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1...Jim will consider Communication Metrics to reengineer S&A processes.
0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. James V. Lovo; Team Leader =202 761 4804 fax 4783
020102 - Construction Management Team, CEMP-EC
District Support
Procurement Memo, Tom Keesling, Max Blodgette
CESPN on Com Metrics, DE, Tom Keesling
AIS Compatibility
Institutionalize Communication Metrics
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 31 0000, ref SDS 30 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Jim is investigating AIS issue raised by DE. He will notify the
080904 - manager for partnering improvements about Common Administration, and
080905 - will consider Communication Metrics for reengineering the S&A process
080906 - now under review.
080907 -
080908 - Submitted ref DIT 1 linked to this record. Sent copy to Tom Keesling
080909 - for update on AIS issue.
080910 -
080911 -
080912 - ..
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Discussion
0813 -
081301 - ..
081302 - AIS - HQ Wants Uniform Accessibility; Com Metrics Provides via Web
081303 -
081304 - Follow up ref SDS 31 8694.
081305 -
081306 - Jim got my message yesterday asking about DE's question on AIS and
081307 - Communication Metrics from the meeting on 990504. ref SDS 30 7956
081308 -
081309 - He sent an inquiry to contacts in the Information Management
081310 - Directorate and others to obtain input on "guidance."
081311 -
081312 - John Shell has responded that he is looking into it.
081313 - ..
081314 - Jim's general impression is that CE wants to be able to read
081315 - anything received from the field. Documents that are not compatible
081316 - with Word have caused problems. It is generally believed that CE
081317 - advised the DEs to furnish information that is uniformly accessible.
081318 - Communication Metrics work product is delivered via web browser that
081319 - is uniformly accessible, per analysis on 971105. ref SDS 7 4927 This
081320 - accomplishes CE's objective.
081321 - ..
081322 - In the recent period there has been less emphasis on clarifying
081323 - command guidance with published materials. Policy is established by
081324 - feedback from the field, as in my letter to DE, which was copied to
081325 - Jim, ref DIP 14, that links the meeting on 990504 covering AIS policy.
081326 - ref SDS 30 7956 HQ staff discussion and review, largely through
081327 - email, then settles on scope and implementation of policy.
081328 -
081329 - [On 990510 Jim provides feedback distinguishing email from memos.
081330 - ref SDS 34 8064]
081331 -
081332 - Jim will submit the results of his inquiry on this AIS issue.
081333 -
081334 - [On 990513 followed up. ref SDS 35 0788]
081335 -
081336 - [On 990520 followed up. ref SDS 36 6025]
081337 -
081338 - [On 990524 received response. ref SDS 37 5671]
081339 -
081340 - Might this process of gathering useful "intelligence" from the field
081341 - be supported by Communication Metrics, as occurred in this case?
081342 -
081343 - Suppose Communication Metrics were used at the meeting with the DEs
081344 - and the CE last week. Could a report like that for the Cal Tech
081345 - seminar on 921021, ref SDS 1, be useful to the effort Jim explains
081346 - above?
081347 -
081348 - Another example is the PMI Asilomar Conference on 960712. ref SDS 3
081349 -
081350 - Communication Metrics provides a meaningful way to incorporate
081351 - "conversation" into the work stream.
081352 -
081353 -
081354 -
0814 -
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Experience, Need Broader Base
Information Overload
Common Administration
1809 -
180901 - ..
180902 - Common Administration Supports Partnering
180903 -
180904 - Follow up ref SDS 27 2700, ref SDS 22 7080.
180905 -
180906 - Jim received my letter on 990428 asking about progress reviewing
180907 - Common Administration to support partnering, ref DIP 12 1740, which
180908 - was originally submitted on 990328. ref SDS 17 9641
180909 -
180910 - He advised there is a strong emphasis on partnering in the Corps.
180911 - ..
180912 - Partnering ranges from effective to a "fig leaf."
180913 -
180914 - Current efforts are aimed at strengthening corporate dialog with major
180915 - contractor groups, like the AGC.
180916 -
180917 - Adding "metrics" to communication expands effectiveness of partnering.
