440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 24, 1999 11:43 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Jim Lovo on status of AIS.
2...Feedback Corrects Record; HQUSACE has Organization Changes
3...SDS Email Conversion to Web Environment Improved
4...Email Different from Memoranda; Identified by "Date" Format
5...Partnering Offers Path to "Paperless" (Less Expensive) Contract Admin
6...AIS - HQ Wants Uniform Accessibility; Com Metrics Provides via Web
7...CESPN Found Com Metrics Implements CCA Guide
8...CEMP-EC Reengineering S&A Processes; Com Metrics May Be Considered
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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. James V. Lovo; Team Leader =202 761 4804 fax 4783
020102 - Construction Management Team, CEMP-EC
Gov Format Practices
Address Staff Positions Correctly
Email, Like Talking, Fools Gold,
Construction, Design Branch, Jim Lovo
Construction Management Team, Jim Lovo
Feedback Accuracy Metrics Listening
Email Causes Mistakes
Email Converted to Letterhead Formal
1910 - ..
1911 - Summary/Objective
1912 -
191201 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 9 0000.
191202 -
191203 - Received ref DRT 1 from Jim responding to my call last week on several
191204 - pending issues. He addresses only the AIS issue. ref SDS 0 5671
191205 -
191206 - Called Jim for comment on other pending matters.
191207 -
191208 - [On 990524 submitted to Tom Keesling at CESPN. ref SDS 12 0001]
191209 -
191210 -
191211 -
191212 - ..
1913 -
1914 -
1915 - Progress
1916 -
191601 - Feedback Corrects Record; HQUSACE has Organization Changes
191602 -
191603 - Follow up ref SDS 11 eedback, ref SDS 9 9876.
191604 -
191605 - Jim does not respond to this issue in his letter today.
191606 -
191607 -
191608 -
191609 -
191610 - ..
191611 - SDS Email Conversion to Web Environment Improved
191612 - Email Different from Memoranda; Identified by "Date" Format
191613 -
191614 - Follow up ref SDS 11 6561, ref SDS 9 3625.
191615 -
191616 - Jim does not respond to this issue in his letter today.
191617 -
191618 -
191619 -
191620 -
1917 -
Demo SDS via Web Site
Wider Use Comm Metrics
Common Administration
2407 -
240701 - ..
240702 - Partnering Offers Path to "Paperless" (Less Expensive) Contract Admin
240703 -
240704 - Follow up ref SDS 11 5760, ref SDS 9 8200.
240705 -
240706 - Jim does not respond to this issue in his letter today.
240707 -
240708 -
240709 -
240710 -
240711 -
2408 -
District Support
Procurement Memo, Tom Keesling, Max Blodgette
CESPN on Com Metrics, DE, Tom Keesling
AIS Compatibility
Institutionalize Communication Metrics
2908 -
290801 - ..
290802 - AIS - HQ Wants Uniform Accessibility; Com Metrics Provides via Web
290803 -
290804 - Follow up ref SDS 11 6025, ref SDS 9 0788.
290805 -
290806 - Received ref DRT 1 today from Jim on AIS issue.
290807 -
290808 - [On 990524 submitted to Tom Keesling at CESPN. ref SDS 12 0001]
290809 -
290810 - [On 990615 DE rejects using Com Metrics. ref SDS 14 0001]
290811 -
290812 - Jim has not received a response to his letter requesting clarification
290813 - of AIS in relation to a District Engineer using Communication Metrics,
290814 - ref DRT 1 0484
290815 -
290816 - I called Jim last week, ref SDS 11 6025, for feedback on the inquiry
290817 - about AIS that Jim made, per my letter on 990513. ref DIP 1 2632,
290818 - following up discussion on 990506, ref SDS 5 4284, to address DE's
290819 - comment on 990504. ref SDS 1 7956
290820 -
290821 - ..
290822 - As a result of not getting a response to his email, Jim called Ed
290823 - Huempfner, acting chief of Directorate of Information Management at
290824 - HQ. ref DRT 1 2989 Ed was at the Ft. Leonard Wood Conference, which
290825 - evidently was the occassion cited by DE when the Chief Engineer spoke
290826 - about AIS... per meeting with DE on 990504. ref SDS 1 7956
290827 -
290828 - ..
290829 - Jim advises in his letter today that Ed Huempfner stated...
290830 -
290831 - ...the Chief reminded commanders to pay attention to IM costs, and
290832 - that he wants them to enter any system they acquire and spend
290833 - money on into the Corps version of ITIPS which is the information
290834 - systems tracking system for USACE and the Army. There is no
290835 - moratorium on systems purchases, but system expenses need to be
290836 - entered into the IPIPS tracking system so that they have
290837 - visibility.
290838 -
290839 - The SF District Commander's IM staff can provide more info.
290840 - ref DRT 1 2989
290841 -
290842 - ..
290843 - This response seems a bit off point, indicating HQ criteria for AIS
290844 - relate to cost; whereas, DE seemed concerned about information
290845 - compatibility, rather than costs per se.
290846 -
290847 - ..
290848 - Since, however, this point was submitted to Jim, and discussed at
290849 - length on 990506, ref SDS 5 2795, it seems fair to conclude that Ed's
290850 - response reflects IM Directorate's guidance on substantative results
290851 - from the Leonard Wood Conference on HQ AIS criteria.
290852 -
290853 - ..
290854 - Lacking published instructions, this seems to indicate DE can use
290855 - Communication Metrics on the merits, without seeking express approval
290856 - from HQ in advance of obtaining support. Additionally, Jim observed
290857 - on 990506 that Communication Metrics provides work product that is
290858 - accessible on web browsers, which is a universal standard that meets
290859 - the objective of the Chief Engineer, ref SDS 5 1591, as related by the
290860 - DE on 990504. ref SDS 1 7956
290861 -
290862 - ..
290863 - The Chief Engineer, and all other USACE personnel, have a common,
290864 - reliable method of using work product from Communication Metrics.
290865 -
290866 - [On 990524 submitted to Tom Keesling at CESPN. ref SDS 12 0001]
290867 -
290868 - [On 990525 Tom indicates concurrance with analysis in the record
290869 - today, above. ref SDS 13 3060]
290870 -
290871 - [On 990615 DE rejects using Com Metrics. ref SDS 14 0001]
290872 -
290873 -
290874 -
290875 -
290876 -
290877 -
290878 -
290879 -
290880 -
2909 -
2910 -
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Information Overload
S&A Reengineer Process
Accountability Feared
Reengineer Add Value of Communication
Reengineer Automate Deming's Management
Change in Right Direction, Add Metrics to Communication
Business Process Measurement, Communication
Reengineer Command to Influence, Talking,
Reengineering Compounds Information Overload
Reengineer Where People Work, Who They Work For...
Prepare New Realities 21st Century
4415 -
441501 - ..
441502 - CESPN Found Com Metrics Implements CCA Guide
441503 - CEMP-EC Reengineering S&A Processes; Com Metrics May Be Considered
441504 -
441505 - Follow up ref SDS 11 6832, ref SDS 9 8740.
441506 -
441507 - Jim does not respond to this issue in his letter today.
441508 -
441509 -
441510 -
4416 -
4417 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"