440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 23, 1999 07:40 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Sent letter to Wayne on Broadwater case study.
2...My sense is that key opportunities were missed at two stages...
3...First was managing design....
........."Management" is inherently a comedy of errors, bumbling in a
4...Second, disarming project team, "turning out the lights"
........."Enlightenment" (i.e., alignment with original sources) does
5...What about now, 10 years later?
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0201 - Dep Natrl Recrs & Consrvtn 406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel; Deputy Director =406 444 6722; Director's Office
Case Study Broadwater
Broadwater Dam
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 39 0000, ref SDS 38 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Prepared ref DIT 1 0001 linked to the work on 990316 showing a
050604 - preliminary chronology. ref SDS 38 0001 This may yield some "lessons
050605 - learned" that support planning for future management, as we discussed
050606 - on 970827. ref SDS 21 3136
050607 - ..
050608 - On 990305 Max Wideman laments how long it takes for good ideas
050609 - to catch on. ref SDS 37 7611 Does Broadwater Dam and other project
050610 - experience over the past 10 years, offer guidance on this challenge?
050611 - ref SDS 38 4410
050612 -
050613 - My sense is that key opportunities were missed at two stages...
050614 -
050615 - First was managing design....
050616 -
050617 - The City of San Francisco, State of California, U.S. government,
050618 - Shell, Bechtel, IBM, Intel, no one... can align professional
050619 - conduct with objectives. These problems manifest themselves in
050620 - varying degrees, mostly by chance through bumbling. See for
050621 - example designing the Moscone Convention Center expansion in San
050622 - Francisco, on 980929. ref SDS 31 3099 See telecon with IBM on
050623 - 950120. ref SDS 17 0969 On 950807 Wharton School of business
050624 - cannot perform business practices it teaches. ref SDS 19 2013
050625 -
050626 -
050627 - Lesson:
050628 -
050629 - "Management" is inherently a comedy of errors, bumbling in a
050630 - jumble of guess and gossip that "feels good" momentarily by
050631 - consuming endless information endemic to human biology. This
050632 - entails continually "correcting corrections" to problems for
050633 - which the true dimensions and cause are hidden by complexity
050634 - of daily communications that are not aligned due to limited
050635 - span of attention. ref SDS 15 1331 The "warrior" drive to
050636 - conquer problems leads managers to work longer and harder
050637 - instead of using "intelligence." ref SDS 23 3379 Limited span
050638 - of attention reacts well against immediate perceived threats,
050639 - but is otherwise attracted to leisure pursuits instead of
050640 - investing in planning to avoid future threats, affliction,
050641 - conflict, calamity and cost.
050642 -
050643 - The NWO... paper explains the key problem. ref OF 2 5653
050644 -
050645 - On 990303 scientific paper explains problem. ref SDS 36 0920
050646 - ..
050647 - Second, disarming project team, "turning out the lights"
050648 -
050649 - Tudor ended SDS as "overkill," ref SDS 12 6399, and under cover of
050650 - darkness, slid out of town before small problems from the design
050651 - stage, grew in the "light" of a failed plant. At the time this
050652 - seemed sensible because SDS was controversial, and there was no
050653 - visible crisis, which is the role of risk management. Using
050654 - "intelligence" to avoid crisis is controversial risk management
050655 - because there is no absolute "proof" of cost savings. ref SDS 36
050656 - 2016
050657 - ..
050658 - This conduct saddled DNRC with engineering management tasks
050659 - whose true dimensions and consequences were not known at the time
050660 - they were undertaken, because Tudor's errors and negligence were
050661 - unknown for over two years, due to having "turned out the light" of
050662 - SDS, as reported on 920210. ref SDS 16 0899
050663 -
050664 - ..
050665 - Lesson:
050666 -
050667 - "Enlightenment" (i.e., alignment with original sources) does
050668 - not "feel good" at the moment, and so knowledge is difficult
050669 - to tolerate for long, and so soon good management feels like
050670 - "overkill," ref SDS 15 1331 which must be avoided in order to
050671 - avoid accountability, as set out in POIMS. ref OF 1 5820
050672 -
050673 - Without a crisis, enlightenment to avoid crises, seems like
050674 - "overkill" relative to risks of accountability.
050675 -
050676 - Only religion helps people tolerate the "light," making it
050677 - essential to effective community that overcomes momentary
050678 - passions which fuel "feel good" management. ref SDS 15 1331
050679 -
050680 - [On 990331 contractor recognized value of "intelligence"
050681 - after months of fighting it. ref SDS 41 0294]
050682 -
050683 - On 960105 USACE considered specifying Communication Metrics to
050684 - force contractors to use it. ref SDS 20 1008
050685 -
050686 - [On 990128 proposed Common Administration to provide
050687 - "intelligence" uniformly for helping contracting parties.
050688 - ref SDS 40 9641]
050689 -
050690 - What about now, 10 years later?
050691 -
050692 - In retrospect, would more "enlightenment" with "traceability to
050693 - original sources" have helped the Broadwater Dam project, as called
050694 - for by ISO standards? ref SDS 18 1740
050695 -
050696 - Could Welch have been more helpful; could someone with a more winning
050697 - personality have given a more effective warning to avoid disarming
050698 - DNRC, ref SDS 11 7391; could anything have been done to maintain the
050699 - "light" on various parties so that they could see their way to perform
050700 - the work using sound management practice that makes more money for
050701 - everyone?
050702 -
050703 - What can be learned from the record?
050704 -
050705 - [On 990328 proposed Common Administration. ref SDS 40 9641]
050706 -
050707 -
050708 -
050709 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"