440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 16, 1999 11:17 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Bill DeHart about Com Metrics; Steve Buck.
2...Steve's Career Change at PG&E
3...Grasshopper Ignores Ant's Warnings to Improve When Money Coming In
4...Miracle on Market Street Grasshopper Ignored Ant's Warnings
5...Mouse to Hourglass Problem
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0202 - PG&E, Steve Buck 650 598 7545 fax or 800... O-00000671 0201
020201 - Mr. Steve Buck
0203 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company 415 973 1014 fax 8426 O-00000642 0201
020301 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020302 - Project Manager =415 973 1014 mobile phone: 415 203 0688 O-00000642 0201
020303 - Project Management O-00000642 0201
Miracle Improving Management Refuses to be Helped,
Miracle on Market Street 2% of Mental Capacity is Used, SDS Lifts
Ant Grasshopper Sunshine Profits Invest Experiment Better Methods Co
Investigate Research Study Experiment New Methods Reduce Costs Improv
Improvement Resisted Big Organization Reward Uniformity Status Quo to
Sunshine Profits Pay Experiment Innovations
Improve Not Enough Time to Learn about Saving Time Money Using SDS
Sunshine Profits Good Times Improvement Not Needed Bad Times No Time
Grasshopper Ant Sunshine Profits Money Coming In Conceals Danger Pre
1711 - ..
1712 - Summary/Objective
1713 -
171301 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
171302 -
171303 - Bill did not come into his San Francisco office today. He has to go
171304 - to Sacramento this afternoon, so he wants to defer our meeting until
171305 - next week.
171306 -
171307 - He will contact Steve about his search for a new assignment. We
171308 - reviewed recent information on the "miracle" of cost savings from
171309 - improving management.
171310 -
171311 - Sent a note to Bill linked to this record and the letter on Steve a
171312 - few weeks ago. ref DIP 1.
171313 -
171314 -
1714 -
1715 -
1716 - Discussion
1717 -
171701 - ..
171702 - Steve's Career Change at PG&E
171703 -
171704 - I asked about the letter, ref DIP 1 on 990226 to help Steve find
171705 - a new assignment at PG&E. ref SDS 11 2520
171706 -
171707 - Bill said he did not see this letter, and asked me to send it again.
171708 - He will call Steve to follow up.
171709 -
171710 -
171711 -
171712 - ..
171713 - Grasshopper Ignores Ant's Warnings to Improve When Money Coming In
171714 - Miracle on Market Street Grasshopper Ignored Ant's Warnings
171715 -
171716 - We reviewed the "miracle" of savings from improving management despite
171717 - overwhelming resistance, reported on 981027. ref SDS 6 7315
171718 -
171719 - The potential for savings on the design side is evident from Tudor
171720 - Engineering's perspective on 890324. ref SDS 1 6894, Denis' view as an
171721 - architect on 951024. ref SDS 2 4436, and the meeting on 980929 that
171722 - shows the actual design process for a major facility. ref SDS 5 3099
171723 -
171724 - It seems to fit the model of people being able to use only 2% of
171725 - mental capacity, leaving 98% as a significant opportunity for making
171726 - improvement. Bill recalled George Miller's scientific paper reviewed
171727 - on 990303, that explains people have difficulty processing a lot of
171728 - information, that is endemic to the modern management environment...
171729 - ref SDS 13 6120
171730 -
171731 - A challenge of current good economic times is reduced worry about cost
171732 - savings. Poor managment can be bought off by getting another project.
171733 - This is the ant and grasshopper problem that sunshine profits are an
171734 - excuse to ignore investments to improve.
171735 -
171736 -
171737 - ..
171738 - Mouse to Hourglass Problem
171739 -
171740 - Here is a more down to earth issue.
171741 -
171742 - Has Bill encountered the problem of the mouse on the screen turning
171743 - into an hour glass, per the record today. ref SDS 17 4495
171744 -
171745 - Any ideas?
171746 -
171747 -
171748 -
171749 -
171750 -
171751 -
171752 -
171753 -
1718 -