440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 14, 1999 04:37 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom Landauer about reviewing NSF proposal.
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0201 - University of Colorado 303 492 2875 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Thomas K. Landauer; Professor
0202 - University of Colorado 303 492 2875 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Darrel Laham; Professor =303 545 9092
Reviewer, Tom Landauer, 990614
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000, ref SDS 17 0000.
060602 -
060603 - Talked to Darrel Laham about listing Tom Landauer as a reviewer.
060604 -
060605 - Submitted ref DIT 1 linked to the letter to Joe Hennessey at NSF sent
060606 - earlier today, ref DIP 14, which is linked to the proposal. ref DIP 10
060607 -
060608 -
060609 -
0607 -
0608 -
0609 - Discussion
0610 -
061001 - Tom is on vacation in Italy.
061002 -
061003 - He left a number for Darrel Laham to take his calls.
061004 -
061005 - 303 545 9092
061006 -
061007 - Advised of background discussing Communication Metrics with Tom on
061008 - 950705, ref SDS 1 1681, and on 960221. ref SDS 2 0857
061009 -
061010 - Noted Tom's comment on my grasp of these issues. ref SDS 2 0033
061011 -
061012 - Explained current need to list potential reviewer for NSF proposal,
061013 - developed today in discussion with NSF. ref SDS 18 9903
061014 -
061015 - Darrel requested a copy of the proposal to NSF.
061016 -
061017 - I asked him to comment on correlations with LSA.
061018 -
061019 - [On 990706 Darrel has not had time to comment. ref SDS 22 0001]
061020 -
061021 - He will try to contact Tom in Italy to see if he would be willing to
061022 - be a reviewer.
061023 -
061024 - Sent ref DIT 1 per above.
061025 -
061026 - [On 990615 called Darrel to follow up. ref SDS 19 0001]
061027 -
061028 - [On 990629 Sarah Nerlove at NSF feels Tom would be a good choice
061029 - to review the proposal. ref SDS 20 5265]
061030 -
061031 - [On 990630 called Tom to follow up. ref SDS 21 0001]
061032 -
061033 - [On 990706 called Tom again. ref SDS 22 0001]
061034 -
061035 -
061036 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"