440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 26, 1998 12:18 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Set up account for Sprint PCS cellular phone.


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0201 - Sprint PCS                           816 559 1000
020101 - Ms. Katrina NLN; Customer Care Service Rep
020102 - Activation Department

Rod's phone

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000.
040502 - ..
040503 - Talked to Katrina.
040504 -
040505 - Millie signed up her phone the other day, and subscribed to the plan
040506 - for 200 minutes per month at $30.
040507 -
040508 - She signed me up for the same plan today, so the total monthly charge
040509 - is $60.
040510 -
040511 -     [On 981127 clarification that these rates do not include long
040512 -     distance, indicates alternate plan of $50 for 500 minutes that we
040513 -     each share and which includes long distance, may be a better
040514 -     value. ref SDS 2 4500]
040515 -
040516 - She needed driver's license and social security number.
040517 -
040518 - Product ID information is inside the battery housing at the back of
040519 - the unit. ref SDS 1 9856,
040520 -
040521 -         anytime, offpeak or onpeak
040522 -         call forwarding      $.10 per minute
040523 -         call waiting, double air time minutes
040524 -         voice mail
040525 -
040526 -         $.40 per minute over 200 minutes
040527 -
040528 -         They bill in 1 minute increments.
040529 -
040530 -         Billing cycle ends on 26th of month, so we will be billed
040531 -         prorated for November from 981126.
040532 -
040533 - Katrina calculated we have 149 minutes available for December.  Upon
040534 - discussion, she increased this to 160 minutes.
040535 -
040536 - These people bill for the period ahead, rather for services rendered.
040537 -
040538 - Our first bill will therefore be for $27.60 to cover the current month
040539 - that is past the billing cycle, plus it will include $30 for the
040540 - following month.
040541 -
040542 -
040543 -
0406 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"