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1...CEMP-EC could request comments so there is proactive follow up rather
0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. Robet C. Gordon; 202 761 8745
020102 - Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
0202 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020201 - Mr. James Lovo; Chief, CEMP-EC =202 761 4804 fax 4783
020202 - Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Experience, Need Broader Base
SAD Tests New Methods
HQ Support Local Command Review
Environmental Management
Desk Piled High with Paper, Put in Computer
Paper Handling Reduced, Virtual Office
2111 - ..
2112 - Summary/Objective
2113 -
211301 - Follow up ref SDS 39 0000, ref SDS 38 0000.
211302 -
211303 - CEMP-EC has prepared a draft report. Received the draft and
211304 - coordinated schedule to submit comments OA next Tuesday, 981222.
211305 - Reviewed CEMP-EC draft; prepared ideas for consideration to strengthen
211306 - report.
211307 -
211308 - Developed alternate draft to illustrate application of review
211309 - comments. ref DIT 1 0000
211310 -
211311 - [On 981221 called Bob. ref SDS 42 0000]
211312 -
211313 - [On 981223 received comments from Tom Keesling. ref SDS 43 5486]
211314 -
211315 - [On 981224 submitted these comments. ref SDS 1 0000]
211316 -
211317 - [On 990104 reviewed with CEMP. ref SDS 45 3281]
211318 -
211319 - [On 990105 Jim Lovo to submit recommendations. ref SDS 46 0000]
211320 -
211321 - [On 990129 this record and alternate draft were submitted as part
211322 - of CEMP-EC's report on Communication Metrics. ref SDS 50 0000]
211323 -
211324 -
211325 -
2114 -
2115 -
2116 - Discussion
2117 -
211701 - ..
211702 - Bob's Questions on Implementation Planning; CEMP-EC has Draft Report
211703 -
211704 - Follow up ref SDS 39 3800, ref SDS 38 2699.
211705 -
211706 - Called Bob Gordon's number. Got no answer.
211707 -
211708 - Called Jim Lovo.
211709 -
211710 - We discussed Bob's letter, ref DRP 9 3258, which was received on
211711 - 981202, ref SDS 37 5851, and says...
211712 -
211713 - I'm on my way out the door, so if you could answer by e-mail (or
211714 - web page), it will give me more "intelligence" when we talk
211715 - tomorrow.
211716 -
211717 - On 981203 Bob postponed our discussion to get input from others, and
211718 - planned to advise of a time for a joint telecon with Tom Keesling at
211719 - CESPN, on 981204. ref SDS 38 5218
211720 -
211721 - On 981209 called Bob to follow up, and spoke to Jim who indicated that
211722 - Bob would call on 981210. ref SDS 39 3800
211723 -
211724 - Jim advised this morning of an understanding that Bob did not want to
211725 - discuss this with Tom Keesling, contrary to the call on 981203.
211726 - ..
211727 - Jim said that Bob is in the office this morning, and has
211728 - prepared a draft report. He asked Bob to join him for a conference
211729 - call discussion.
211730 -
211731 - Bob came into Jim's office and we all spoke together about the draft
211732 - report.
211733 -
211734 - Jim read the Executive Summary of the draft.
211735 -
211736 - I drew from this reading the following points...
211737 -
211738 - 1. Communication Metrics supports linking written information and
211739 - distribution via Internet, but there is no comparison with
211740 - other products that support linking.
211741 -
211742 - 2. The San Francisco District reported saving $300K based on
211743 - anecdotal evidence, but there is no analytical analysis to
211744 - support the estimate of savings.
211745 -
211746 - 3. Lack of information comparing the cost of Communication Metrics
211747 - with the cost of hiring someone to manage correspondence and/or
211748 - using competitive information technology, leads CEMP-EC not to
211749 - recommend this method for use throughout the Corps at this
211750 - time. It is recommended that investigation and comparison with
211751 - competitive products be performed by IM Directorate.
211752 -
211753 - Jim asked Bob to submit the full draft to me and to Tom Keesling at
211754 - CESPN for comment in advance of finalizing the report.
211755 -
211756 - [On 981223 received comments from Tom Keesling. ref SDS 43 5486]
211757 -
211758 - [On 981224 submitted comments. ref SDS 1 0000]
211759 -
211760 - I asked if the report discusses "competitive products" since this is a
211761 - concern in the Executive Summary? So far as I know, there are no
211762 - alternative products.
