440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 25, 1999 10:04 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Call about replacement 8 MM tape from Exabyte.
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0201 - Exabyte Corporation 800 392 2983 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Stacy Ludwig; Customer Rep =Telephone
020102 - Technical Support
020103 - Description
Warranty, Technical Support
Tape #16 defective
0704 - ..
0705 - Summary/Objective
0706 -
070601 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000, ref SDS 9 0000.
070602 - ..
070603 - Talked to Stacy.
070604 -
070605 - Within the past few days, tape #16 crashed on CPU10. Novaback
070606 - returned an error message saying the 8505 Exabyte tape drive was not
070607 - responding.
070608 -
070609 - [On 990208 received replacement tape. ref SDS 14 0000]
070610 -
070611 - I removed the tape and found that it was slightly crumpled and
070612 - slightly protruding from the case. I tried to retension the tape, but
070613 - this failed to clear the problem.
070614 -
070615 - We purchased these tapes directly from Exabyte to support the 8505
070616 - tape drive they furnished to fix a problem with 4 MM DAT tape drives
070617 - we purchased.
070618 -
070619 - The tape was received on 970211 on Exabyte invoice #4293235, dated
070620 - 870206. ref SDS 12 0000
070621 -
070622 - Stacy asked me to submit the tape to her and Exabyte will investigate,
070623 - then fix it or submit a replacement.
070624 -
070625 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 with this record attached for information.
070626 -
070627 - [On 990201 Stacy has not received the tape. ref SDS 13 9900]
070628 - ..
070629 - I asked what causes these tapes to fail, so we can take steps to
070630 - avoid future problems.
070631 -
070632 - Something I forgot to mention in the letter to Stacy, is that we need
070633 - to know how to recover information on a tape that becomes defective,
070634 - as occurred here.
070635 -
070636 - [On 990208 received replacement tape, but did not get answers to
070637 - questions, so sent follow up. ref SDS 14 0792]
070638 -
070639 -
070640 -
0707 -
0708 -
0709 - 1122 called back
0710 -
071001 - Talked to Peggy.
071002 -
071003 - She said we can send emal to Stacy at...
071004 -
071005 -
071006 -
071007 - ..
071008 -
071009 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 with link to this record, to supplement the
071010 - request for information on how to recover data on a failed tape.
071011 -
071012 - [On 990201 Stacy has not received the tape. ref SDS 13 9900]
071013 -
071014 - [On 990208 received replacement tape. ref SDS 14 0000]
071015 -
071016 -
071017 -
0711 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"