440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 17, 1999 06:54 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Problem with cursor changing shape solved.
2...Mouse Changing Shape, Can't Read Spressa CD Disk
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0201 - Microsoft Corporation Telephone
020101 - Mr. Scott NLN; Technical Support Rep =Telephone
020102 - Windows Support 425 635 7222; 800 936 5700
Mouse Changing to Hour Glass Access Symbol,
Mouse Changing Shape on CPU11
Spressa Backup for CD ROM
0705 - ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
070702 -
070703 - Problem continued this morning, but may have solved it by identifying
070704 - Spressa as producing CD disks that W98 cannot read. The system
070705 - management program, My Computer, keeps reading the drive to report a
070706 - listing in the drive window.
070707 -
070708 -
070709 -
070710 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Progress
0711 -
071101 - ..
071102 - Mouse Changing Shape, Can't Read Spressa CD Disk
071103 -
071104 - Follow up ref SDS 17 2821, ref SDS 13 1385.
071105 -
071106 - Can call Microsoft at...
071107 -
071108 - 425 635 7222
071109 -
071110 - Prior Task Number: 38566809
071111 -
071112 - When I got up this morning, the defrag operation was completed, but
071113 - the mouse was still changing shape.
071114 -
071115 - I turned the system off and back on to create a new registry.
071116 -
071117 - So far, after booting the system the mouse has not been changing
071118 - shape.
071119 -
071120 - I ran the dialer and netscape to upload some files to the Internet
071121 - server. This did not cause the mouse to change shape.
071122 -
071123 - I finished writing up the record from yesterday talking to the
071124 - Microsoft tech, Bryan. Organized the record according to the various
071125 - procedures we tried.
071126 -
071127 -
071128 -
0712 -
0713 -
0714 - 0825
0715 -
071501 - Now I am going to open the system directory and roam around to see if
071502 - this causes the mouse to fail.
071503 -
071504 - I have My Computer open, and the mouse is changing shape.
071505 -
071506 - I closed My Computer, and the mouse is still changing shape.
071507 -
071508 -
071509 -
0716 -
0717 -
0718 - 0831 called Microsoft
0719 -
071901 - Talked to Nicole
071902 -
071903 - She looked up the task number:
071904 -
071905 - 38566809
071906 -
071907 - Nicole read Bryan's report from last night.
071908 -
071909 - He has a pretty good record, but omitted that the first effort to
071910 - edit the registry resulted in Omnipage not running correctly, so we
071911 - had to put it back.
071912 -
071913 - He correctly suggests the problem may be with abcd, based on our
071914 - experience last night. ref SDS 17 7395
071915 -
071916 - Talked to Scott.
071917 -
071918 - He gave me an updated task number:
071919 -
071920 - 38574790
071921 -
071922 - I explained the history above.
071923 -
071924 - Scott said that My Computer reads the drives. It reads the CD ROM
071925 - drives to see if there is anything in the port, and if there is a disk
071926 - it tries to get a description from the disk to show in the directory
071927 - listing.
071928 - ..
071929 - It appears that the problem is this...
071930 -
071931 - Spressa backup creates content on the CD disk that W98 cannot
071932 - read.
071933 -
071934 - My Computer is designed to read the CD ROM Drive, and if the port
071935 - has a CD disk installed, it reads the disk to get a description
071936 - of the contents of the CD ROM drive for the directory listing.
071937 -
071938 - Since W98 cannot read the Spressa CD disk, it keeps trying over
071939 - and over because there is a disk in the port.
071940 -
071941 - We tested this theory by opening the j: port.
071942 -
071943 - The problem went away.
071944 -
071945 - So, we cannot leave the interim backup CD in the port.
071946 -
071947 - Yesterday, we did a bunch of stuff that did not have anything to do
071948 - with the problem, eliminating TSRs, and it seemed to solve the problem
071949 - because we did not open My Computer, until after Bryan hung up, as
071950 - reported at ref SDS 17 2240
071951 -
071952 - The problem seems to be a little erratic, in that it may or may not
071953 - appear after booting the computer, but it definitely occurs when the
071954 - system management program, My Computer, is run.
071955 -
071956 - The reason the problem has not been pronounced until now is that we
071957 - have not occassion to leave a Spressa generated CD ROM disk content
071958 - in the port until the past few days. Normally the interim backup CD
071959 - disk would stay in the port unless we need it for something else.
071960 -
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071962 -
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0720 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"