440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 28, 1999 01:43 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Called Caltrans on Field Automation meeting on 990430.
2...Field Automation Meeting on 990430, Communication Metrics Trial
3...Enterprise Management Integrates Cross Functional Operations
4...Communication Metrics Supports Design and Construction Management
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0201 - State of California 916 445 6038
020101 - Department of Transportation
020102 - Mr. Iman Sallam, P.E.
020103 - Senior Transportation Engineer =916 653 2084
020104 - Construction Program MS-44
020105 - Field Automation
0202 - State of California 916 445 6038
020201 - Department of Transportation
020202 - Mr. John McMillan; 916 653 4686
020203 - Construction Management
Common Administration
Caltrans, Self-evident Cost Savings
Clear Concise Complete Communication
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
Design Support
Diary record, Journal
History Case Studies, Root Causes
Organizational Memory Knowledge Repository History Experience Diary C
1410 - ..
1411 - Summary/Objective
1412 -
141201 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
141202 -
141203 - Called and left messages for Iman and John about progress reviewing
141204 - Communication Metrics to support Caltrans' management.
141205 -
141206 - Submitted ref DIT 1 linked to this record for background that
141207 - facilitates comment by Iman and John. Linked to explanation of
141208 - intelligence in POIMS to provide orientation. ref OF 1 0582
141209 -
141210 -
141211 -
1413 -
1414 -
1415 - Progress
1416 -
141601 - ..
141602 - Field Automation Meeting on 990430, Communication Metrics Trial
141603 -
141604 - Follow up ref SDS 10 9471.
141605 -
141606 - Left message for Iman about results of his meeting on 990430, which we
141607 - discussed that day. ref SDS 10 9471
141608 -
141609 - Did he discuss Communication Metrics at the meeting on 990430, as we
141610 - had planned. ref SDS 10 4615
141611 -
141612 - Has he talked to John McMillan?
141613 -
141614 - Advantages of Communication Metrics are on 990413. ref SDS 4 2635.
141615 - Have managers at Caltrans reviewed this opportunity in relation to
141616 - solving daily problems and needs?
141617 -
141618 - Has the partnering manager reviewed using Communication Metrics for
141619 - Common Administration, discussed on 990414. ref SDS 5 8845
141620 - ..
141621 - I called and left a message with John, also, asking if Iman has
141622 - talked to him about Communication Metrics? On 990430, Iman had not
141623 - talked to John about our meeting on 990414. ref SDS 10 9471 Has
141624 - anything happened since?
141625 -
141626 - Explained that Iman indicated Communication Metrics could support
141627 - Caltran's field diary system. discussed on 990414. ref SDS 5 6960
141628 -
141629 - I asked for John's evaluation of providing an "intelligence" support
141630 - role for Caltrans, based on the email traffic John has received on
141631 - discussions, e.g., on 990420. ref SDS 7 7056, submitted with my
141632 - letter. ref DIP 1, which was sent on 990421. ref SDS 8 0627
141633 -
141634 - Mentioned having left a message for Iman.
141635 -
141636 - Also mentioned Empathic Design that has some prominence lately from
141637 - the interview of Andy Grove yesterday, who was Time Man of the Year in
141638 - 1998, because of superior management at Intel. ref SDS 11 0682
141639 -
141640 -
141641 -
141642 - ..
141643 - Enterprise Management Integrates Cross Functional Operations
141644 - Communication Metrics Supports Design and Construction Management
141645 -
141646 - Follow up ref SDS 10 3468.
141647 -
141648 - In the message to Iman, I asked if he has notified anyone at Caltrans
141649 - about his idea to start Communication Metrics during the design stage
141650 - before construction, so there is a good record of the various agencies
141651 - and vendors contacted in establishing design criteria and decisions.
141652 - He said current practice makes it difficult to get relevant
141653 - information from the project record on a timely basis during
141654 - construction, and this is a problem Communication Metrics solves.
141655 -
141656 -
141657 -
141658 -
1417 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"