440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 18, 1999 01:19 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Problem on CPU11 with cursor changing to hour glass access symbol.
2...Mouse Changing Shape, Network Failing on CPU11
3...90 Days Free Technical Support
4...W98 Version Installed on CPU11
5...3Com Etherlink III ISA
6...Maximum Transmits - Possible Problem
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0201 - Netscape Communications 650 937 2555
020101 - Mr. Scott NLN; Customer Support Rep
020102 - Technical Support =800 639 0939
020103 - Description
37135826 MS Case No., Network Failing on
Mouse Changing to Hour Glass Access Symbol,
Ethernet Card, Fast EtherLink XL, PCI
Mouse Changing Shape on CPU11
Network Setup, Netbui
Technical Support Admin
CPU10 upgraded to W98 from Beta version
1309 - ..
1310 - Summary/Objective
1311 -
131101 - Follow up ref SDS 10 3071.
131102 -
131103 - Called Microsoft and seem to have solved the problem of the mouse
131104 - changing shape continually, but could not get the network to function
131105 - correctly. Microsoft will call back tomorrow to try and fix the
131106 - network.
131107 -
131108 - [On 990119 Microsoft called and eventually advised that its drivers
131109 - are incompatible with 3Com Ethernet cards. ref SDS 13 2920]
131110 -
131111 - [On 990121 appears 3Com ISA and PCI cards will not work with
131112 - Microsoft Netbeui protocol. ref SDS 14 0000]
131113 -
131114 -
131115 -
1312 -
1313 -
1314 - Progress
1315 -
131501 - ..
131502 - Mouse Changing Shape, Network Failing on CPU11
131503 -
131504 - The past several days, the mouse pointer has suddenly begun to change
131505 - form continuously about very 15 seconds or so, indicating it is
131506 - trying to accomplish something, like query a data base, or search for
131507 - a networked computer.
131508 -
131509 - I thought it might be related to the problems we are having on CPU11
131510 - to get the network to recognize CPU10, ref SDS 10 3071, so I booted
131511 - CPU11 and did not connect to the network. The problem of the pointer
131512 - continues.
131513 - ..
131514 - On 990113 called Microsoft. ref SDS 9 0280
131515 -
131516 - 425 635 7222
131517 -
131518 - Today, I called again and was able to get through. Initially talked
131519 - to...
131520 -
131521 - Stewart Crockett
131522 -
131523 -
131524 - ..
131525 - 90 Days Free Technical Support
131526 -
131527 - We were unable to get the system ID that shows we purchased w98
131528 - upgrade and so are entitled to 90 days of free support, beginning
131529 - today, because the upgrade program is no longer on CPU10 as a result
131530 - of the scenario reported on 990114. ref SDS 10 0408
131531 -
131532 - Stewart suggesting we use the product ID on the face of the CD ROM
131533 - disk. It was too small for me to read, so I overlooked it. Stewart
131534 - said he will make this a courtesy support call, and will enter in the
131535 - record that we will be entitled to 90 days free support the next time
131536 - we call for help.
131537 -
131538 - Eventually, I did notice the product ID on the CD ROM disk. It is...
131539 -
131540 - 0398 Part Number X03 30206
131541 -
131542 - Stewart then transferred me to an Engineer.
131543 -
131544 - ..
131545 - Talked to Gene
131546 -
131547 - Gene said he is further identified by the string...
131548 -
131549 - SSI579
131550 -
131551 - We can reach him via email at...
131552 -
131553 -
131554 -
131555 - Task Number: 37135826
131556 -
131557 - Over the span of 4.5 hours, Gene helped me perform a lot of
131558 - investigation, and make a lot of changes to the system.
131559 -
131560 -
131561 -
131562 - ..
131563 - W98 Version Installed on CPU11
131564 -
131565 - A major issue on CPU11 is the version of w98 installed.
131566 -
131567 - We mainly used the CD ROM disk labled...
131568 -
131569 - For distrubution
131570 - with a new PC
131571 - only. For product
131572 - support contact
131573 - manufacturer
131574 - of your PC.
131575 -
131576 - 0398 Part Number X03-36182
131577 -
131578 - This is the original CD for w98 that came with CPU11, per the record
131579 - on 981113. ref SDS 1 2596
131580 -
131581 - One thing I forgot to mention is the upgrade downloaded from
131582 - Microsoft's web site, reported at ref SDS 1 7560.
