. I explained that based on
040621 - experience the past week, where she has not had time to contact Larry,
040622 - I will follow up independently, in addition to relying on Carol to
040623 - take action.
040624 - ..
040625 - Called back and left message on Larry's voice mail, for him to
040626 - call on my letter on 990611, ref DIP 2, based on our telecon on
040627 - 990603. ref SDS 12 0001, concerning S&C's work on 990507. ref SDS 2
040628 -
040629 - [On 990622 followed up. ref SDS 16 0001]
040630 -
040631 -
040632 -
0407 -
0408 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"