211763 -
211764 - Jim advised that Mike Case may have cited Lotus Notes as a possible
211765 - competitive product.
211766 -
211767 -
211768 - ..
211769 - Papers Piled High on the Desk, Like Email Backlogged on Computer
211770 -
211771 - Jim indicated this morning that he has a lot of documents on his
211772 - desk, which exemplifies the problem of information overload, per our
211773 - telecon on 981119, where Jim indicated the advantage of Communication
211774 - Metrics is self-evident. ref SDS 34 2272
211775 -
211776 - Tom Keesling at CESPN has the same problem of a desk piled high with
211777 - paper, see for example on 960418, ref SDS 4 8840, and again on 960807.
211778 - ref SDS 6 6399 Max Blodgett, Chief, CESPN-CO had same problem on
211779 - 980803. ref SDS 27 2973
211780 -
211781 - CESPN's report on 970328 points out that Communication Metrics is a
211782 - major step toward the paperless office. ref DRP 1 5733
211783 -
211784 - [On 990105 Jim questioned the viability of a strategic vision to
211785 - support a "paperless office.", ref SDS 46 1235]
211786 -
211787 - [On 990126 Jim's report says Communication Metrics contributes to
211788 - solution of information overload. ref SDS 47 7370]
211789 -
211790 - How is Lotus Notes being applied by anyone in USACE, or by anyone,
211791 - anywhere in the world, to solve information overload? How does it
211792 - produce "intelligence"? How does Lotus Notes define "intelligence" so
211793 - that it is something that can be produced?
211794 - ..
211795 - Jim advised that the Chief Engineer approved a contract to
211796 - convert printed documents to electronic media. This is a first step
211797 - toward a "paperless office," which is a major part of the "Virtual
211798 - District" that is being investigated by USACE. It provides a resource
211799 - for Communication Metrics, by eliminating the need to scan documents.
211800 -
211801 - [On 990105 Jim questioned the viability of a strategic vision to
211802 - support a "paperless office.", ref SDS 46 1235]
211803 -
211804 -
211805 -
2119 -
2120 -
2121 - 0827
2122 -
212201 - ..
212202 - Received Draft Report, Requested Additional Time for Comment
212203 -
212204 - Received ref DRT 2 0000 from Bob, transmitting the draft evaluation
212205 - report of Communication Metrics, ref DRT 1 0000, to Tom Keesling and
212206 - to me.
212207 -
212208 - Bob requests comments by Monday. ref DRT 2 3246
212209 -
212210 - I called for Tom Keesling at CESPN. Wanda said that Tom did not come
212211 - into the office today.
212212 -
212213 - I called and left a message for Bob that we may not be able to respond
212214 - until Tuesday, rather than Monday, as Bob requests.
212215 -
212216 - [On 981221 called Bob. ref SDS 42 0000]
212217 -
212218 - [On 981223 received comments from Tom Keesling. ref SDS 43 5486]
212219 -
212220 -
212221 -
2123 -
2124 -
2125 - 1531 Analysis
2126 -
212601 - ..
212602 - Definitions Need Sourcing
212603 -
212604 - CEMP-EC's draft is an excellent initial report for people to begin
212605 - understanding the SDS program that supports Communication Metrics.
212606 - Human intelligence is complex, and so is the technology that supports
212607 - it. Time is needed for careful thought and experience to absorb the
212608 - potential of adding a new work role supported by technology.
212609 -
212610 - [On 981223 Tom Keesling made this point. ref SDS 43 5486]
212611 -
212612 - The draft is sent forward, but does not seem to have any follow up.
212613 - ref DRT 1 7788
212614 -
212615 - CEMP-EC could request comments so there is proactive follow up rather
212616 - than simply recommend review by appropriate personnel.
212617 -
212618 - The draft report might be strengthened by explaining Communication
212619 - Metrics is a "management science," or "business process," like Project
212620 - Management, rather than a product for information management, as cited
212621 - in the first draft. ref DRT 1 8108
212622 -
212623 - CESPN report on 970328 uses the phrase "business process" in the
212624 - Executive Summary, ref DRP 1 6172. Management science is defined in
212625 - the New World Order... paper that is available on the web site
212626 - under "Publications." ref OF 3 4224
212627 -
212628 - Other examples of management science are Value Engineering, CPM,
212629 - WBS, cost control, accounting, Project Management, TQM and Quality
212630 - Management, which was reviewed with Ed East at HQ USACE on 971202.
