440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 20, 1999 09:42 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Notify Morris about Doc Log; training support application.
2...Communication Metrics Delivers Useful Intelligence Through Doc Log
3...Training, Policy Formulation Supported by SDS
4...An example of a typical "lessons learned" scenario is a recent visit
Click here to comment!
0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Director of Architecture =408 545 9521
Email Does Not Improve Productivity,
Fixing Small Problems is Psychologically
Judicious Review Guide to Avoid being
Link Summary to Details
1306 - ..
1307 - Summary/Objective
1308 -
130801 - Follow up ref SDS 27 0000, ref SDS 26 0000.
130802 -
130803 - Submitted ref DIT 1 linked to this record to facilitate review and
130804 - comment on...
130805 -
130806 - Doc Log for better user support. ref SDS 0 4148
130807 -
130808 - Sample is at ref OF 4
130809 -
130810 - Training support, "lessons learned," ref SDS 0 6822
130811 -
130812 - Sample is at ref SDS 31
130813 -
130814 -
130815 - [On 990521 Morris responded on Doc Log. ref SDS 34 3650]
130816 -
130817 -
130818 -
1309 -
1310 -
1311 - Progress
1312 -
131201 - ..
131202 - Communication Metrics Delivers Useful Intelligence Through Doc Log
131203 -
131204 - Follow up ref SDS 27 8159, ref SDS 26 1100.
131205 -
131206 - On 990427 received ref DRP 3 from Morris, ref SDS 27 8159, stating...
131207 -
131208 - You still haven't addressed the viewpoint of the user.
131209 - You may almost need a search based help system.
131210 -
131211 - On 990505 Tom Keesling at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requested a
131212 - direct, alternate access to documents. ref SDS 30 3150
131213 -
131214 - Analysis on 990505 showed SDS records provide access to documents
131215 - for the purpose of particular communications. ref SDS 30 4425
131216 -
131217 - Tom pointed out that once a document gets into the information stream,
131218 - there needs to be a way to get it without opening an SDS record.
131219 -
131220 - This was created and on 990514 Tom says Doc Log helps meet his
131221 - objective. ref SDS 32 8599
131222 -
131223 - Possibly, this is part of Morris' objective as well.
131224 -
131225 - A sample is the log of documents we have exchanged the past few
131226 - months in ref OF 4.
131227 - ..
131228 - The search engine is more difficult because it requires working
131229 - with subjects. Morris noted on 970116 that working with subjects is
131230 - hard. ref SDS 5 1732
131231 -
131232 - Hopefully, the doc log is part of an interim solution.
131233 -
131234 - [On 990521 Morris indicated Doc Log helps a little, but need a
131235 - search feature; he does not address design of search to overcome
131236 - difficulties of "subjects." ref SDS 34 3650]
131237 -
131238 -
131239 -
131240 -
1313 -
Web Support, Multi-subject Reports,
Planning, F4 HTML, Doc Log, Evaluation
Training and Policy Support
Document Management Systems
Training Executives What they Want, Not to
Lessons Learned SDS Selling Points
Commercial Applications Customers
Budget Overkill No Time No Budget Front-end Investment to Save Time C
Budget Management Improvement Experiment Better Methods Cost of Busin
2512 -
251201 - ..
251202 - Training, Policy Formulation Supported by SDS
251203 -
251204 - Follow up ref SDS 33 2968.
251205 -
251206 - SDS has been promoted to improve earnings by adding "intelligence" to
251207 - daily management through a system of metrics for communications.
251208 -
251209 - The world may yet catch up to us, but in the meantime another approach
251210 - to applying this capability may be as a training, policy formulation
251211 - role.
251212 -
251213 - [On 990615 possible commercial applications listed for NSF
251214 - proposal. ref SDS 36 2394]
251215 -
251216 - Right now there are no budgets for Communication Metrics. They have
251217 - to be carved out of nebulous things like improved earnings and cost
251218 - savings from reducing mistakes, better management, and so on. This
251219 - requires someone to lift a pencil.
251220 -
251221 - There are, however, budgets for training, maybe less so for policy
251222 - formulation, but both are supported by so called "Lessons Learned" and
251223 - more recently "repository of experience."
251224 -
251225 - Lessons Learned is mostly an empty buzz word, because the "lessons"
251226 - are in the minds of people who make mistakes, and the lessons quickly
251227 - fade when the economy improves and sunshine profits roll in, or when
251228 - people leave, and they are replaced by new people who have not learned
251229 - any lessons, or have learned different lessons.
