440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 27, 1999 11:25 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Morris requesting custom subject identification.
2...Communication Metrics Delivers Useful Intelligence
...þ..You still haven't addressed the viewpoint of the user.
...þ..You may almost need a search based help system.
3...Judicious Review Guides Use of SDS Links in Knowledge Space
4...Roy Roebuck Submits Draft Proposal for NSF Grant
Click here to comment!
0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Director of Architecture =408 545 9521
Email Does Not Improve Productivity,
Fixing Small Problems is Psychologically
Judicious Review Guide to Avoid being
Link Summary to Details
Overwhelmed Complexity Shocking
Help Search Engine for SDS Records Needed
Links Prioritize Complexity Daily Management Overwhelming Too Difficu
Search Engine Needed for SDS on the Internet
Graphic Map Links Representation Links Avoid Confusion Decide Which L
Clear Concise Complete Communication Links Shocking Complexity Overwh
2813 - ..
2814 - Summary/Objective
2815 -
281501 - Follow up ref SDS 25 0000, ref SDS 23 0000.
281502 -
281503 - Morris does not comment on Judicious Review to aid clear, concise,
281504 - complete communication. There is no expression of error or omission
281505 - on SDS linking practices addressed yesterday. Maybe this indicates
281506 - progress. He raises the idea of a help system for users. SDS helps
281507 - Communication Managers generate useful letters, but it is not clear
281508 - why someone who gets a letter needs similar help, or how it would
281509 - work. Web browsers help users get intelligence delivered via Internet
281510 - that they cannot get by other means.
281511 -
281512 - Sent Roy's draft to Morris via ref DIT 1 linked to this record and
281513 - review of Roy's proposal. ref OF 4, at ref SDS 26.
281514 -
281515 -
281516 -
2816 -
2817 -
2818 - Progress
2819 -
281901 - ..
281902 - Communication Metrics Delivers Useful Intelligence
281903 -
281904 - Follow up ref SDS 25 1100.
281905 -
281906 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Morris responding to my letter sent
281907 - yesterday, ref DIP 1 0001 in the record on 990416. ref SDS 25 0001.
281908 -
281909 - Morris says...
281910 -
281911 - You still haven't addressed the vint of the user.
281912 -
281913 - [On 990712 Morris objects to clicking on links. ref SDS 34
281914 - 5837]
281915 -
281916 - Question
281917 -
281918 - Sending a letter addresses the viewpoint of the "user" who is
281919 - further linked into SDS records for background and analysis i.e.,
281920 - "intelligence." ref OF 1 0582
281921 -
281922 - The letter focuses the user's view on particular stuff in the
281923 - universe of possibilities.
281924 -
281925 - Morris has a particular objective which has not been explained??
281926 -
281927 - He needs to write out some detail on what he wants. This is a
281928 - new area in management support that is hard to explain, as Dave
281929 - Buoncristiani noted on 990419. ref SDS 18 3240 Maybe Morris can
281930 - help with this.
281931 -
281932 - [On 990505 Tom Keesling wants direct access to documents,
281933 - which may be part of Morris' objective. ref SDS 28 3150]
281934 -
281935 - [On 990514 Tom says Doc Log upgrade helps. ref SDS 29 8599]
281936 -
281937 - [On 990521 Morris feels Doc Log helps a little, but wants
281938 - search feature. ref SDS 30 3650 and ref SDS 30 9633]
281939 -
281940 - [On 990524 Morris confirms wants search feature, but is unsure
281941 - how it would work. ref SDS 31 4774]
281942 -
281943 - <5624 You may almost need a seaased help system.
281944 -
281945 - You have to consider vocabulary of the reader, view point, etc.
281946 -
281947 - This reflects in part Morris' request for a search engine for SDS
281948 - on the Internet in a call on 980404, ref SDS 7 4922, and in his
281949 - letter yesterday. ref SDS 25 1100
281950 -
281951 - [On 990521 Morris feels Doc Log helps a little, but wants
281952 - search feature. ref SDS 30 3650 and ref SDS 30 9633]
281953 -
281954 - [On 990524 Morris confirms wants search feature, but is unsure
281955 - how it would work. ref SDS 31 4774]
281956 -
281957 - [On 990616 submitted NSF proposal on this. ref SDS 33 3844]
281958 -
281959 - [On 000222 Dick Karpinski requests search capability.
281960 - ref SDS 35 4967]
281961 -
281962 - Question
281963 -
281964 - Why?
281965 -
281966 - People do not send a "help" system with correspondence. Like
281967 - Morris' letter, they say what they want the other person to
281968 - consider.
281969 -
281970 - "Vocabulary" is a strong feature of human mental acuity, based on
281971 - induction, as reviewed on 960324. ref SDS 3 4158 People get help
281972 - with words from the dictionary, or ask for help with meaning.
281973 -
281974 - How would a "search based help system" work?
281975 -
281976 - What would it do?
281977 -
281978 - Morris may be thinking on a grander scale. If we send someone a
281979 - letter linking them into SDS for particular stuff, he may be
281980 - envisioning a way for the reader to look up other stuff. That
281981 - would hamper the purpose of communication to focus attention and
281982 - build shared meaning on the stuff in the letter.
281983 -
281984 - Searching requires a subject index and tools to manage it.
281985 -
281986 - We have this.
281987 -
281988 - Morris helped build it, indirectly. On 970116 he noticed that
281989 - "subjects" require a lot of hard work. ref SDS 5 9430
281990 -
281991 - Communication Metrics assigns someone to do this work, so that
281992 - useful intelligence can be delivered to people who do not have
281993 - time to create the intelligence needed to work effectively.
281994 -
281995 - An example yesterday of a manager who admired how Communication
281996 - Metrics manages the work, ref SDS 24 9400, shows that delivering
281997 - useful intelligence makes people more effective, and this benefit
281998 - is self-evident.
281999 -
282000 -
282001 - ..
282002 - Judicious Review Guides Use of SDS Links in Knowledge Space
282003 -
282004 - Follow up ref SDS 25 9555.
282005 -
282006 - Morris does not comment on the guidelines for reviewing SDS links in
282007 - the record on 990419, ref SDS 18 2601, and analysed further on 990426
282008 - in response to his letter. ref SDS 25 0488
282009 -
282010 - [On 990712 Morris objects to clicking on links. ref SDS 34 5837]
282011 -
282012 - This may indicate he feels Judicious Review is a sensible way to
282013 - balance the need for visibility and focus, which otherwise compete for
282014 - space within limited span of attention, as discussed in his letter
282015 - yesterday. ref SDS 25 0558
282016 -
282017 -
282018 - ..
282019 - Roy Roebuck Submits Draft Proposal for NSF Grant
282020 -
282021 - Received today Roy's draft proposal reviewed at ref SDS 26 0001; the
282022 - main idea is to develop a web app for enterprise management.
282023 - ref SDS 26 9522
282024 -
282025 - Morris asked about this on 990425. ref SDS 26 We discussed ideas for
282026 - a study, ref SDS 23 6410, but the proposal does not take this
282027 - approach. ref SDS 26 4630
282028 -
282029 - [On 990428 received Morris' preliminary comment. ref SDS 27 3876]
282030 -
282031 - It is ambitous, and commercialization needs work.
282032 -
282033 - The whole thing needs to be fleshed out to comply with NSF
282034 - requirements.
282035 -
282036 -
282037 -
282038 -
282039 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"