212631 - ref SDS 17 2446
212632 - ..
212633 - "Intelligence" could be defined as an advanced form of
212634 - information management to create chronologies of events by subject
212635 - classification, that shows cause and effect, which is the basic
212636 - reasoning function of the human mind, as explained in the paper on
212637 - POIMS. ref OF 1 0582 The benefit of "intelligence" to traditional
212638 - management can be illustrated by citing the need for the CIA to help
212639 - the President. The value of adding an intelligence role could be
212640 - explained by citing the ROI and CESPN's detailed analysis issued on
212641 - 971007, ref DRP 2 9337, rather than indicate there is no detailed
212642 - analytical analysis of cost savings, as set out in CEMP-EC's initial
212643 - draft. ref DRT 1 0180
212644 -
212645 - The SDS program that supports Communication Metrics needs a broader
212646 - explanation. CEMP-EC has only seen work product delivered via
212647 - Internet, and so understandably is unaware that SDS integrates a daily
212648 - planning and scheduling process, with documents and contacts, as well
212649 - as the diary information submitted thus far to CEMP-EC. Technology
212650 - that supports the management process of plan, perform, report, is
212651 - complex, ref OF 2 3385, and ref OF 1 1104, which is why a dedicated
212652 - specialist is needed. Delivering "intelligence" via Internet, shields
212653 - managers from the burden of complexity so that timely, effective
212654 - decisions can be made.
212655 -
212656 - A schematic of SDS, at ref OF 2 3385, may be helpful in completing
212657 - CEMP's report.
212658 -
212659 -
212660 - ..
212661 - Need Strategic Objective; Align with USACE Vision
212662 - Adding Intelligence to Management Solves Information Overload
212663 -
212664 - Consideration might be given to explaining the growing need to solve
212665 - "information overload" that causes mistakes and missed opportunities
212666 - due to limited span of attention; and, showing how this compliments
212667 - existing USACE strategic policies and objectives.
212668 -
212669 - [On 990105 Jim questioned the viability of a strategic vision to
212670 - support a "paperless office.", ref SDS 46 1235]
212671 -
212672 - [On 990126 CEMP-EC cites information overload. ref SDS 48 7370]
212673 -
212674 - Common of ways to express this problem use catchphrases like...
212675 -
212676 - a. not enough time to think
212677 -
212678 - ...reviewed on 960910. ref SDS 14 3479
212679 -
212680 - b. too much information, not enough understanding
212681 -
212682 - ...cited in an article on failures in US foreign policy
212683 - reviewed on 980915. ref SDS 28 1173
212684 -
212685 - [On 990126 examples of continual mistakes. ref SDS 48 4368]
212686 - ..
212687 - On 981009 Jim Lovo explained that USACE needs a solution for the
212688 - information overload problem, ref SDS 30 3409, which is exemplified by
212689 - USACE's strategic vision that calls for the Corps to prepare for new
212690 - realities of the 21st century.
212691 -
212692 - CEMP-EC's report might explain that large organizations depend on
212693 - meetings to organize and direct common action. Effective leadership
212694 - requires common understanding and clear direction from communication.
212695 -
212696 - "Metrics" are a proven way of improving business processes, hence
212697 - Communication Metrics. For meetings, this requires a common story
212698 - aligned with controlling forces, action items and feedback. But
212699 - nobody has time to develop this "intelligence." The disconnect
212700 - between what is intended and what is done causes rework, delay and
212701 - extra cost, as reviewed with HQUSACE on 971202. ref SDS 18 2409 On
212702 - 980403 the San Francisco District cited an example of this problem.
212703 - ref SDS 22 4033
212704 -
212705 - [On 990127 frustration about continual mistakes. ref SDS 49 8299]
212706 - ..
212707 - USACE's move toward converting printed material into electronic
212708 - media, reported by Jim today, ref SDS 0 4899, will provide a reservoir
212709 - of information. However, information, by itself, does not improve
212710 - management nor save money, as seen in the article on U.S. foreign
212711 - policy failures attributed to "too much information." reviewed on
212712 - 980815. ref SDS 28 1173 Thus, more information, alone is not the
212713 - answer, further reported in an article on the myth of the "paperless"
212714 - office, on 980613. ref SDS 25 3W5H Information is a resource that
212715 - needs to be linked into a web of knowledge so that people understand
212716 - context and implications. This requires tools, expertise and time to
212717 - organize, analyse and align information into useful knowledge,
212718 - including chronologies of cause and effect. This is the job of
212719 - "intelligence" that is accomplished by Communication Metrics.
