440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: January 29, 1999 10:24 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Received list of enclosures for CEMP-EC's report on Comm Metrics.


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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers         202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. James Lovo; Chief, CEMP-EC =202 761 4804 fax 4783
020102 - Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC

COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Experience, Need Broader Base
HQ Review CEMP
Demo SDS via Web Site

1208 -    ..
1209 - Summary/Objective
1210 -
121001 - Follow up ref SDS 36 9480.
121002 -
121003 - Received ref DRT 1 0000 dated 990129 from Bob responding to my letter
121004 - ref DIP 12 0000 issued on 990126, ref SDS 36 9480, requesting the list
121005 - of documents included in enclosure 2, as cited in para 1 of Jim's memo
121006 - issued on 990106. ref DRP 16 8366
121007 - ..
121008 - Bob says the following were included as "enclosure 2" ....
121009 -
121010 -   1.  Draft #2 proposed by Welch, ref DIP 9 4859, showing application
121011 -       of analysis on 981218, ref SDS 26 0055, and issued on 981224.
121012 -       ref SDS 30 0000
121013 -
121014 -   2.  Analysis on 981218 of CEMP-EC's initial draft report, issued via
121015 -       Internet. ref SDS 26 0000
121016 -
121017 -   3.  Tom Keesling's comments on 981223, ref DRP 14 0000, re CEMP-EC's
121018 -       initial draft report, received at ref SDS 29 5486.
121019 -
121020 -   4.  Merry Goodenough's letter on 981022. ref DRP 4 3587
121021 -
121022 -   5.  The bound copy of Tom Keesling's March 28, 1997 report and the
121023 -       one published on the Welch web site. ref DRP 1 6172
121024 -
121025 -   6.  Tom Keesling's cost savings report on 971007. ref DRP 2 0129
121026 -
121027 -
121028 - This is a lot of stuff to absorb and manage.
121029 - ..
121030 - Bob lists web site addresses for several of these sources.
121031 -
121032 - It is not clear whether these materials, and CEMP-EC's report were all
121033 - printed and submitted as conventional documents, and/or whether
121034 - submission was via email and/or Internet so that links are accessible,
121035 - as considered on 981218, ref SDS 26 4680
121036 -
121037 - This is a significant difference, i.e., whether a reviewing authority
121038 - is reading about the benefit of electronic access or whether there is
121039 - immediate opportunity to experience access.
121040 -
121041 - Another difference is that sending printed documents is imposing for
121042 - someone to get all at once, and forwarding a package of many documents
121043 - through channels has a big chance of having things get lost and out of
121044 - order.
121045 -
121046 - I updated the enclosures for CEMP-EC's report issued by Jim Lovo, to
121047 - identify these sources. ref DRP 16 7500
121048 -
121049 - This provides a simple medium to transmit everything via Jim's summary
121050 - memo.  It all stays in order, requires no paper, and can be reviewed
121051 - anywhere, anytime in the world.  People can bookmark particular
121052 - sections to return to their place.
121053 -
121054 -
121055 -
121056 -
1211 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"