180918 -
180919 - Contractors, who have accepted cost and schedule control, may be open
180920 - to a system of business controls for communication. If not, it may be
180921 - in the Corps' interest to provide this support.
180922 -
180923 - Jim will notify the partnering staff about Communication Metrics and
180924 - Common Administration, set out in my letter on 990328. ref DIP 1 5811
180925 -
180926 - The specific proposal is at ref SDS 17 9641.
180927 -
180928 - [On 990507 Jim sent notice on this. ref SDS 33 4956]
180929 -
180930 - Comments on 970107 by Dutra's president, Bob Johnston, who was no
180931 - friend of Communication Metrics nor the Corps of Engineers, shows that
180932 - effective common effort can be achieved, despite differences, through
180933 - Common Administration -- at ref SDS 5 4953.
180934 -
180935 - This can save the Corps and the contractor a lot of time, money and
180936 - strife. These are the aims of partnering.
180937 -
180938 -
180939 -
180940 -
1810 -
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Information Overload
S&A Reengineer Process
Accountability Feared
Reengineer Add Value of Communication
Reengineer Automate Deming's Management
Change in Right Direction, Add Metrics to Communication
Business Process Measurement, Communication
Reengineer Command to Influence, Talking,
Reengineering Compounds Information Overload
Reengineer Where People Work, Who They Work For...
Prepare New Realities 21st Century
Reengineer Communication SDS Improves Management Adds Metrics Alignme
Regulation Reengineer Reduce Bureauracy Unproductive Regulation Polic
3517 -
351701 - ..
351702 - CESPN Found Com Metrics Implements CCA Guide
351703 - CEMP-EC Reengineering S&A Processes; Com Metrics May Be Considered
351704 -
351705 - Follow up ref SDS 27 2700, ref SDS 16 5676.
351706 -
351707 - Jim advised his team is working on implementing RMS and reengineering
351708 - S&A processes.
351709 -
351710 - We reviewed these tasks in relation to expanding consideration of
351711 - Communication Metrics, which was a goal in our discussion on 990304.
351712 - ref SDS 16 5676
351713 -
351714 - [On 990510 Jim is Leader of Construcation Management Team.
351715 - ref SDS 34 5640]
351716 -
351717 - [On 990513 USACE report on 971120 calls for changing S&A business
351718 - processes to save costs. ref SDS 35 8740]
351719 -
351720 - Jim's boss now signs off on the Construction Contract Administration
351721 - Guide (CCA Guide), which is a component of S&A.
351722 -
351723 - Max Blodgett, Chief CON OPS in the San Francisco District, wanted
351724 - Communication Metrics to implement the CCA Guide. On 970310 Chuck
351725 - Shoer was contacted about requirements for an RE diary, because, at
351726 - that time, Chuck was signing off on the CCA Guide. Chuck requested a
351727 - copy of the report on Communication Metrics. ref SDS 6 2325 This led
351728 - to today...
351729 -
351730 - Communication Metrics is the best way to formulate policy and to carry
351731 - it out because it gathers and applies "intelligence." ref DRP 1 6172
351732 -
351733 - Communication is the predicate to action, so adding "metrics" to helps
351734 - get things done, including S&A.
351735 -
351736 - The biggest obstacle to implementing management criteria, like S&A and
351737 - the CCA Guide, is that they entail a lots of things to do. This is
351738 - not a criticism. Good management requires doing a lot of things that
351739 - people cannot remember due to information overload, cited in Jim's
351740 - report. ref DRP 6 4495
351741 -
351742 - People don't decide what to do based on standards and guidelines.
351743 -
351744 - Communication Metrics does.
351745 -
351746 - (see Jim's letter to Barry on 990304 that highlights "intelligent
351747 - information," ref DRP 6 9572, with a link to the record explaining
351748 - SDS. ref DIP 2 8960)
351749 -
351750 - Managers are working on the last phone call, the last meeting or the
351751 - last seminar where the CE or the DE or someone said what to do. They
351752 - don't have time to check the guide, the contract or the email, as
351753 - explained in the New World Order... paper. ref OF 2 5827
351754 -
351755 - Communication Metrics aligns management work with relevant control
351756 - criteria. Alignment brings accountability, which is the essence of
351757 - management (see Corps of Engineer's Quality Management standards
351758 - reviewed on 971202. ref SDS 8 2446) People, however, fear
351759 - accountablity. ref SDS 9 5065 Therefore, Communication Metrics
351760 - delivers "intelligence" to get the work done correctly and on time, so
351761 - people get credit for doing a good job.