212720 - ref OF 1 8536
212721 -
212722 - [On 990105 Jim questioned the viability of a strategic vision to
212723 - support a "paperless office.", ref SDS 46 1235]
212724 -
212725 - The draft says there is no way to determine that savings reported by
212726 - CESPN could not have been realized by more diligent management. see
212727 - ref DRT 1 0352 Accounting, cost and schedule control, policies,
212728 - procedures, guidelines, Quality Management, all are intended to enable
212729 - "diligent" management. What cost/benefit analysis shows that diligent
212730 - management could not avoid the cost of any or all of these business
212731 - processes? The President would not need the CIA if he was more
212732 - diligent; but, long experience shows that too much information
212733 - degrades "diligence" due to limited span of attention, as explained in
212734 - CESPN report on 971007. ref DRP 2 7116 Communication Metrics enables
212735 - diligent management by expanding span of attention, so that properly
212736 - directed and timely action is taken.
212737 -
212738 - It follows, that adding an "intelligence" role to management solves
212739 - the problem of information overload so that dilignece can be applied
212740 - consistently, rather than falter because there is not enough time to
212741 - think, per analysis on 970910. ref SDS 14 3479
212742 -
212743 -
212744 - ..
212745 - Communication Metrics Improves Every Facet of Management
212746 -
212747 - The report might set out specific kinds of management that can be
212748 - supported by Communication Metrics, as reviewed on 980520 in the San
212749 - Francisco District. ref SDS 24 0829
212750 -
212751 - At the most basic level reading and writing helps everything. Writing
212752 - is a system of assembling a finite set of symobls into alternate
212753 - arrangements that create information at a point in time. It is the
212754 - very foundation of civilization. Communication Metrics expands this
212755 - basic system by adding a time component to information, that produces
212756 - knowledge of cause and effect based on the minds ability to track
212757 - chronology (see New World Order..., ref OF 3 5846)
212758 -
212759 - This "intelligence" is a powerful solution to information overload.
212760 -
212761 - CEMP-EC can therefore report that staff meetings, projects,
212762 - environmental management, inter-agency and regulatory management can
212763 - be supported by "intelligence," as discussed with Jim Lovo on 981119,
212764 - ref SDS 34 7448, and with Max Blodgett on 980403. ref SDS 22 4033
212765 -
212766 -
212767 -
212768 - Constructive Criticism Fosters Progress Toward USACE Goals
212769 -
212770 - Consideration might be given to removing negative pejoratives such as
212771 - "purports," ref DRT 1 6272, "infomercials", ref DRT 1 2112, and
212772 - "gurus." ref DRT 1 8499 Criticism of the web site for unsupported
212773 - statements, as set out in the CEMP-EC draft at ref DRT 1 8499, is
212774 - constructive when examples are cited of catchphrases and gurus that
212775 - need support in order make Communication Metrics more meaningful and
212776 - easier to grasp.
212777 -
212778 - Some new and common "catchphrases" applied in Communication Metrics
212779 - include...
212780 -
212781 - intelligence, ref OF 1 0582
212782 - investing intellectual capital, ref OF 1 1101
212783 - concurrent discovery, ref OF 3 0583
212784 - knowledge space, ref OF 3 4212
212785 - automated integration of time and information, ref OF 1 6528
212786 - converting information into knowledge, ref OF 3 2266
212787 - continual learning, ref OF 3 7502
212788 - traceability to original sources, ref OF 3 7502
212789 - limited span of attention, ref OF 3 4235
212790 -
212791 - Some of these are listed on the web site.
212792 -
212793 -
212794 -
212795 - Introducing a new management science requires new terms and using
212796 - familiar phrases in new ways. CEMP-EC can cite the need for new
212797 - terms, and give examples of catchphrase that require more explanation,
212798 - or otherwise seem misapplied.
212799 -
212800 - Possibly the report could suggest inquiry about how new terminology
212801 - relates to USACE culture and management practice.
