440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 4, 1999 05:21 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Bob Gordon on CEMP draft report on Communication Metrics.
2...Bob Has Prepared a Second Draft
3...May Need Clarification District Counsel's Letter on 981022
4...Follow Up from CEMP's Draft Report Not Clear
5...Jim Lovo Developed Planning for 2nd Draft Review on 990105
6...Coordinated HQUSACE and at CESPN with Tom Keesling
7...Lotus Notes Requires Specialist Programmer to Create Web Page Content
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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. Robet C. Gordon; 202 761 8745
020102 - Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
0202 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020201 - Mr. James Lovo; Chief, CEMP-EC =202 761 4804 fax 4783
020202 - Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
0203 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020301 - San Francisco District
020302 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020303 - Construction Operations Division
0204 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 217 373 7216 800 872 2375
020401 - Dr. Moonja Kim, Ph.D.; Chief
020402 - Business Processes Division, CERL-PL-B
COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Experience, Need Broader Base
SAD Tests New Methods
HQ Review CEMP
HQ Support Local Command Review
Environmental Management
1510 - ..
1511 - Summary/Objective
1512 -
151201 - Follow up ref SDS 26 0000, ref SDS 25 0000.
151202 -
151203 - Bob has reviewed comments from Tom and me. He has prepared a second
151204 - draft and plans to discuss with Jim later today or tomorrow. May need
151205 - clarification on District counsel's letter. Coordinated with Tom
151206 - Keesling about telecon with CEMP on Wednesday, and developing support
151207 - in the District.
151208 -
151209 - [On 990105 Jim Lovo to issue recommendations. ref SDS 29 0000]
151210 -
151211 -
151212 -
1513 -
1514 -
1515 - Discussion
1516 -
151601 - ..
151602 - Bob Has Prepared a Second Draft
151603 -
151604 - He has re-done his draft based on comments, ref DRP 13 5694, from Tom
151605 - Keesling, received on 981223, ref SDS 25 3600, and, also, my letter
151606 - ref DIP 10 0000 submitted on 981224, ref SDS 26 0000, with links to
151607 - the record on 981218, ref SDS 22 0000, including a second draft......
151608 - ref DIP 9 0000.
151609 -
151610 - Bob expressed concern that my proposed draft, ref DIP 9 0000, has
151611 - similar information to what is shown on the web site Home Page.
151612 -
151613 - We did not consider in our discussion this morning that on 980403
151614 - CESPN asked for a web site Home Page to explain Communication Metrics,
151615 - ref SDS 8 4129, and that the Home Page cites experience and papers
151616 - written over the past 15 years developing Communication Metrics.
151617 -
151618 - We, also, did not discuss this morning ideas in the proposed second
151619 - draft that rely on the report issued by the San Francisco District,
151620 - e.g., ref DIP 9 3640, explaining the CIA analogy from the report on
151621 - 970328, ref DRP 1 2022, and from review by Jim Lovo on 981119 where he
151622 - suggested Environmental Management needs Communication Metrics
151623 - support. ref SDS 13 7448
151624 -
151625 -
151626 - ..
151627 - May Need Clarification District Counsel's Letter on 981022
151628 -
151629 - Bob seemed to feel that District Counsel's letter citing "certain"
151630 - savings warranted inquiry about whether other methods could have
151631 - brought the same savings. He cited the question in the last para (6)
151632 - of District Counsel's letter as raising doubts about the certainty of
151633 - savings, ref DRP 4 1933, see review on 981027. ref SDS 10 3366
151634 -
151635 - We did not discuss contacting District Counsel for clarification.
151636 -
151637 - [See discussion below. ref SDS 0 3568]
151638 -
151639 - [On 990105 received Merry's clarification. ref SDS 27 5304]
151640 -
151641 -
151642 - ..
151643 - Follow Up from CEMP's Draft Report Not Clear
151644 -
151645 - Bob indicated the report will go forward only to the Information
151646 - Managemnt Directorate. He explained that the IM group is or may be
151647 - considering new methods that are unknown to CEMP-EC and so it is the
151648 - best place to introduce new management science. We did not discuss
151649 - review procedures for Project Management, Environmental Management,
151650 - Quality Management, when these new methods were introduced.