131583 -
131584 - Also forgot to mention the problem on CPU10 reported on 990111 about
131585 - the disk error. ref SDS 8 3600
131586 -
131587 -
131588 - We changed "Client for Microsoft Networks" listed under Configuration
131589 - in Network properties, from...
131590 -
131591 - Network Logon options...
131592 -
131593 - Logon and restore network connections...
131594 -
131595 -
131596 -
131597 - Network Logon options...
131598 -
131599 - Quick logon
131600 -
131601 - This change merely avoids the system hanging up when it is
131602 - unable to recognize a drive on the network.
131603 -
131604 - Making this change requires double clicking on the item in
131605 - Configuration labeled "Client for Microsoft Networks."
131606 -
131607 -
131608 - We also changed Identification from...
131609 -
131610 - nt.welch
131611 -
131612 -
131613 -
131614 - NTWELCH
131615 -
131616 - These changes did not solve the problem.
131617 -
131618 -
131619 - A big challenge is figuring out all of the elements and access routes
131620 - for system parameters that require attention.
131621 -
131622 - The two key routes are...
131623 -
131624 - 1. Network directory
131625 -
131626 - Accessed by right clicking on the directory to open a menu
131627 - and clicking on Properties at the bottom of the menu.
131628 -
131629 - This has a list of Configuration drivers.
131630 -
131631 - 2. Computer directory
131632 -
131633 - Device Manager
131634 -
131635 - Accessed by right clicking on the computer directory.
131636 -
131637 - The Device Manager lists the network card. Double click on
131638 - it to open and set configuration.
131639 -
131640 -
131641 - ..
131642 - 3Com Etherlink III ISA
131643 - Maximum Transmits - Possible Problem
131644 -
131645 - Gene questioned the "Maximum Transmits" property for the 3Com
131646 - Etherlink III ISA card.
131647 -
131648 - This configuration is opened from Network Properties, and double
131649 - clicking on the 3Com Etherlink III ISA entry in the Configuration
131650 - list, then clicking on...
131651 -
131652 - Advanced
131653 -
131654 - It shows...
131655 -
131656 - Maximum Transmits
131657 -
131658 - Gene feels it should show something else. On CPU10 this parameter
131659 - has the following entry...
131660 -
131661 - Adapter PCI Bus Number
131662 - Adapter PCI Slot Number
131663 -
131664 - Gene indicated CPU11 should have a similar entry.
131665 -
131666 - ..
131667 - From Network Properties...
131668 -
131669 - We removed and installed netbeui several times.
131670 -
131671 - We removed and installed the 3Com Etherlink III ISA driver several
131672 - times.
131673 -
131674 - From Device Manager...
131675 -
131676 - We removed the 3Com Etherlink III ISA device.
131677 -
131678 - When the computer boots, it installs the network again.
131679 -
131680 - Installation uses files already on the hard drive, and also asks
131681 - for the w98 CD.
131682 -
131683 - For some reason it is necessary to change the directory on the CD
131684 - drive from...
131685 -
131686 - j: win95........
131687 -
131688 -
131689 -
131690 - j: win98
131691 -
131692 - Gene did know why the w98 installation operation is starting out
131693 - looking for a w95 directory on the w98 CD disk.
131694 -
131695 - The installation appears to be successful in that there are no
131696 - error messages returned that the files needed for installation
131697 - cannot be found.
131698 -
131699 - However, later in the boot sequence there is an error message that
131700 - says the network was not properly installed.
131701 -
131702 - We repeated this effort 3 or 4 times.
131703 -
131704 - Finally, Gene helped with a routine to restore the w98 register that
131705 - had been at least partially successful before I called Microsoft.
131706 -
131707 - Boot the computer and start at the DOS prompt, instead of letting W98
131708 - execute.
131709 -
131710 - At the DOS prompt enter...
131711 -
131712 - C>scanreg /restore
131713 -
131714 - This brings up a list of files for w98 register over the past few
131715 - days.
131716 -
131717 - [On 990810 see instructions also. ref SDS 15 3744]
131718 -
131719 - We restored the register from 990115.
131720 -
131721 - This resulted in restoring the prior partially successful networking
131722 - opeartion, where CPU10 can see CPU11, but not itself, and CPU11 can
131723 - see itself, but not CPU10.
131724 -
131725 - Gene plans to do research, and call me tomorrow at 0800.
131726 -
131727 -
131728 -
131729 -
131730 -
131731 -
1318 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"