212802 -
212803 - Communication Metrics draws on the writing of Peter Drucker, Dr. Tom
212804 - Landauer, former head of technology research at Bell Labs, Andy Grove,
212805 - Chairman of Intel Corporation, the PMBOK and ISO criteria. "Experts"
212806 - listed on the web site include Dr. Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and
212807 - other world figures. How are these experts and sources misapplied?
212808 -
212809 -
212810 -
212811 - CEMP-EC's report might note that using Communication Metrics on the
212812 - Internet demonstrates the usefulness of "intelligence," as reported by
212813 - Jim Lovo on 981119, ref SDS 34 2272, and cited earlier by CESPN on
212814 - 981027, ref SDS 31 7315, and again on 981104. ref SDS 32 0207
212815 -
212816 - The report might suggest that continued research by USACE could
212817 - determine whether representations on the Communication Metrics web
212818 - site that appear unsupported, are correct or not. New science often
212819 - requires a body of experience to establish the correctness of theory.
212820 - Frustration is to be expected wrestling with the power and "magic" of
212821 - human intelligence. It can be resolved by further study, which begins
212822 - with probative questions.
212823 -
212824 -
212825 - ..
212826 - Benefits Self-evident of Communication Metrics on the Internet
212827 -
212828 - CEMP's draft correctly points out that estimates of cost savings for
212829 - management are not definite. ref DRT 1 0352 While District Counsel
212830 - recently reported on 981022 that with "certainty" an additional $190K
212831 - was saved by using Communication Metrics, ref SDS 31 7315; it is,
212832 - also, certain that cost savings are difficult to estimate for
212833 - management. (see article on 980630, ref SDS 26 3533, earlier review on
212834 - 970829. ref SDS 13 4470)
212835 -
212836 - On 981119 Jim Lovo made a similar point. ref SDS 34 3689
212837 -
212838 - The first draft cites cost savings reported by the San Francisco
212839 - District as arising from using Internet web pages. ref DRT 1 5250
212840 - Internet capability is a recent improvement, initiated nearly a year
212841 - after Welch's work on the Oakland Harbor project. see for example on
212842 - 971105. ref SDS 16 1459
212843 -
212844 - Savings reported by CESPN reflect the value of adding "intelligence"
212845 - produced by Communication Metrics, per se, which implimentation on the
212846 - Internet can now increase.
212847 -
212848 - During the Oakland Harbor project work product was delivered via
212849 - conventional email and printed media which did not provide access to
212850 - links in the record generated by the SDS program. It took 4 - 8 weeks
212851 - for CESPN staff to discover the value of this "intelligence," as
212852 - reported on 961101, ref SDS 7 8888, and on 961105. ref SDS 8 1220
212853 -
212854 - The Internet implementation makes the value of "intelligence" readily
212855 - apparent, i.e., "self-evident," by giving everyone the power of
212856 - "traceability to original sources," see review of ISO criteria on
212857 - 950721. ref SDS 3 1740 (see also below, ref SDS 0 4680)
212858 -
212859 - Bob Gordon cited advantages of using "intelligence" on a web page to
212860 - support effective communication planned for 981203, in his letter of
212861 - 981202. ref DRP 9 3082
212862 -
212863 - Jim Lovo cited, "self-evident" benefits of delivering work product via
212864 - Internet using linking and access features of web pages and browsers,
212865 - in a telecon on 981119. ref SDS 34 2272
212866 -
212867 - These new capabilities make distribution and access to intellignece
212868 - easier and more uniform so that many people can benefit from
212869 - intelligence produced by a only a few specialists. This sheilds
212870 - people from having to learn to be a "pilot" for the SDS program, and
212871 - from enduring the psychological burdens of obtaining feedback from
212872 - recalcitrant managers, and formulating intelligence that helps people
212873 - rather than threatens them, as reviewed on 980405. ref SDS 23 5065
212874 -
212875 - CEMP's report can asses the added advantages of Communication Metrics
212876 - on the Internet by citing recent reports from CESPN...
