440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 30, 1999 08:01 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Sent Kathleen SDS program update.

2...General Plan
3...Instructions for Downloading and Installing SDS
4...Here are Detailed Main Steps.

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Kathleen, Rita, Jennifer Dietzen

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Kathleen upgraded her computer yesterday. ref SDS 14 7524
040504 -
040505 - Today, I assembled the program code to install a current version of
040506 - SDS on her computer so she can use the Internet for communication
040507 - instead of conventional email.  It is uploaded to the web.
040508 -
040509 - Sent ref DIT 1 with link to this record.
040510 -
040511 - Provided information on speakers and a circuit board, ref DIT 1 2520,
040512 - answering Kath's question yesterday. ref SDS 14 2775
040513 -
040514 - She has been using Eurdora.
040515 -
040516 - I want her to use Netscape.  I have been using Netscape for email and
040517 - find that it has excellent features for the Internet environment we
040518 - have built.
040519 -
040520 - She can transfer her address book, so it does not have to be entered
040521 - from scratch.
040522 -
040523 - She will need to install ws_ftp.exe on her compter.  I will send this
040524 - program after she gets SDS up and running.
040525 -
040526 - I am sending her the past 4 months of my SDS records,
040527 -
040528 - We will install these on her computer under her USER ID. so she has
040529 - some records to begin working with right away, some including
040530 - correspondence we have had.  This will provide some familiar stuff to
040531 - use as a template for starting to use the program again.
040532 -
040533 -
040534 - General Plan
040535 -
040536 - Create a directory c: sd 10 to download SDS updated code to your
040537 - computer from the Internet.
040538 -
040539 - Download updated SDS code to the c: sd 10 directory.
040540 -
040541 -      This will take 30 minutes or so, depending upon how fast your
040542 -      modem is and how good the telephone line is to your Internet
040543 -      Service Provider.  The length of the download will be a local
040544 -      call, so it will not incur long distance charges.
040545 -
040546 - The Dowloaded files will be what are called zip files.
040547 -
040548 - Run install
040549 -
040550 -      It will delete old SDS code so there is plenty of room for the
040551 -      new stuff.  It will then unzip the downloaded files to create new
040552 -      code.
040553 -
040554 - Create SDS icons for running SDS, ans set the path
040555 -
040556 -      These steps are a little tricky, so call me, and we can do these
040557 -      together.
040558 -
040559 - Kathleen's User ID seems to have been 10000
040560 -
040561 -      We will verify this, then set up SDS for that User ID, so she
040562 -      has access to her old records, and the recent ones I am
040563 -      providing to jump start the effort.
040564 -
040565 - Install ws_ftp so she can upload files to the Internet.
040566 -
040567 -      In a week or so, after she works with SDS a bit, we will work
040568 -      through a couple of transfers so she gets the idea.
040569 -
040570 -
040571 - Instructions for Downloading and Installing SDS
040572 -
040573 -
040574 - Before doing the main stuff, defragment your computer...
040575 -
040576 -       Click on Start
040577 -          Programs
040578 -             Accessories
040579 -                System Tools
040580 -                   Degragment...
040581 -
040582 -           Set this to degragment "All Drives" at the bottom of the
040583 -           dialog box.
040584 -
040585 -       This may take 15 - 30 minutes, so do it during dinner or while
040586 -       watching TV, reading, etc.
040587 -
040588 -       After defrag runs restart the computer, to reset the RAM.
040589 -
040590 - Here are Detailed Main Steps.
040591 -
040592 -   1.  Make a directory on her computer for c: sd 10
040593 -
040594 -       a.  Click on Start
040595 -
040596 -             Programs
040597 -
040598 -                MS Dos prompt
040599 -
040600 -             This opens a screen that looks like the old DOS operating
040601 -             system, with a C: prompt.
040602 -
040603 -       b.  Enter following...
040604 -
040605 -                      C>md \sd   [Enter]
040606 -
040607 -             The C: prompt will immediately reappear.
040608 -
040609 -       c.  Enter...
040610 -
040611 -                      C>md \sd\10   [Enter]
040612 -
040613 -             This creates the directory...
040614 -
040615 -                      C>md \sd\10
040616 -
040617 -
040618 -   2.  Download files from Welch web site.
040619 -
040620 -       a.  Log onto the Internet.
040621 -
040622 -       b.  Click on the following line...
040623 -
040624 -        
040625 -
040626 -       c.  Download each file listed to c: sd 10
040627 -
040628 -           Click on a file shown in the list
040629 -
040630 -              This opens a dialog box that says...
040631 -
040632 -              Unkown File type -- You have four choices.
040633 -
040634 -              Click on "Save File"
040635 -
040636 -              This opens another dialog box.
040637 -
040638 -              Type in...
040639 -
040640 -                      c:\sd\10
040641 -
040642 -        the files are put in c:\sd\10
040643 -
040644 -           Do this for each of the 6 files.
040645 -
040646 -
040647 -   3.  Open the MS DOS window again - see step 1a.
040648 -
040649 -       Type "install" and press [Enter]
040650 -
040651 -       This should do a bunch of stuff.  Hopefully it is rigged to
040652 -       keep going, but it may hang up because I have not entered the
040653 -       code quite right.
040654 -
040655 -       It should take maybe 2 minutes plus or minus for everything to
040656 -       run, and then you will get the C: prompt.
040657 -
040658 - Call me for the next step.
040659 -
040660 -
040661 -
040662 -
040663 -
040664 -
0407 -