440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 4, 1999 05:32 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Sent Tom letter on Com Metrics procurement, meeting with DE today.
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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020101 - San Francisco District
020102 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020103 - Construction Operations Division
District Support
Comm Metrics DDE, Major Blenchinger
0805 - ..
0806 - Summary/Objective
0807 -
080701 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
080702 -
080703 - I called Tom yesterday. He was buried with stuff, so I asked about
080704 - meeting today on his idea suggested on 990226. ref SDS 12 0000
080705 -
080706 - Tom said yesterday, that there is not a good block of time evident on
080707 - the radar screen for today. He is meeting with DE at 0730, so he has
080708 - to prepare at 0630. The rest of the day may be taken up with follow
080709 - up from his 0730 meeting.
080710 -
080711 - We decided I would call him later today, around noon, so we can plan
080712 - on meeting in the afternoon, possibly tomorrow morning, or early next
080713 - week, depending on how the day goes for Tom.
080714 - ..
080715 - This morning, I sent ref DIT 1 suggesting he try to visit
080716 - briefly with DE about Com Metrics, so this matter is not a suprise if
080717 - and when he gets a memo.
080718 -
080719 - This will alert us to any views DE may have that need to factored into
080720 - the memo, or whether to stand down altogether.
080721 -
080722 - [On 990504 met with DE and reviewed Tom's report. ref SDS 13 2042]
080723 -
080724 -
0808 -
0809 -
0810 - 1128 call Tom
0811 -
081101 - Tom had received my email on discussing Com Metrics report with DE
081102 - issued above. ref SDS 0 3946
081103 -
081104 - He has a meeting tomorrow at 0830, so we decided to meet early at
081105 - 0630 or so, to review the procurement memo task.
081106 -
081107 -
081108 -
081109 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"