212877 -
212878 - 1. On 981022 District Counsel reported that Communiation Metrics
212879 - saved the government an additional $187,500, based on the
212880 - original work by Welch, before the Internet features were
212881 - developed, and noted that using intelligence on the Internet
212882 - enhances the prior benefits. ref SDS 31 7315
212883 -
212884 - 2. On 981103 the Project Engineer on the Oakland Harbor project
212885 - described Communication Metrics on the Internet as "pretty
212886 - neat." ref SDS 32 4320 This industry catchphrase seems likely
212887 - to be another way of saying that benefits are self-evident and
212888 - irrefutable, as reported in an article published by PMJ and
212889 - reviewed on 980630. ref SDS 26 0779
212890 -
212891 -
212892 -
212893 - Background Can Show Chronology of CEMP Review
212894 -
212895 - On 970502 article in Project Management Journal on USACE objective for
212896 - a Virtual District. ref SDS 11 1233 This shows alignment with
212897 - objectives of Communication Metrics that could yield valuable synergy.
212898 -
212899 - On 970818 CESPN report was submitted to CEMP. ref SDS 12 0000
212900 -
212901 - On 971202 Communication Metrics shown at HQ USACE. ref SDS 18 0000
212902 -
212903 - On 971205 Jim Jones reported that HQUSACE managers wanted improvements
212904 - in Communication Metrics, and they wanted more proof of cost savings.
212905 - ref SDS 19 0000
212906 -
212907 - On 971229 reviewed management training films. ref SDS 20 0000
212908 -
212909 - On 980307 reviewed Andy Grove's book about managers being in denial
212910 - that they need help. ref SDS 21 5517
212911 -
212912 - On 980803 Max Blodgett said cost savings are self-evident. ref SDS 27
212913 - 2672
212914 -
212915 -
212916 - ..
212917 - Conclusions Can Reflect Evidence of Successful Trial
212918 -
212919 - The report says that "firm" information is not yet available on the
212920 - cost of the software and the amount of training time needed, and that
212921 - Welch offered to develop a four to six month test program to answer
212922 - these questions, for a cost of $100,000 to $200,000. ref DRT 1 8107
212923 - The draft concludes that this cost is not warranted at this time....
212924 - ref DRT 1 2112
212925 -
212926 - On 981202 Bob requested talking points to guide a discussion on 981203
212927 - about implementation planning. ref SDS 37 5851 On 981203 Bob deferred
212928 - the discussion pending input from others. On 981209 Jim Lovo indicated
212929 - that Bob had been out of the office so there was not enough time for
212930 - the discussion requested on 981202. ref SDS 39 3800 This discussion
212931 - can develop ideas that align with USACE needs, objectives and
212932 - resources.
212933 - ..
212934 - CEMP-EC's conclusion can be strengthened by explaining why it
212935 - would not be reasonable to incrementally expand use of Communication
212936 - Metrics to test for continued savings. What cost/benefit analysis
212937 - shows that having saved $300K - $500K for an expenditure of $50K, does
212938 - not warrant expenditure of $100K - $200K to achieve greater savings?
212939 - Caution in deferring Corps wide application is clearly warranted by
212940 - limited testing; but, favorable limited tests would seem to equally
212941 - warrant expanded testing. Why not invest some of the savings already
212942 - achieved, to see if greater use produces greater savings?
212943 -
212944 - If further testing is not warranted at this time, when would be a
212945 - better time? Right now, managers are swamped by information overload.
212946 - The Chief Engineer wants the Corps to prepare for the 21st century,
212947 - which is only 12 months away. Why not begin preparing now by
212948 - investigating the viability of adding intelligence to management?
212949 -
212950 - [On 990126 CEMP reports now is not the time to investigate whether
212951 - expanding use of Communication Metrics can expand the savings
212952 - reported by CESPN. ref SDS 48 8299]
212953 -
212954 - [On 990127 CEMP frustrated by continual mistakes. ref SDS 49 8299]
212955 -
212956 -
212957 - Implementation Planning Requires Answers to Questions
212958 -
212959 - CEMP-EC's report can set out some important questions to be addressed
212960 - in an implementation study...
212961 -
212962 - 1. What level of staff is needed for a Communication Manager?
212963 -
212964 - Can we use lower priced administrative staff more productively
212965 - to build the data base using SDS software to free senior
212966 - managers from the burdens of managing the daily glut of email
212967 - and documents?
212968 -
212969 - 2. Should we use internal or contract resources for
212970 - implementation and training?
212971 -
212972 - 3. Can Communication Metrics be incorporated into existing
212973 - organizational structure, and, if so, where?
212974 -
212975 - 4. Should Communication Metrics be specified in contracts to
212976 - support common administration of the project record, our
212977 - Quality Management, and Partnering programs?
