440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 22, 1999 07:31 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom on procurement memo for Com Metrics.
2...Tom indicated it would help to call Leonard on Communication Metrics
3...Coordination on Navy Sewer Line was Successful
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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020101 - San Francisco District
020102 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020103 - Construction Operations Division
0202 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San F 415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020201 - Construction Services Branch, Sausalito, CA
020202 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief, Resident Engineer =Telephone
020203 - Construction Service Branch
District Support
Comm Metrics DDE, Major Blenchinger
Procurement Memo, Tom Keesling, Max Blodgette
Meet on Com Metrics Procurement
1006 - ..
1007 - Summary/Objective
1008 -
100801 - Follow up ref SDS 31 0000, ref SDS 30 0000.
100802 -
100803 - Tom saw Leonard yesterday, but did not have time to discuss
100804 - procurement of Communication Metrics.
100805 -
100806 - He is working on a report that needs to be ready for Max to make a
100807 - presentation to CGCESP when Max returns from vacation in 3 weeks,
100808 - beginning on Monday.
100809 - ..
100810 - CESPN organization changes have not yet been approved.
100811 -
100812 - Approval of Humbolt has been received, or is expected today.
100813 -
100814 - Tom indicated it would help to call Leonard on Communication Metrics
100815 - procurement, per our discussion with Max on 990323. ref SDS 31 9054
100816 - and ref SDS 31 1520 This will facilitate a meeting to move forward.
100817 - ..
100818 - We reviewed the general plan...
100819 -
100820 - 1. Tom will meet with Leonard and Maxine to get Leonard's
100821 - approval on using Communication Metrics to support Branch
100822 - Construction operations, based on the scope of services we
100823 - developed in 1997. ref DRP 1 4929 and for the Branch as shown
100824 - at ref DRP 1 6499
100825 -
100826 - Needs and use were cited by Max on 990204. ref SDS 17 9360
100827 - ..
100828 - 2. Tom will suggest that Maxine draft the procurement for
100829 - review by Tom and approval by Leonard, as an extension of her
100830 - work on the budget analysis she did last month. ref SDS 31
100831 - 4932
100832 -
100833 - Procurement planning was done on 990305, ref SDS 28 3737 and
100834 - on 990202. ref SDS 15 4928
100835 -
100836 - 3. Leonard will sign the procurement request and submit to Max
100837 - for endorsement, per Max's request on 980323. ref SDS 31 9054
100838 -
100839 -
100840 -
100841 - ..
1009 -
1010 -
1011 - 0746 called Leonard
1012 -
101201 - Explained discussion with Tom, per above. ref SDS 0 1224
101202 -
101203 - Leonard recalled the letter on this, ref DIP 6, linked to the meeting
101204 - with Max on 990323. ref SDS 31 4932
101205 -
101206 - Scope of Services would be per point 1, ref SDS 0 3528, as discussed
101207 - previously with Leonard on 970722. ref SDS 6 4822
101208 -
101209 - On 990204 Max requested this help. ref SDS 17 9360
101210 -
101211 - Reviewed idea of generic contract which Leonard can assign to projects
101212 - and as needed for the Branch, discussed with Tom on 990202. ref SDS 15
101213 - 4928 HQUSACE guidance seems to support his approach, as discussed
101214 - with Max on 990323. ref SDS 31 4101
101215 -
101216 - One aim is to accomplish HQUSACE goal for "paperless" management, as
101217 - reviewed on 990305. ref SDS 28 9044
101218 -
101219 - Leonard will discuss this with Tom when he visits HQ later today. He
101220 - will schedule a meeting with Tom and Maxine to develop the
101221 - procurement, for next week, when Maxine returns from assignement.
101222 -
101223 - Sent ref DIT 1 linked to this record, to Tom with copy to Leonard and
101224 - to Max.
101225 -
101226 - [On 990426 Leonard wants to defer Com Metrics. ref SDS 34 9066
101227 -
101228 -
101229 -
1013 -
1014 -
Navy Sewer Line, RR Slope Stability
Common Administration
USACE Navy Sewer Line Solved, Leonard
Construction Management
Contractor Evaluation
Communication Main Factor of Successful
Cost Savings Avoid Rework Mistakes
Common Administration Contracts using Com
Making more money
Difficult to Calculate
Miracle on Market Street
Cost Reduction
Experience, Need Broader Base
2516 -
251601 - ..
251602 - Coordination on Navy Sewer Line was Successful
251603 -
251604 - Follow up ref SDS 33 9532, ref SDS 32 2992.
251605 -
251606 - I asked Leonard if the effort to use an open cut construction method
251607 - and facilicate cooperation between Dutra and UPRR on the Navy Sewer
251608 - Line for the Oakland Harbor project, was successful?
251609 -
251610 - Leonard said this worked out successfully, and so reflects more of the
251611 - "Miracle on Market Street" from overcoming resistance to helping
251612 - managers save money, reviewed on 981027. ref SDS 12 7315
251613 -
251614 - Communication Metrics was officially ended on 961226, but was
251615 - continued pro bono until OA 970110 in order to maintain continuity of
251616 - pending initiatives. ref SDS 3 0549
251617 -
251618 - The Navy Sewer Line was one of those issues.
251619 -
251620 - This seems to support Marc McGovern's assessment of Communciation
251621 - Metrics in para 4 of his memo on 970402. ref DRP 1 0681
251622 -
251623 - It, also, supports Bob Johnston's view on 970107 that Communication
251624 - Metrics helps contractors and the government. ref SDS 4 4953, and so
251625 - may contribute to Dave Buoncristiani's discussion with Dutra to gain
251626 - support for a system of Common Administration. ref SDS 33 9532
251627 -
251628 -
251629 -
251630 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"