440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 5, 1999 08:35 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Fix process to schedule new task in SDS using 004.
2...Requirement for Change
4...004 Don't Remove Duplicate File Listing, If it is a Citation
5...000008 Avoid Message Kick Out When Reference is a Cite, Macro 146
6...004 Use Correct User ID to List SDS Link in Reference Field
7...Memory Mangement Unplug More Features, Avoided by Consolidating
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004 Remove Multi-subject Files Listed in
Verify Reference Not Cited Before Deleting,
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Seemed to fix a few problems discovered today with the linking process
050604 - created the past week, which is reported on 990530, as explained in
050605 - Requirements. ref SDS 0 1984
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050608 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Planning
0510 -
051001 - ..
051002 - Requirement for Change
051003 -
051004 - Follow up ref SDS 13 5336, ref SDS 6 1722.
051005 -
051006 - New task process 004 began crashing today. The problem was that the
051007 - code removes multiple listings of the same file under Documents and
051008 - Other Files. Multiple listings arise to assign multiple subjects to
051009 - the same document. However, in this case multiple listings occurred
051010 - from the new linking feature, explained under background, below.
051011 - ref SDS 0 2255
051012 -
051013 - The operation in 004 to remove duplicate listings of a file calls
051014 - macro 146, which puts processing into a loop, if the file to be
051015 - deleted is cited in the record.
051016 -
051017 - The loop occurs as a result of changes to linking explained under
051018 - background. ref SDS 0 2255
051019 -
051020 - Need to avoid this loop, and need to avoid duplicate listing of
051021 - references because existing entries are in lower case, and the system
051022 - looks for capitals.
051023 -
051024 - On 990530 reported creating macro 53 to change upper to lower
051025 - case, even though it was done today. ref SDS 14 4346
051026 - ..
051027 - Also need to manage User ID where a record from another User is
051028 - applied to make a new task, similar to work on 990530. ref SDS 14 6083
051029 -
051030 -
051031 -
051032 -
051033 - ..
051034 - Background
051035 -
051036 - Follow up ref SDS 13 5592.
051037 -
051038 - On 990530 created new feature in macro 1361 to list a file or SDS
051039 - record in References, if it is not already listed, in order to create
051040 - a link to it. ref SDS 14 9769
051041 -
051042 - This system both looks for and lists files and records based on all
051043 - capital letters, which come from the operating sysem using Morris'
051044 - gfname command. Most SDS files are numerical, but some have letters.
051045 -
051046 - People tend to use lower case, because it is faster.
051047 -
051048 - When the system looked for a file identification string in all upper
051049 - case, it was overlooking any existing listing for the same file in
051050 - lower case. This created two entries for the same file with citations
051051 - in the text. Macro 146 that removes duplicate entries for forml
051052 - documentation previosly did not get hung up because citations were
051053 - previously done manually, and they always used the first entry of a
051054 - file listed for multi-subject identification.
051055 -
051056 - So, this is a classical example of the "computer did it."
051057 -
051058 - In any case it is impossible to consistently remember to use capitals,
051059 - so we need a way to accomodate both capitals and lower case letters.
051060 -
051061 - Macro 1361 uses Medit locate command that is case sensitive to
051062 - determine when a reference is already listed, ref SDS 14 7238, so we
051063 - need to look for both lower case and upper case.
051064 -
051065 -
051066 -
051067 -
0511 -
0512 -
0513 - Progress
0514 -
051401 - ..
051402 - 004 Don't Remove Duplicate File Listing, If it is a Citation
051403 -
051404 - Follow up ref SDS 13 9666, ref SDS 12 7938.
051405 -
051406 - Line 100, ref OF 1 2480, -label start about 70 lines below, the code
051407 - for Documents received and issued and for other files, all call -gosub
051408 - mrms to remove duplicate entries for a file, so that a new scheduled
051409 - task starts with only a single entry for each file.
051410 - ..
051411 - Line 250, ref OF 1 4848, -label mrms uses zonereps to find
051412 - consecutive entries of the same file, which works because everything
051413 - is always sorted. It only kicks out when the bottom of the list is
051414 - found.
051415 -
051416 - Added setcnt 117 1368 for evaluation by macro 146.