212978 -
212979 - 5. What level of command support is needed to ensure adequate
212980 - implementation for internal management where managers resist
212981 - and even fear feedback, that is endemic to Communication
212982 - Metrics methodology?
212983 -
212984 - 6. What synergies and/or redundancies occur with USACE existing
212985 - systems, e.g., RMS, conversion to electronic media?
212986 -
212987 - 7. What is the cost of the software?
212988 -
212989 - 8. Intelligence delivered by Internet requires redundant storage
212990 - and delivery capability in order to ensure uninterrupted
212991 - support. How would this work, and at what cost?
212992 -
212993 - 9. What caliber of hardware and networking is needed?
212994 -
212995 - 10. What level of security is needed, and how can it be
212996 - accomplished with intranets?
212997 -
212998 -
212999 - ..
213000 - References Can List CESPN Reports on Communication Metrics
213001 -
213002 - CEMP-EC's draft "References" section lists the following source
213003 - material...
213004 -
213005 - 1. Telephone conversation with Tom Keesling, Assistant Chief,
213006 - Construction Operations Division, San Francisco District;
213007 -
213008 - 2. E-mail correspondence with Rod Welch;
213009 -
213010 - 3. The Welch Company's web site,;
213011 -
213012 - 4. Meeting with Michael Case, Chief, Engineering Processes
213013 - Division, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research
213014 - Laboratories
213015 -
213016 - Consideration might be given to listing the following additional
213017 - references...
213018 -
213019 - 5. Report issued by CESPN on 970328, entitled "Communication
213020 - Metrics" ref DRP 1 6172
213021 -
213022 - 6. Report issued by CESPN on 971007, subject "Cost Savings,
213023 - Preparing for the 21st Century" ref DRP 2 0129
213024 -
213025 - 7. Report by District Counsel for CESPN on 981022, subject "Cost
213026 - Savings" ref DRP 4 3587
213027 -
213028 - ..
213029 -
213030 - The draft report prepared by CEMP says Communication Metrics was used
213031 - by CESPN on the Oakland Harbor project, ref DRT 1 0180, but the report
213032 - does not cite CESPN reports.
213033 -
213034 - CESPN's report on 970328, was requested by CEMP on 970310, ref SDS 9
213035 - 2325. The report recommends wider use of Communication Metrics. CEMP
213036 - requested an estimate of cost savings which was issued by CESPN on
213037 - 971007. This may be useful "background."
213038 -
213039 - The draft report says cost savings estimated by CESPN is not supported
213040 - by analysis. ref DRT 1 0180 Citing the CESPN report dated 971007 would
213041 - provide information on cost saving analysis.
213042 -
213043 -
213044 - ..
213045 - Traceability to Original Sources Needs Broader Treatment
213046 -
213047 - CEMP's draft report has a link to reference 3, the Welch web site.
213048 - see ref DRT 1 6000
213049 -
213050 - This helps demonstrate the value of linking applied by traditional
213051 - software programs.
213052 -
213053 - Consideration might be given to providing similar links in the report
213054 - to the other References. ref DIT 1 6837
213055 -
213056 - [On 990129 asked CEMP-EC about this question. ref SDS 50 5071]
213057 -
213058 - Linking to Welch correspondence is at ...
213059 -
213060 - a. Welch letter to Jim Lovo on 981118. ref DIP 5 3724
213061 -
213062 - b. Welch letter to Bob Gordon on 981202. ref DIP 7 7324
213063 -
213064 - What, however, was understood from references 1 and 4, the telecon
213065 - with Tom Keesling, and the meeting with Mike Case? ref DRT 1 6837
213066 -
213067 - For example, there was a discussion between Rod Welch and Mike Case on
213068 - 981209, ref SDS 39 3157, and this was conveyed to CEMP for information
213069 - via ref DIP 8 4788 Again, what was learned from references 1 and 4 in
213070 - the draft report?
213071 -
213072 -
213073 -
213074 - ..
213075 - Suggestions for Second Draft on Communication Metrics
213076 -
213077 - To illustrate how these comments might be incorporated into the
213078 - format for CEMP's report, prepared ref DIT 1 0000.
213079 -
213080 - [On 981224 issued this draft for consideration. ref SDS 44 0000]
213081 -
213082 - [On 990129 this draft was submitted as part of CEMP-EC's report on
213083 - Communication Metrics. ref SDS 50 0000]
213084 -
213085 -
213086 -
213087 -
2131 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"