351762 -
351763 - People like to do a good job if they get support.
351764 -
351765 - Communication Metrics provides support.
351766 -
351767 - Management standards like ISO 9000, and 10006 for project management,
351768 - call for a system of traceability to original sources, as reviewed on
351769 - 950721. ref SDS 2 1740
351770 -
351771 - Communication Metrics does this in real-time.
351772 -
351773 - Everybody else does it after-the-fact when someone cites a problem.
351774 -
351775 - Managers spend most of their time on "problem handling." and when
351776 - problems grow someone writes a check for $30M, because nobody has the
351777 - time to trace back through the record to discover where alignment went
351778 - awry. See for example discussion on 961105 about the lowly "mud
351779 - bucket" ref SDS 4 8843 and the pressures that lead to ignoring
351780 - contracts and guidelines. ref SDS 4 6121
351781 -
351782 - [On 990513 follow up on adding metrics to communication for
351783 - command and control of the record that fits HQUSACE goals to
351784 - improve S&A. ref SDS 35 8740]
351785 -
351786 - Max saw that day-to-day Communication Metrics maintains alignment.
351787 -
351788 - When Communication Metrics is applied to remind people about goals,
351789 - commitments and requirements in relation to performance, things begin
351790 - to change. Things start getting done that align with requirements and
351791 - commitments. That is all anybody can do to improve management.
351792 -
351793 - See for example discussion on 970107 with Bob Johnston, president of
351794 - Dutra Company, concerning the Oakland Harbor project. ref SDS 5 4953
351795 -
351796 - Jim will consider Communication Metrics to reengineer S&A processes.
351797 -
351798 - [On 990513 follow up. ref SDS 35 8740.
351799 -
351800 -
351801 -
351802 -
3519 -
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Web Demonstrates Capability that is Hard to
Web Demonstrates Com Metrics
4006 -
400601 - ..
400602 - Communication Metrics Can be Explained by Using the Web
400603 -
400604 - Follow up ref SDS 27 2700, ref SDS 22 7080.
400605 -
400606 - Jim received my letter on 990428, ref DIP 12 1740, asking about using
400607 - his report on the web to demonstrate the meaning of "intelligence"
400608 - which is set out in his report. ref DRP 6 3432
400609 -
400610 - [On 990510 Jim complains SDS memo format does not reflect email;
400611 - review goal to demonstrate new capability. ref SDS 34 8064]
400612 -
400613 - We considered Jim's experience interacting with Communication Metrics
400614 - on the Internet shows that this method accomplishes an "intelligent"
400615 - role through a "paperless office" environment. An example is our
400616 - discussion on 990105. ref SDS 14 5880
400617 -
400618 - The people in the Information Management Directorate, Barry in the
400619 - Dredging department, and others do not have Jim's experience, so they
400620 - dismiss claims of "intelligence" and "paperless office" as...
400621 -
400622 - "off-the-wall"
400623 -
400624 - ...because it conflicts with their common sense. They don't have the
400625 - experience Jim has which revealed...
400626 -
400627 - self-evident benefits to solve information overload
400628 -
400629 - ...reported on 981119. ref SDS 13 2272
400630 -
400631 - This disconnect in experience is frustrating for everybody, as
400632 - expressed by Jason Yuen in a call last night concerning the building
400633 - program at the San Francisco International airport. ref SDS 32 8955
400634 -
400635 - Jim will use his report to Barry on the Web, to notify others about
400636 - Communication Metrics, ref DRP 6 3432, so they have a chance to
400637 - experience the capability explained in Jim's report.
400638 -
400639 - [On 990507 Jim did this for partnering staff. ref SDS 33 4956]
400640 -
400641 - [On 990510 Jim complains SDS memo format does not reflect email;
400642 - review goal to demonstrate new capability. ref SDS 34 8064]
400643 -
400644 -
400645 -
400646 -
400647 -
4007 -
4008 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"