051417 -
051418 - Line 270, ref OF 1 1443, -label lp5 calls macro 146 to remove any
051419 - duplicate entries. This code was in a loop, because duplicate lines
051420 - were not removed if they are cited.
051421 -
051422 - Multiple entries of the same file were cited as different files, which
051423 - prevented macro 146 from deleting duplicates, because the code created
051424 - on 990531 in macro 1361 that checks to if a file is listed, was
051425 - looking for upper case path and filename strings, because it uses
051426 - gfname and it gets all capitals, and the same code enters files in the
051427 - record as all caps.
051428 -
051429 - This presents two (2) problems...
051430 -
051431 - 1. If a file is cited in the body text, then it should not be
051432 - deleted, even if there is a duplicate entry. Normally,
051433 - however, there is no reason for linking to duplicate listings
051434 - of the same reference.
051435 -
051436 - 2. Duplicate entries need to be avoided when a file is linked
051437 - into a record, by checking for both upper and lower case
051438 - strings in macro 1361. The linking process is explained in the
051439 - record on 990530. ref SDS 14 4779
051440 -
051441 - On 990530 reported creating macro 53 to change upper to lower
051442 - case, even though it was done today. ref SDS 14 4346
051443 -
051444 - Applied flag 3 889 set in macro 146, below, when a reference is cited,
051445 - provides a second way for the loop to move to the next file.
051446 -
051447 -
051448 -
051449 - ..
051450 - 000008 Avoid Message Kick Out When Reference is a Cite, Macro 146
051451 -
051452 - Line 2840, ref OF 5 0560, -label msg97, code stops and beeps, with
051453 - error flag 3 889, if a Reference to be deleted is cited in the text.
051454 - This is needed to alert a User to remove a cite in order to remove a
051455 - Reference. Processing under 004, however, needs a flag in order to
051456 - move and process the next Reference.
051457 -
051458 - Modified code to apply 117 1368 set in 004, ref SDS 0 3723, so instead
051459 - of returning an error message and beeping, the process exits, avoids
051460 - the beep and gives 004 process a flag to use. ref SDS 0 3723
051461 -
051462 - Line 3040, ref OF 5 4895, -label ajSDS, about 50 lines below, this is
051463 - a second place where error flag 3 889 is generated, and so 117 1368 is
051464 - applied here also.
051465 -
051466 -
051467 -
051468 -
0515 -
Link Record in References, Macro 101, F1 Shift F2
0604 -
060401 - ..
060402 - 004 Use Correct User ID to List SDS Link in Reference Field
060403 -
060404 - Follow up ref SDS 14 6083.
060405 -
060406 - Line 500, ref OF 1 4200, -label bPno_Mo code to create a link for the
060407 - new record to the prior record, begins at this location.
060408 -
060409 - I thought this needed a fix to apply the correct User ID when linking
060410 - another User's records, similar to what was done on 990530,
060411 - ref SDS 14 6083, but this code seems to work okay.
060412 -
060413 -
060414 -
060415 -
0605 -
Memory Management
Move records, F4 and F5, 901018
Open SAA to Schedule Follow Up, F6
1007 -
100701 - ..
100702 - Memory Mangement Unplug More Features, Avoided by Consolidating
100703 -
100704 -
100705 - Had to unplug following...
100706 -
100707 - Macro 955, ref OF 2 1406
100708 -
100709 - Macro 962, ref OF 2 0728
100710 -
100711 - Macro 974, ref OF 3 5928
100712 -
100713 - ** Macro 1192, ref OF 4 0672
100714 -
100715 - In order to add back macro 53, and create fixes to macro 1361, ran
100716 - out of compile space again.
100717 -
100718 - I looked around for some code to consolidate and found somthing in
100719 - 000009.
100720 -
100721 - Line 3950, ref OF 6 4928, -label lp2_cG that centers a letterhead for
100722 - 0450431, had some code that could be consolidated. This saved enough
100723 - compile space to permit putting back these three macros.
100724 -
100725 - **
100726 -
100727 - Line 1050, ref OF 4 0672, -entry 1192 removes line numbers for printed
100728 - memos. This can be removed to save about 30 lines of code.
100729 -
100730 - It has been in and out over the years. Jeff Ghilardi is the only
100731 - person who uses this, and he has not been very active with the system.
100732 -
100733 - Went ahead and unplugged this.
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