440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 31, 1999 08:52 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Fix routine that makes c version of SDS.
3...32.BAT Evaluate Compile for C version of SDS
4...Maks.bat Create C version of SDS
5...0000006 Open Other Files on C Drive
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0201 - Kwan Henmi Architecture Planning 415 626 6766
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal
Kwan Henmi SDS
Assemble User Program Disk, Batch
Standard configuration
SDS Program
Windows Icon
Executive SDS
General, macro 0815
0910 - ..
0911 - Summary/Objective
0912 -
091201 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000. ref SDS 16 0000.
091202 -
091203 - Seem to have finally got the problems resolved for creating an SDS
091204 - program that runs on c for Bill Long at Kwan Henmi.
091205 -
091206 - [On 990304 delivered CD to KH. ref SDS 17 0000]
091207 -
091208 -
091209 -
091210 -
091211 -
0913 -
0914 -
0915 - Problems
0916 -
091601 - For some reason the second half of the menu for SDS records is not
091602 - available when working on the c: drive.
091603 -
091604 - Need to be able to open files shown in other drives as being on c
091605 - drive.
091606 -
091607 - On 941003 looks like work on 015 lets users specify where data is
091608 - stored. ref SDS 13 4557
091609 -
091610 - Not sure if this is still operable.
091611 -
091612 - Solve problem in maks.bat re e.exe using d: drive, per ref SDS 0 0552
091613 -
091614 - This one seems related to creating executive SDS after moving
091615 - e.exe to another drive to temporarily create other versions.
091616 -
091617 - I found a mistake today that e.exe was moved to dir 09 instead of
091618 - 90 and it was not restored when executive e.exe is created. I
091619 - fixed this, but it did not fix the problem. This may relate to not
091620 - having fixed the problem correctly or fully.
091621 -
091622 -
091623 -
0917 -
0918 -
0919 - Analysis
0920 -
092001 - ..
092002 - 0815
092003 -
092004 - Follow up ref SDS 16 9120.
092005 -
092006 - Line 470, ref OF 7 7388, -label xx, decided to eliminate the feature
092007 - that updates only from a particular date, so that each time we create
092008 - a new program every file has the current date.
092009 -
092010 - Line 570, ref OF 7 4940, -label 0504x we seem to be crashing at ecur
092011 - 13.
092012 -
092013 - Line 600, ref OF 7 6897, -label 0504x here we call...
092014 -
092015 - c: 01 02 32.bat
092016 -
092017 - Line 610, ref OF 7 7304, -label 0504x, about 40 lines below, added
092018 - code to open all files on c: drive.
092019 -
092020 -
092021 -
092022 -
092023 - ..
092024 - 32.BAT Evaluate Compile for C version of SDS
092025 -
092026 - Looks like 32.bat uses the files on g: and puts the program back on
092027 - g.
092028 -
092029 - ..
092030 - Maks.bat Create C version of SDS
092031 -
092032 - Line 20 moved e.exe to c:\90
092033 -
092034 - Line 115 moved e.exe from C:\09 to g:\sd\51\01
092035 -
092036 - There are also a few commands to copy e.exe from c:\90 to the g:
092037 - directory, but e.exe is not first deleted from the target directory,
092038 - so we may be generating errors
092039 -
092040 -
092041 -
092042 - ..
092043 - 0000006 Open Other Files on C Drive
092044 -
092045 - Files that are not SDS records are listed on the f or g drive, we
092046 - need to set everything to c.
092047 -
092048 - Line 1570, ref OF 10 5945, -label doc_of, about 30 lines below, calls
092049 - macro 107 to open files listed in Reference field.
092050 -
092051 - Line 2820, ref OF 10 5099, -entry 107, needs to be changed so it
092052 - always uses c drive. This code calls macro 106 to actually read the
092053 - string and open the file.
092054 -
092055 - Line 2600, ref OF 10 0032, -entry 106 this has code set up to make
092056 - the thing use c: we just have to apply it 0815.
092057 -
092058 -
092059 -
092060 -
092061 -
092062 -
092063 -
0921 -
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