251230 -
251231 - Recent buzz about a repository of experience is another way to sell
251232 - DBMS and hardware, al la "business intelligence" and "knowledge
251233 - management" as we have discussed.
251234 -
251235 - Case studies get thrown together, if there is a big enough disaster,
251236 - usually through law suits.
251237 - ..
251238 - Under this state of play it might be possible to use SDS and the
251239 - Communication Metrics role to support training and policy formulation
251240 - by capturing a body of work in the manner that SDS does, under the
251241 - guise of using the record as "case study" material for "root cause
251242 - analysis."
251243 -
251244 - Prepared ref DIT 1 linked to this record to facilitate review and
251245 - comment on...
251246 -
251247 - On 980307 review of Grove's book...
251248 -
251249 -
251250 - Only the Paranoid Survive
251251 -
251252 -
251253 - which he calls for executives to "study" and to buckle down and
251254 - learn new skills. ref SDS 8 3620
251255 -
251256 - [On 990521 Morris advised training is not a good way to use Com
251257 - Metrics at Intel. ref SDS 34 0976]
251258 -
251259 - [On 990524 proposed SDS for engineering management and design
251260 - support. ref SDS 35 0876]
251261 -
251262 - [On 991025 Intel teaches a class using Grove's book, but has not
251263 - covered his call for diligence to write copious notes that remove
251264 - ambiguity of mental maps. ref SDS 37 5346]
251265 -
251266 - SDS has the ability to capture scenerios, or sequences of related
251267 - events that impart a sense of cause and effect by virture of the
251268 - chronologies. Everything it touches becomes a case study. If it
251269 - visits a subject on multiple occassions a larger case study emerges.
251270 -
251271 - The purpose of SDS is to figure out what needs to be done, and to
251272 - perform the work according to objectives, requriements and
251273 - commitments, i.e., to manage day-to-day.
251274 -
251275 - But this has not caught on.
251276 -
251277 - People like to work on what pops into their head, or comes in over the
251278 - phone, the mail, meetings and from the boss, rather than check the
251279 - record for what needs to be done.
251280 -
251281 - But there is still a training budget to spend.
251282 -
251283 - I am thinking a Communication Manager could be instead a "Training
251284 - Observer" or some other benign sounding chap, who is sits in on
251285 - meetings, not to get things done, or improve management, but to gather
251286 - information to train others based on the outstanding management of
251287 - those being observed.
251288 -
251289 - This might be acceptable, explained as a way to gather case study
251290 - "data" for training purposes, to identify lessons learned, and review
251291 - policy and procedures.
251292 -
251293 - In a training class, a bunch of people would able to follow the
251294 - sequence of events showing each "lesson." by clicking on links in the
251295 - SDS web page record. Since the thing is on the web, it would support
251296 - "virtual training" using remote video or some other razzel dazzel.
251297 -
251298 - An example of a typical "lessons learned" scenario is a recent visit
251299 - to get the car serviced on 990507. ref SDS 31
251300 -
251301 - The vendor had the typical problems endemic to complex transactions on
251302 - complex objects, that have complex impacts over time, i.e., lots of
251303 - people, lots of parts, and lots of dynamics, resulting in lots of
251304 - mistakes. This is the environment of most daily management settings,
251305 - especially in large organizations, and so the idea of capturing case
251306 - study "data" for training, may be attractive.
251307 -
251308 - There is an action item to review with the vendor, in this case Ford,
251309 - the potential for training and policy support. ref SDS 31 6952
251310 -
251311 - Would like Morris to comment if he would feel more comfortable
251312 - explaining this concept, as an alternative to adding a Communciation
251313 - Manager to ride herd on meetings at Intel. Does a training observr
251314 - seem like an easier sell?
251315 -
251316 - If that were to occur, it would provide a path for people to become
251317 - comfortable with this role on a part time basis. If work product were
251318 - made avalable, they could become comfortable with "intelligence."
251319 -
251320 - Eventually, people would feel comfortable with using "intelligence" in
251321 - their daily work, and this would make it easier to move civilization
251322 - forward, as planned.
251323 -
251324 - It could still be used for training and policy, because "intelligence"
251325 - is versatile.
251326 -
251327 -
251328 -
251329 -
251330 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"