440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 6, 1999 12:47 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Ross Chittenden at Caltrans about Communication Metrics.
2...Communication Metrics Provides Effective Common Administration
3...Common Administration Improves Contract Management
4...Clear, Concise, Complete Communications Solves Information Overload
5...Internet Can Deliver Anytime, Anywhere Intelligence, Saves Money
Click here to comment!
0201 - State of California 916 445 6038
020101 - Department of Transportation
020102 - Mr. Ross Chittenden
020103 - Chief Office of Project Management =916 654 2395
020104 - Project Management Program, MS 28
020105 - Systems Implementation
Common Administration
Caltrans, Self-evident Cost Savings
Clear Concise Complete Communication
1005 - ..
1006 - Summary/Objective
1007 -
100701 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0000, ref SDS 21 0909.
100702 -
100703 - Ross is making progress using technology to support Caltrans' business
100704 - processes. He suggested calling John McMillan about Communication
100705 - Metrics for Construction Management. John's voice mail indicates he
100706 - is working on Y2K issues. Ross will send information on Welch methods
100707 - to Rob Richmond for supporting communication processes.
100708 -
100709 - Submitted ref DIT 1 with link to this record.
100710 -
100711 - Ross can notify Rob and others about Communication Metrics simply by
100712 - forwarding my letter.
100713 -
100714 - [On 990420 Ross notified Rob about Com Metrics. ref SDS 39 8361]
100715 -
100716 -
100717 -
100718 - ..
1008 -
1009 -
1010 - Discussion
1011 -
101101 - ..
101102 - Communication Metrics Provides Effective Common Administration
101103 - Common Administration Improves Contract Management
101104 -
101105 - Ross got my voice mail, ref SDS 36, about my letter, ref DIP 3, sent
101106 - on 990331, ref SDS 34, suggesting a system of "Common Administration"
101107 - developed on 990328. ref SDS 33 9641.
101108 -
101109 - He has not had time to read it. ref DIP 3
101110 -
101111 - I asked how his work is going improving cost and schedule control
101112 - which we discussed on 980908? ref SDS 21 6336
101113 -
101114 - He indicated making good progress that is slower than he would like
101115 - due to Caltrans procurement procedures that stretch out efforts to
101116 - introduce new methods and tools. This reflects continuing emphasis on
101117 - cost savings.
101118 - ..
101119 - Ross asked if I have contacted the people he suggested last year
101120 - about contract and construction management? He feels these areas need
101121 - good commnication.
101122 -
101123 - I explained that on 971104 he planned to suggest Construction Managers
101124 - contact me, ref SDS 17 2284, and again on 980908, ref SDS 21 6120, but
101125 - I have not heard from anyone. I did not call back about it because he
101126 - is very busy.
101127 - ..
101128 - Ross suggested that I contact...
101129 -
101130 - John McMillan
101131 - 916 653 4686
101132 -
101133 - ...who is a new manager for the Caltrans Construction Program, and
101134 - is looking for ways to improve management practices.
101135 -
101136 - I called John to tell him about the Communication Metrics web site...
101137 -
101138 -
101139 -
101140 - John's voice mail says he is managing Caltrans' Y2K issues.
101141 -
101142 - I left a message introducing myself, and asked John to let me know if
101143 - he is involved with the Construction Management program.
101144 -
101145 - In the letter to Ross, request clarification on John's role?
101146 -
101147 - [On 990412 talked to John, sent letter. ref SDS 37 8947]
101148 -
101149 - [On 990413 set meeting for 990414. ref SDS 38]
101150 -
101151 -
101152 - ..
101153 - Clear, Concise, Complete Communications Solves Information Overload
101154 - Internet Can Deliver Anytime, Anywhere Intelligence, Saves Money
101155 -
101156 - Ross has not had time to check the Communication Metrics web site
101157 - which we discussed on 980908. ref SDS 21 0909
101158 -
101159 -
101160 -
101161 - Today, we briefly reviewed the advantage of the Internet to deliver
101162 - business "intelligence." ref OF 1 0582
101163 -
101164 - Clear, concise, complete communications explained in the POIMS paper,
101165 - ref OF 1 1218, can significantly reduce costs by reducing paper
101166 - handling and storage, reviewed on 990201, ref SDS 24 6925 On 990105
101167 - HQUSACE reported Communication Metrics on the Internet helps solve
101168 - information overload. ref SDS 23 5880
101169 - ..
101170 - Ross advised that a colleague...
101171 -
101172 - Rob Richmond
101173 -
101174 - looking at Caltrans communication systems and practices, and
101175 - so may find Communication Metrics useful to support a "paperless
101176 - office" environment.
101177 -
101178 - I will send Ross an email linked to the Communication Metrics web site
101179 - so he can forward to Rob for assessing the potential of this method to
101180 - support Caltrans' objectives. On 890324 Tudor Engineers evaluated
101181 - Communication Metrics. ref SDS 1 6894 Later on 971021 it was applied
101182 - to the Internet. ref SDS 16 9999
101183 -
101184 - Common communication problems solved by Communication Metrics are
101185 - listed on 950327. ref SDS 5 0200
101186 -
101187 - [Did this per ref DIT 1 with link to this record
101188 -
101189 - [On 990420 Ross notified Rob about Com Metrics. ref SDS 39 8361
101190 -
101191 - Ross might let other colleagues know about this new capability to
101192 - apply the Internet productively to daily management, similar to Jim
101193 - Lovo's letter at HQUSACE on 990304. ref SDS 28 7392
101194 -
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101200 -
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1013 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"