440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 3, 1998 06:22 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Bob Gordon at USACE HQ on Communication Metrics.
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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. Robet C. Gordon; 202 761 8745
020102 - Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
0202 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 415 977 8501 fax 8483
020201 - San Francisco District
020202 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020203 - Construction Operations Division
COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Wider Use Comm Metrics
Experience, Need Broader Base
SAD Tests New Methods
HQ Review CEMP
HQ Support Local Command Review
Environmental Management
1510 - ..
1511 - Summary/Objective
1512 -
151201 - Follow up ref SDS 25 0000, ref SDS 22 0000.
151202 -
151203 - Left message on voice mail that I called on Implementation Planning,
151204 - per my letter, ref DIP 7 0000, and the record at ref SDS 25 0800.
151205 -
151206 -
1513 -
1514 -
1515 - 0644 called Tom Keesling
1516 -
151601 - Advised of my letter, ref DIP 7 0000, on implementation planning, and
151602 - the record at ref SDS 25 0800.
151603 -
151604 - Tom had received his copy, but had not read it.
151605 -
151606 - He is open to supporting an Implementation Planning project, and
151607 - discussing it with Bob this morning.
151608 -
151609 - ..
1517 -
1518 -
1519 - 0821 called Bob
1520 -
152001 - He wants to review these ideas with some other people before we have
152002 - our discussion.
152003 -
152004 - He approves holding our discussion with Tom Keesling.
152005 -
152006 - Bob will call me later today to schedule a telecon with Tom Keesling
152007 - probably tomorrow.
152008 -
152009 - [On 981209 telecon with Jim Lovo. ref SDS 26 3800]
152010 -
152011 - [On 981218 CEMP-EC has draft report. ref SDS 28 3315]
152012 -
152013 -
1521 -
1522 -
1523 - 0841 called Tom
1524 -
152401 - Advised of planning on this matter.
152402 -
152403 - He has now read my letter, ref DIP 7 7324, and the linked record.
152404 -
152405 - Tom will be in today and tomorrow, so we can have a discussion with
152406 - Bob on this.
152407 - ..
152408 - Tom has not talked to Major Blechinger, as planned in our
152409 - discussion on Tuesday, ref SDS 24 4440, because Erik did not return
152410 - Tom's call.
152411 -
152412 - Erik will be in District HQ this morning for a "Town Hall" meeting
152413 - conducted by the DE. Tom will try to visit with Erik at that time
152414 - about his review of Communication Metrics, and particularly that we
152415 - want him to see Tom White's memo, ref DRP 5 3587, received on 981104
152416 - which shows why Communication Metrics is "neat." ref SDS 16 4320
152417 -
152418 - [On 981216 talked to Tom on this. ref SDS 27 5161]
152419 -
152420 - [On 990111 scheduling meeting with Erik. ref SDS 29 2754]
152421 -
152422 - [On 990204 met with Major Blechinger. ref SDS 30]
152423 -
152424 -
1525 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"