440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 20, 1999 12:06 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Jim Lovo on status of AIS and Com Metrics.
2...Feedback Corrects Record; HQUSACE has Organization Changes
3...SDS Email Conversion to Web Environment Improved
4...Email Different from Memoranda; Identified by "Date" Format
5...Partnering Offers Path to "Paperless" (Less Expensive) Contract Admin
6...AIS - HQ Wants Uniform Accessibility; Com Metrics Provides via Web
7...CESPN Found Com Metrics Implements CCA Guide
8...CEMP-EC Reengineering S&A Processes; Com Metrics May Be Considered
Click here to comment!
0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. James V. Lovo; Team Leader =202 761 4804 fax 4783
020102 - Construction Management Team, CEMP-EC
Gov Format Practices
Address Staff Positions Correctly
Email, Like Talking, Fools Gold,
Construction, Design Branch, Jim Lovo
Construction Management Team, Jim Lovo
Feedback Accuracy Metrics Listening
Email Causes Mistakes
Email Converted to Letterhead Formal
2010 - ..
2011 - Summary/Objective
2012 -
201201 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
201202 -
201203 - Left message for Jim on a number of pending issues from ref DIP 1
201204 - sent on 990513.
201205 -
201206 -
201207 -
201208 - ..
2013 -
2014 -
2015 - Progress
2016 -
201601 - Left message for Jim on his voice mail.
201602 -
201603 -
201604 -
201605 - Feedback Corrects Record; HQUSACE has Organization Changes
201606 -
201607 - Follow up ref SDS 9 9876, ref SDS 7 2805.
201608 -
201609 - Left message asking Jim if he received my letter, ref DIP 1 , sent on
201610 - 990513, that responded to Jim's letter ref DRP 2 received on 990510.
201611 - ref SDS 7 4770
201612 -
201613 -
201614 -
201615 -
201616 - ..
201617 - SDS Email Conversion to Web Environment Improved
201618 - Email Different from Memoranda; Identified by "Date" Format
201619 -
201620 - Follow up ref SDS 9 3625, ref SDS 7 8064.
201621 -
201622 - My message today, asks if improvements to SDS cited in my letter on
201623 - 990513, ref DIP 1 2821, addresses complaints Jim raised?
201624 -
201625 - The goal is to use communication with Jim to demonstrate and widen
201626 - experience within the Corps on using "intelligence" that can be
201627 - delivered anytime, anywhere on the web, per analysis from discussion
201628 - on 990506. ref SDS 5 4732
201629 -
201630 - Does anyone at HQ think this is "pretty neat," per report on 981104?
201631 - ref DRP 1 4550
201632 -
201633 - On 990514 Tom Keesling at CESPN indicates Doc Log improvements are a
201634 - big help. ref SDS 10 8599
201635 -
201636 -
201637 -
201638 -
2017 -
Demo SDS via Web Site
Wider Use Comm Metrics
Common Administration
2507 -
250701 - ..
250702 - Partnering Offers Path to "Paperless" (Less Expensive) Contract Admin
250703 -
250704 - Follow up ref SDS 9 8200, ref SDS 7 3071.
250705 -
250706 - Did not ask Jim if he has heard anything on this. ref DIP 1 4560
250707 -
250708 -
250709 -
250710 -
2508 -
District Support
Procurement Memo, Tom Keesling, Max Blodgette
CESPN on Com Metrics, DE, Tom Keesling
AIS Compatibility
Institutionalize Communication Metrics
3008 -
300801 - ..
300802 - AIS - HQ Wants Uniform Accessibility; Com Metrics Provides via Web
300803 -
300804 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0788, ref SDS 7 2795.
300805 -
300806 - Left message asking Jim if he has received any feedback on the inquiry
300807 - about AIS that he made, per my letter on 990513. ref DIP 1 2632,
300808 - following up discussion on 990506, ref SDS 5 4284, to address DE's
300809 - comment on 990504. ref SDS 1 7956
300810 -
300811 - [On 990524 received letter from Jim on this. ref SDS 12 5671]
300812 -
300813 -
300814 -
3009 -
3010 -
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Information Overload
S&A Reengineer Process
Accountability Feared
Reengineer Add Value of Communication
Reengineer Automate Deming's Management
Change in Right Direction, Add Metrics to Communication
Business Process Measurement, Communication
Reengineer Command to Influence, Talking,
Reengineering Compounds Information Overload
Reengineer Where People Work, Who They Work For...
Prepare New Realities 21st Century
4515 -
451501 - ..
451502 - CESPN Found Com Metrics Implements CCA Guide
451503 - CEMP-EC Reengineering S&A Processes; Com Metrics May Be Considered
451504 -
451505 - Follow up ref SDS 9 8740, ref SDS 7 8943.
451506 -
451507 - Did not mention anything about Jim's work on reengineering S&A, since
451508 - he has enough experience to decide this issue.
451509 -
451510 - Would like to get some feedback from S&A matter going on now, to
451511 - demonstrate further applicability.
451512 -
451513 -
451514 -
451515 -
451516 -
4516 -
4517 -
4518 - ..
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"