440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 23, 1999 10:11 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Richard Popejoy.
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0201 - Richard Popejoy, DDS 408 255 8000
020101 - Dr. Richard Popejoy
Popejoy, Richard, Kathy
Ron Useldinger
Cartelage Pills to Repair
0805 - ..
0806 - Summary/Objective
0807 -
080701 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000.
080702 -
080703 - Richard returned my call from a few weeks ago.
080704 -
080705 - He recently attended the State wrestling tournament. Cupertino did
080706 - not have a single kid qualify, although they won their league. This
080707 - does not make a lot of sense. The drive for excellence is in second
080708 - or third gear instead of first gear, as we discussed on 970113.....
080709 - ref SDS 5 5365
080710 -
080711 - I mentioned having seen the end of the heavyweight division in the
080712 - NCAA tournament a few nights ago. Some time previously in a local
080713 - tournament, Richard saw the guy who won the match I saw on TV, and was
080714 - impressed. I noted that he had his hands full in the match I saw. He
080715 - won by only a 1 point escape, and bascially stalled the last two
080716 - minutes.
080717 -
080718 - Richard has seen some of the Sumo wrestling on TV and seemed to share
080719 - my view that it is fun to see the guys with great balance and speed
080720 - work with the bigger opponents. Kind of reminds of me of many, many
080721 - years ago, once upon a time in the Cupertino HS gym, when ....
080722 -
080723 - Richard's son, Dave, graduated a fews ago from Stanford. He married a
080724 - girl who is studying to be an orthopedic surgeon in Texas. So they
080725 - moved there, where Dave is working on what sounded like building
080726 - Internet tools and web sites for someone. Dave is also planning to
080727 - tryout for the Olympics in the hammer throw again in 2000.
080728 -
080729 - Richard went to Alaska last year, but has not done much traveling
080730 - lately.
080731 -
080732 - He has a web site...
080733 -
080734 -
080735 -
080736 - He says he does not know his email address; Cathy looks after that
080737 - stuff. (see below ref SDS 0 8640) This seems a bit too withdrawn.
080738 -
080739 - I mentioned the telecon with Ron in January. He seems to be working
080740 - out a lot, which is related to his business, but may also be helping
080741 - stave off the ravages of time on the body.
080742 -
080743 - I explained problems with my shoulder and of course the knees. Stan
080744 - Mosk (Justice on Calif Supreme Court) recently sent a note saying he
080745 - has had to "graduate" from the tennis courts. He is in his 80s, so I
080746 - hope I make it that far before "graduation." ref SDS 11 2377
080747 -
080748 - Richard has seen research that running on streets and tennis are two
080749 - of the more harmful activities relative to aging.
080750 - ..
080751 - I asked if he has been using or heard anything about some new
080752 - pills that are sold as helping to solve cartelage problems in knees?
080753 - Millie gave me some pills which I have yet to try...
080754 -
080755 - Osteokinetics
080756 -
080757 - ...manufacured by Shaklee. I notice the writing on the bottle is
080758 - too small for me to read. May be able to get some details on the
080759 - web.
080760 -
080761 - Richard recalled possibly some TV ads, but has not tried them, nor
080762 - seen any studies on the merits.
080763 -
080764 - Since his daughter-in-law is a future orthopedic surgeon, this may be
080765 - a better source of help for him than new pills.
080766 -
080767 - [On 990625 knee exam. ref SDS 14 0001]
080768 -
080769 -
080770 - Richard asked about my stuff.
080771 -
080772 - I related our website...
080773 -
080774 -
080775 -
080776 - ...that explains how to add "intelligence" to management.
080777 -
080778 - Richard noted that executives like to work by conversation. He
080779 - recalled our discussions, for example on 970113, ref SDS 5 8491, and
080780 - earlier on 961222. ref SDS 3 9529
080781 -
080782 - One thing that might be fun is for Richard's son, Dave, to review
080783 - Miller's 1955 seminal paper on Cognitive Science, shown in the record
080784 - on 990303. ref SDS 12 0920 Possibly Dave's exposure to psychology at
080785 - Stanford, and his current work in computers would enable him to see
080786 - the direction that may be opening up as a logical consequence of his
080787 - sister's success writing copious notes, discussed with Kathy on
080788 - 961222. ref SDS 3 9529
080789 -
080790 - My letter on 990303 sets up the issue. ref DIP 2
080791 -
080792 - Here is a link to my last visit to the dentist. ref SDS 13 This may
080793 - be something Richard can sink his teeth into and develop some useful
080794 - comments. See as well, for example, work on 961210. ref SDS 2 2378
080795 -
080796 -
080797 -
0808 -
0809 -
0810 - 1047
0811 -
081101 - Looked for Richard's web site.
081102 -
081103 - This address came up empty.
081104 -
081105 - I called Cathy at home and left a message for a correction on the
081106 - address.
081107 -
081108 - Decided to try it again for fun.
081109 -
081110 - Got the site this time. However it seems to be only a family
081111 - portrait, similar to Bill Wagoner's web site. There is no feature
081112 - for contacting the webmaster, Cathy.
081113 -
081114 - Called back and left another message asking for their email address.
081115 -
081116 - Mentioned that Richard looks like Teddy Rosevelt.
081117 -
081118 -
081119 - ..
0812 -
0813 -
0814 - 2133 called Richard
0815 -
081501 - Got his email address..
081502 -
081503 -
081504 - ..
081505 - Richard said he and Ron went to the HS football game between De
081506 - La Salle and Modern something-or-other, which I saw on television last
081507 - year. (see telecon with Ross on 980928. ref SDS 10 9836).
081508 -
081509 - He thinks De La Salle is as strong as reported in the media, but next
081510 - year the other team may catch up because De La Salle is graduating
081511 - more kids.
081512 -
081513 - Richard discussed who shot John Kennedy in some detail, including the
081514 - "grassy knoll" theory.
081515 -
081516 - He thinks the Vince Foster death, while still a central figure in the
081517 - Whitewater investigation associated with President Clinton, is
081518 - suspicious. I share that view.
081519 -
081520 - He has taken up astronomy. Has a good home telescope, and recently
081521 - went to Southern Calif for an event related to astronomy.
081522 -
081523 - Sent ref DIT 1 with link to this record.
081524 -
081525 -
081526 -
081527 -
0816 -
0817 -
0818 - 1427 received response
0819 -
081901 - Received ref DRT 1 from Kathy. She is printing my letter, and perhaps
081902 - this record which is linked, because Richard can't bring himself to
081903 - read the thing online.
081904 -
081905 -
081906 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"