440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 21, 1998 07:47 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Create HTML linking between editor and editor and SDS.
2...07040860 Automatically Load HTML Link Spec to Editor File
3...000008 Change call for F1 F1 F8 from 04707 to 0704086
4...000002 Set Left Margin when HTML Anchor is on Line Above
5...000002 Make Justify Para Support HTML Anchors on Col 1, 2
6...000007 Move common code for query 06112 and 06111 to 044011
7...044011 Move common code from 000007 for query 06112 and 06111
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Look Up -Goto, -Label, -Entry Locations
F07 Enter HTML Anchor Links
F08 Enter HTML Anchor Link Ending Code
Functions, entering HTML
Links Between Editor Files, 0704086
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Follow up ref SDS 11 5228, ref SDS 10 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Enhanced code for linking editor files. This is needed because there
080904 - are a lot of documents that need to be linked to SDS records and to
080905 - other documents. I retained the original code for creating only a
080906 - template, but added the ability to move to a file and execute the same
080907 - F1 F1 F7 function and the code will then enter the actual full link
080908 - specification, if the F1 F1 F8 ending anchor has first been executed.
080909 -
080910 - This should save time by entering the anchor specification
080911 - automatically, rather than keying it in, and it should save more time
080912 - by avoiding mistakes in keying in the specification that requires more
080913 - time for rework.
080914 -
080915 - [On 981201 added ability to open a source file and find the link
080916 - anchor of an HTML link address in an Editor file. ref SDS 14 0000]
080917 -
080918 -
080919 -
080920 - ..
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Planning
0813 -
081301 - I want to automate the process of entering an HTML link in an editor
081302 - file, per original work on 971117. ref SDS 8 7154
081303 -
081304 - Right now we have two functions...
081305 -
081306 - [On 990530 consolidated these two functions into single
081307 - feature executed with Enter and double clicking. ref SDS 15
081308 - 1044 and ref SDS 15 9622
081309 -
081310 - 1. F1 F1 F7 creates an HTML link string and scrolls through two
081311 - options, one for a document file and one for an SDS record file
081312 - structure, calls 0704086, created on 980405. ref SDS 11 5228
081313 -
081314 - Kept these two options, but added ability to enter an HTML
081315 - anchor command string when F1 F1 F8 first enters an ending
081316 - anchor spec, and F1 F1 F7 is executed in another file.
081317 - ..
081318 - 2. F1 F1 F8 creates ending HTML code, calls a subroutine in
081319 - the HTML profile 04707 #9.
081320 -
081321 - Today, I changed this. F1 F1 F8 now calls 0704086 #2, so it
081322 - can set a flag for F1 F1 F7. ref SDS 0 0720
081323 -
081324 - After these commands were created, Morris created on 980722 a new
081325 - command that captures the filename of the current file into counters.
081326 - ref SDS 12 2351
081327 -
081328 - I should be able to get the filename using this function and fill out
081329 - the spec for a link automatically.
081330 -
081331 - The only significant wrinkle is that the actual filename for current
081332 - SDS records does not reflect the HTML filename, which needs the date
081333 - spec. I deal with this by jumping back to the target link SDS record
081334 - to get the date portion of the filename spec for current SDS records.
081335 - ref SDS 0 7007
081336 -
081337 -
081338 -
081339 -
081340 -
081341 - ..
0814 -
0815 -
0816 - Progress
0817 -
081701 - ..
081702 - 07040860 Automatically Load HTML Link Spec to Editor File
081703 -
081704 - Follow up ref SDS 11 5228, ref SDS 8 7154.
081705 -
081706 - We need a mark to identify the target file, and we need a flag to the
081707 - global counters saying this condition exits, and we have to turn off
081708 - the flag each pass so we don't mess up.
081709 -
081710 - [On 981201 added ability to open a source file and find the link
081711 - anchor of an HTML link address in an Editor file. ref SDS 14 0000]
081712 -
081713 - We can let the ending anchor code do this.
081714 -
081715 - On 980405 macro 0704086 was created to merely enter the HTML string
081716 - format for a template.
081717 - ..
081718 - Line 30, ref OF 2 2520, -label bcs sets 68 0 to establish this
081719 - is an operation to enter an HTML anchor command.
081720 -
081721 - Line 60, ref OF 2 3885, -label ecs, this is the new code for entering
081722 - an anchor ending HTML code string, (/A)</B)
081723 -
081724 - Line 140, ref OF 2 2574, -label bcs1, this is new code to capture a
081725 - filename and any anchor spec, then move back to the object file and
081726 - enter the HTML anchor spec.
081727 -
081728 - We have to transfer char values from gfname beginning with counter 4,
081729 - to counters beginning at counter 185, so that macro 34 to split the
081730 - current line within margins, does not crash the filename counters.
