440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 4, 1999 10:00 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with DE, Tom at USACE on Com Metrics, NSF proposal.
2...Communciation Metrics Has Been Used and Evaluated by District
.....Judicious Review of Intelligence on the Internet
3...Leadership Essential for Change
4..."Intelligence" Makes Enterprise-wide Management Effective
5...Application - Better Communication Helps Everyone
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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020101 - San Francisco District
020102 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020103 - Construction Operations Division
0202 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020201 - San Francisco District
020202 - LTC Peter T. Grass; District Engineer =415 977 8500
020203 - Office of the Commander
District Support
Comm Metrics DDE, Major Blenchinger
Procurement Memo, Tom Keesling, Max Blodgette
Meet on Com Metrics Procurement
Organization Changes COE SFD
Planning, COE SFD, Leadership
CESPN on Com Metrics, DE, Tom Keesling
1509 - ..
1510 - Summary/Objective
1511 -
151101 - Follow up ref SDS 48 0000, ref SDS 47 0000.
151102 -
151103 - Reviewed Communiation Metrics history in the District, and recent
151104 - recommendation by HQUSACE. Scope of services developed by the
151105 - District can be applied broadly because effective communication is
151106 - critical for all management functions. The District can lead in
151107 - achieving a "paperless" work environment on the Internet. This would
151108 - provide a base of experience to support a proposal to the National
151109 - Science Foundation for using the web to accomplish Enterprise
151110 - Management that saves time and money. Corps-wide application can
151111 - benefit from broader base of experience in the District.
151112 -
151113 - Submitted ref DIT 1 linked to this record. Sent copy to Tom.
151114 -
151115 - [On 990505 called Tom Keesling. ref SDS 49 4464]
151116 -
151117 - [On 990514 followed up. ref SDS 53 6480]
151118 -
151119 - [On 990614 notified DE to follow up. ref SDS 57 0001]
151120 -
151121 -
151122 -
1512 -
1513 -
1514 - Discussion
1515 -
151501 - ..
151502 - Communciation Metrics Has Been Used and Evaluated by District
151503 -
151504 - LTC Grass received the letter from Tom scheduling the meeting today.
151505 - ref DRP 7, but had not seen the letter on background and purpose of
151506 - the meeting. ref DIP 9 6022
151507 -
151508 - District evaluated Communication Metrics on 970328. ref DRP 1 6172
151509 -
151510 - [On 990505 Tom suggested making link to the report more direct.
151511 - did this. ref SDS 49 3150]
151512 -
151513 - ..
151514 - Judicious Review of Intelligence on the Internet
151515 -
151516 - Suggest "Judicious Review" opening links for the first time. Read
151517 - only a few sentences or a paragraph then return to this level, as
151518 - explained on 990419. ref SDS 40 2601
151519 -
151520 - [On 990505 feedback from Tom. ref SDS 49 9630]
151521 -
151522 - Communication Metrics compliments cost and schedule control to make
151523 - leadership effective. On 950202 lecture defined need for adding
151524 - "metrics" to communication. ref SDS 1 0333 Tom Keesling's report on
151525 - 970328 cites General Hatch's view that this provides an "intelligence"
151526 - role for management. ref DRP 1 6172
151527 -
151528 - Six advantages were identified on 990423. ref SDS 39 2635
151529 -
151530 - District has a substantial investment in Communication Metrics, see on
151531 - 990429. ref SDS 47 8967
151532 -
151533 - Comments by District staff are in Tom's report. ref DRP 1 5543
151534 -
151535 - DE mentioned Monti Jaggers has a new assignment. He asked if she is
151536 - familiar with Communication Metrics? Work on 970110 shows staff
151537 - reliance on this method. ref SDS 6 2487
151538 -
151539 - Scope of Services was developed in 1997 for use on Richmond project.
151540 - ref DRP 1 4929
151541 - ..
151542 - LTC Grass noted recent guidance that AIS requires HQ approval.
