440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 28, 1999 09:27 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Notified Max Wideman about possible NSF grant proposal.
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0201 - Wideman, R. Max 604 736 7025
020101 - Mr. R. Max Wideman
Wideman Associates
Cognitive Science Unfamiliar, Quackery
Professional Endorsement Takes Time to Take Notice
Max Wideman, 990428
Roebuck, Roy, GEM
Enterprise Management and Workflow
0808 - ..
0809 - Summary/Objective
0810 -
081001 - Follow up ref SDS 34 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
081002 -
081003 - Sent ref DIT 1 to Max with link to work on 990427 reviewing Roy's
081004 - draft proposal for NSF grant. ref SDS 35
081005 -
081006 - Max might provide comments to guide the effort, based on his interest
081007 - in Enterprise Management
081008 -
081009 - [On 990502 Max responds. ref SDS 36 5910]
081010 -
081011 - Max's work on a glossary for Project Management fits the Enterprise
081012 - management model. On 990313 his paper Defining PM Knowledge for
081013 - global communications uses Context Maps, ref SDS 31 0360, that reflect
081014 - the concept of Context Management in Roy's NSF proposal reviewed
081015 - yesterday. ref SDS 35 3360
081016 -
081017 - Max's paper reviewed on 990313 seems to address enterprise-wide issues
081018 - based on the objective for global communication. ref SDS 31 7260
081019 -
081020 - The paper uses context maps, ref SDS 31 0360, which correlates to Roy
081021 - Roybuck's idea of Context Management as an "enterprise" level
081022 - application, per review on 990427. ref SDS 35 3360
081023 -
081024 -
081025 -
081026 -
081027 -
081028 -
081029 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"