151651 -
151652 - Bob plans to discuss the second draft with Jim Lovo later today. He
151653 - is unsure if the second draft will be submitted to Welch and to the
151654 - San Francisco District for further comment.
151655 -
151656 -
151657 -
151658 -
1517 -
1518 -
1519 - 0544 called Jim Lovo
1520 -
152001 - ..
152002 - Jim Lovo Developed Planning for 2nd Draft Review on 990105
152003 -
152004 - He is just back from vacation and is so buried with a lot of pressing
152005 - matters. They are doing a bottom up review of budgets, missions and
152006 - functions. Jim has a lot of email to wade through.
152007 -
152008 - He wants to discuss Communication Metrics on Wednesday, 990105.
152009 -
152010 - Jim will call or send an email on a time for our call on Wednesday.
152011 -
152012 - [On 990105 called Jim. ref SDS 28]
152013 -
152014 -
1521 -
1522 -
1523 - 0623 called Tom
1524 -
152401 - ..
152402 - Coordinated HQUSACE and at CESPN with Tom Keesling
152403 -
152404 - Advised of Bob's question about District Counsel's letter. ref SDS 0
152405 - 8232
152406 -
152407 - We considered asking Merry Goodenough if she can review this matter
152408 - with Bob and Jim on Wednesday to clarify these issues, per analysis on
152409 - 981027. ref SDS 10 3366
152410 -
152411 - [On 990105 received Merry's clarification. ref SDS 27 6392]
152412 - ..
152413 - Tom has a meeting with the DE and DDE this morning on strategic
152414 - planning.
152415 -
152416 - Tom can raise the idea of Erik reviewing Communication Metrics during
152417 - or after the meeting, per prior planning on 981203. ref SDS 17 5130
152418 - and on 981215. ref SDS 21 5161
152419 -
152420 - [On 990111 received notice that Erik wants to sit in on a
152421 - demonstration of SDS for Merry. ref SDS 30 2754]
152422 -
152423 - [On 990204 met with Major Blechinger. ref SDS 31]
152424 -
152425 -
152426 -
1525 -
1526 -
1527 - 1118 called Moonja Kim
1528 -
152801 - ..
152802 - Lotus Notes Requires Specialist Programmer to Create Web Page Content
152803 -
152804 - Moonja said she spoke to Mike Case about Communication Metrics a month
152805 - or so ago, but not since I talked to Mike on 981209. ref SDS 18 3157
152806 -
152807 - She related having advised Mike that HQUSACE staff were disappointed
152808 - from the meeting on 971202 because Communication Metrics requires
152809 - training in technology and management skills, rather than being
152810 - software that anyone can run.
152811 -
152812 - We considered the analogy of a jet plane. It takes a specialist
152813 - called a "pilot" to provide a service that helps a lot of people. So
152814 - too, Communication Metrics requires training a few people to create a
152815 - lot of intelligence that can help a lot of people.
152816 -
152817 - Moonja said that last year her staff prepared a 3 or 4 page review of
152818 - CESPN's Communication Metrics report. It was unclear if she provided
152819 - this to Mike when they spoke last month.
152820 -
152821 - Moonja will submit this report to me for information.
152822 -
152823 - [Never got this done.]
152824 - ..
152825 - She feels that Lotus Notes creates Web Page content that looks
152826 - good, but it requires poeple to submit their content to specialists
152827 - for Lotus Notes programming. The programmers perform the conversion.
152828 -
152829 - This sounds similar to Morris Jones at Intel where they are sending
152830 - content to a specialist at Intel's office in Folsom, and that person
152831 - creates web page content.
152832 -
152833 - Tom Keesling commented on Bob Gordon's initial draft report two weeks
152834 - ago on 981223, ref SDS 25 5486, that SDS is easier to use than Lotus
152835 - Notes. ref DRP 14 5685
152836 - ..
152837 - Moonja made a similar observation that LN does not support
152838 - instant creation of links to other content and to the chronology of
152839 - cause and effect for an event, as she observed SDS accomplishes from
152840 - the meeting on 971202. ref SDS 7 4647
152841 -
152842 -
152843 -
152844 -
1529 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"