440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 29, 1999 01:41 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Stan Mosk, sent letter on graduation party.
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0202 - Supreme Court of California 415 396 9640 O-00000545 0101
020201 - Mr. Stanley Mosk; Justice O-00000545 0101
0203 - Golden Gateway Tennis Center 415 433 2936 O-00000399 0102
020301 - Ms. Kathy Bimson; Manager O-00000399 0102
SDS Marketing, Product Evaluation
Diary record to increase understanding
New World Order needs old time "religion"
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000, ref SDS 9 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Received a letter, ref DRT 1, from Stan responding to my letter sent
060704 - on 990123, ref DIP 3, congratulating Stan for his remarks at the
060705 - Governor's inaugural ceremony. ref SDS 10
060706 -
060707 - Stan says he has "graduated" from the tennis courts. ref DRT 1 0481
060708 -
060709 - Maybe the Golden Gateway Tennis Association would like to sponsor a
060710 - "graduation" party for Stan to honor his many years as a member of the
060711 - club. This would promote community and respect for achievement in
060712 - public service, which provides an example for all of us, but
060713 - especially our younger members.
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060715 - It would also afford us the chance to remember the many years that
060716 - Stan contributed to the Club, participating in Saturday morning
060717 - doubles, playing in tournaments, and joining in social events.
060718 -
060719 - Since Stan supported the Governor's inaugural ceremony, ref SDS 10,
060720 - possibly the Governor would attend Stan's "graduation." As well,
060721 - Mayor Brown and other dignitaries might be willing to attend in honor
060722 - of Stan's contributions as a Justice of the California Supreme Court.
060723 -
060724 - Submitted ref DIT 1 to Kathy Bimsom, who is the manager of the Golden
060725 - Gateway Tennis Association. Suggest a "graduation" party to honor
060726 - Stan. Maybe we could give him a gold tennis racquet.
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