151543 -
151544 - On 990304 Jim Lovo at HQUSACE recommended Communication Metrics for
151545 - wider use in the Corps based on experience in the San Francisco
151546 - District. ref DRP 6 Tom Keesling noted that this does not replace
151547 - anything the Corps is doing. It makes everything work better. On
151548 - 950305 Tom reviewed using contract support for Communication Metrics,
151549 - ref SDS 33 7319
151550 -
151551 - [On 990505 called for HQ guidance. ref SDS 49 8694]
151552 -
151553 - [On 990506 Jim Lovo at HQUSACE investigating. ref SDS 50 7392]
151554 -
151555 - [On 990513 followed up. ref SDS 52 0788]
151556 -
151557 - [On 990520 followed up. ref SDS 54 6025]
151558 -
151559 - [On 990524 Jim Lovo at HQ advises guidance at Ft. Leonard Wood
151560 - Conference did not impact use of Com Metrics. ref SDS 55 5671]
151561 -
151562 - How can the District grow this experience into a Corps-wide assett?
151563 -
151564 -
151565 -
151566 - Leadership Essential for Change
151567 - "Intelligence" Makes Enterprise-wide Management Effective
151568 -
151569 - On 970917 CON OPS cited need for leadership. ref SDS 9 7344
151570 -
151571 - Leadership helps people overcome fear of change in order to discover
151572 - that "intelligence" brings credit for a better job. see work on
151573 - 980405. ref SDS 12 5065; meeting with Max on 980403. ref SDS 11 6581
151574 -
151575 - Communication Metrics on the web provides "intelligence" to make
151576 - leadership effective...
151577 -
151578 -
151579 -
151580 - Intelligence means "processing information" with...
151581 -
151582 - organization
151583 - alignment
151584 - analysis
151585 - summary
151586 - feedback
151587 -
151588 - defined in the paper on POIMS. ref OF 1 0582
151589 -
151590 - This will be part of a proposal to the Nationl Science Foundation
151591 - (NSF) for Enterprise Management, ref OF 4, being submitted on 990609,
151592 - as shown on 990427. ref SDS 44 4380
151593 -
151594 - [On 990609 submitted technical proposal to NSF. ref DIP 10]
151595 -
151596 - Implementation on the Internet offers a revolutionary and powerful new
151597 - capability for leadership.
151598 -
151599 -
151600 - ..
151601 - Application - Better Communication Helps Everyone
151602 -
151603 - On 990520 the District identified applications. ref SDS 13 0829
151604 -
151605 - On 980403 Max gave example of need for Communication Metrics to
151606 - support inter-agency management issues. ref SDS 11 4033
151607 -
151608 - On 990204 Max requested project planning support. ref SDS 21 9360
151609 -
151610 - Today, Tom mentioned projects, PBRs, and environmental management.
151611 - ..
151612 - Common Administration to improve partnering and reduce payout
151613 - for claims was reviewed on 990305. ref SDS 33 7319
151614 -
151615 - "Partnering" ideas were sent to HQUSACE on 990328. ref SDS 37 9641 An
151616 - example is the comment on 970107 by Bob Johnston, president of Dutra,
151617 - was initially opposed to Communication Metrics, then discovered that
151618 - timely "intelligence" helps everyone. ref SDS 5 4953
151619 -
151620 - [On 990507 Common Administration under review at HQUSACE to
151621 - support partnering. ref SDS 51 4956]
151622 -
151623 - In sum, Communication Metrics ...
151624 -
151625 - 1. Provides decision support using links that show the chronology
151626 - of cause and effect as a historical record;
151627 -
151628 - For example see review of Oakland Harbor project on 981027....
151629 - ref SDS 15 9152
151630 -
151631 - 2. Supports proactive management for planning work day-to-day,
151632 - using timely intelligence delivered anytime, anywhere via the
151633 - Internet.
151634 -
151635 - See example on 970107. ref SDS 5 9769
151636 - ..
151637 - DE will review the record and discuss application with Tom.
151638 -
151639 - [On 990514 followed up. ref SDS 53 6480]
151640 -
151641 - Possible follow up actions are...
151642 -
151643 - 1. Memo on application in District.
151644 -
151645 - 2. Implement scope of services discussed with Tom and Max on
151646 - 990323. ref SDS 36 3819
151647 -
151648 - 3. Identify liaison for Com Metrics when Tom retires in July.
151649 -
151650 -
151651 -
151652 -
1517 -
1518 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"