440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 20, 1999 09:18 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Iman about meeting on 990430; called Ross on facilitating review.
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0201 - State of California 916 445 6038
020101 - Department of Transportation
020102 - Mr. Iman Sallam, P.E.
020103 - Senior Transportation Engineer =916 653 2084
020104 - Construction Program MS-44
020105 - Field Automation
0202 - State of California 916 445 6038
020201 - Department of Transportation
020202 - Mr. Ross Chittenden
020203 - Chief Office of Project Management =916 654 2395
020204 - Project Management Program, MS 28
020205 - Systems Implementation
Common Administration
Caltrans, Self-evident Cost Savings
Clear Concise Complete Communication
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
Sel -evident Cost Savings Intelligence on
1207 - ..
1208 - Summary/Objective
1209 -
120901 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000, ref SDS 14 0000.
120902 -
120903 - Iman said he recieved my letter ref DIP 7 linked to the record of our
120904 - meeting on 990414. ref SDS 14 He feels it captures the understandings
120905 - and objectives we discussed .
120906 -
120907 - Iman advised that his email on 990416 was to indicate the Caltrans
120908 - internal meeting planned for 990415 on field automation, which we
120909 - discussed on 990414, ref SDS 14 4212, did not occur, and has been
120910 - rescheduled to 990430.
120911 -
120912 - [On 990421 sent letter to Iman on this. ref SDS 16 0627]
120913 -
120914 - He has not discussed our meeting on 990414 with John. ref SDS 14 7056.
120915 -
120916 - I did not ask about feedback on Common Administration. ref SDS 14 8845
120917 -
120918 - Iman noted there are a range of field automation initiatives to be
120919 - considered at the meeting on 990430. He plans to discuss Communication
120920 - Metrics, if there is an opportunity to do so. He will let me know if
120921 - Caltrans wants a presentation for senior management.
120922 - ..
120923 - We discussed briefly the idea from last week about Iman writing
120924 - up an explanation of Communication Metrics to aide his understanding.
120925 - ref SDS 14 8460 This will help explain it verbally, which is always a
120926 - problem people have introducing new techniques.
120927 -
120928 - Iman said he will do this.
120929 -
120930 - [Iman did not respond.]
120931 -
120932 -
120933 - ..
1210 -
1211 -
1212 - 0934 called Ross Chittenden
1213 -
121301 - Following discussion with Iman, above, ref SDS 0 7056, left message
121302 - asking Ross if he has received feedback from John McMillan, whom Ross
121303 - suggested contacting on 990406. ref SDS 11 0862
121304 -
121305 - Also asked if he has talked to Rob Richmond, as we discussed on
121306 - 990406. ref SDS 11 8320
121307 -
121308 -
121309 - ..
1214 -
1215 -
1216 - 1511 received message from Ross
1217 -
121701 - Ross returned my call. ref SDS 0 4920
121702 -
121703 - He has not received feedback from John McMillan on Communication
121704 - Metrics for Construction Management, discussed above. ref SDS 0 7056
121705 -
121706 - He feels John and Iman can follow up without further support from him.
121707 -
121708 - Feedback was reviewed on 971229. ref SDS 2 2914
121709 -
121710 - Ross has talked to Rob Richmond about Communication Metrics, and
121711 - forwarded Welch email to him, per telecon on 990406. ref SDS 11 8320
121712 -
121713 - He understands Rob has seen the web site for Communication Metrics.
121714 -
121715 -
121716 -
121717 - The email Ross forwarded lets Rob and others experience Communication
121718 - Metrics, and provides language for explaining it, per work on 990413.
121719 - ref SDS 13 2635 Rob is very busy; he will contact Welch about this
121720 - approach to save time and money, ref SDS 14 7776, when time permits
121721 -
121722 - Sent ref DIT 1 linked to this record and to Ross' article in PM
121723 - Network, reviewed on 970502, stating "leadership" is major factor in
121724 - trying better methods. ref SDS 1 3588 Also linked to the 990303
121725 - letter on human thinking and information overload, ref SDS 4 0920, to
121726 - show appreciation for his efforts to alert colleagues about this new
121727 - opportunity.
121728 -
121729 - Ross' point about balancing people, process and tools, ref SDS 1 4680,
121730 - correlates with my paper on SDS that explains the need for tools to
121731 - balance people, process and time. ref OF 1 5884 The challenge for
121732 - leadership is finding time to help the team discover better balance,
121733 - as related on 980405. ref SDS 3 5065
121734 -
121735 -
121736 -
121737 -
1218 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"