081731 -
081732 - Line 170, ref OF 2 0504, -label bcs1, about 60 lines below, we need to
081733 - identify whether there is an anchor in the target link file and set a
081734 - flag, 70 1, but not capture the anchor until after the filename is
081735 - entered, because the global counters get messed up when gfname is
081736 - transferred.
081737 - ..
081738 - We check for anchors on col 1 and 2 for the anchor symbol, and
081739 - then look for a number on the next position, except in editor files,
081740 - we have to also check for a quotation mark and a number beginning 6
081741 - columns to the right of where the first num is supposed to be.
081742 -
081743 -
081744 - Line 180, ref OF 2 4620, -label bhcs this code finds the beginning of
081745 - the current string, and determines if it is the left margin.
081746 -
081747 - a. If this is the left margin, then split and enter anchor HTML
081748 - code on this line.
081749 -
081750 - b. If this is right of the left margin, then split, add a line
081751 - and put the HTML anchor code on the blank line between the
081752 - initial line, and the split line.
081753 - ..
081754 - Line 150, ref OF 2 1991, -label bhcs, about 50 lines below, when
081755 - the target link file is a current SDS record, fgname is insufficient
081756 - for the filename, because these files use "00 nnnn" for the filename.
081757 -
081758 - We have to first read the date/time string in the header, then
081759 - transfer those values to the appropriate counters in the gfname
081760 - numerical sequence beginning at counter 16
081761 -
081762 - Line 200, ref OF 2 8075, -label elf evaluate if this is an operation
081763 - to only enter a template, or if a file address is to be entered.
081764 -
081765 - Line 260, ref OF 2 6210, -label almse, turned out we have to get the
081766 - filename with gfname after we split within margins with macro 34,
081767 - because gfname only uses counters 1+ and macro 34 uses a lot of those
081768 - same counters, which messes things up.
081769 - ..
081770 - Line 280, ref OF 2 4064, -label eto this is original code that
081771 - enters only a template string.
081772 -
081773 -
081774 -
081775 - ..
081776 - 000008 Change call for F1 F1 F8 from 04707 to 0704086
081777 -
081778 - Line 750, ref OF 7 3040, -entry 156, profile, changed the call for the
081779 - ending HTML anchor command from using the code in 04707, to new code
081780 - created today in 0704086 #2, so that it can mark the file and create a
081781 - global flag for the condition where the primary call to 0704086 will
081782 - load a file and anchor spec into the object file.
081783 -
081784 -
081785 -
081786 -
0818 -
Margins, Shift left/right, tabs, F7 F8
0904 -
090401 - ..
090402 - 000002 Set Left Margin when HTML Anchor is on Line Above
090403 -
090404 - Follow up ref SDS 13 1652.
090405 -
090406 - Line 750, ref OF 5 9672, -entry 541 is the subroutine to entry 54 that
090407 - sets the left and right margin. -entry 541 is a call from -entry 34
090408 - that does a split within margins.
090409 -
090410 - Line 1030, ref OF 5 7106, -label ckOtln, revise code created on
090411 - 980724, ref SDS 13 4955, want to avoid having to take the time to
090412 - manually add a space in order to enter an HTML anchor with 0704086,
090413 - using F1 F1 F7, so need to have the code that establishes the left
090414 - margin avoid getting hung up when there is an HTML anchor on the line
090415 - above.
090416 - ..
090417 - Made this a subroutine so it can be called at ref OF 5 4212 to
090418 - support Alt F9 op to justify using entry 49.
090419 -
090420 - I added some code, but it ran us out of compiler space.
090421 -
090422 - Need to eliminate something.
090423 -
090424 -
090425 -
090426 - ..
090427 - 000002 Make Justify Para Support HTML Anchors on Col 1, 2
090428 -
090429 - Line 90, ref OF 5 4694, -entry 49 is the code to justify a para that
090430 - is called by Alt F9.
090431 -
090432 - Line 170, ref OF 5 4212, -label sav3pos this code finds the top of a
090433 - body of text beginning at left margin, so it can be justified.
090434 -
090435 - Added call to new subroutine created above, so this treates an HTML
090436 - anchor command entered on column 1 or 2, as a blank line, which is the
090437 - top of para.
090438 -
090439 -
090440 -
090441 -
090442 -
0905 -
Colors for Query screens, 910323
Initialization Screen
Subject, 06112
References, 06111
Memory Management
1408 -
140801 - ..
140802 - 000007 Move common code for query 06112 and 06111 to 044011
140803 -
140804 - Follow up ref SDS 3 4883.
140805 -
140806 - Line 2560, ref OF 6 0266, macro 1207 this could be moved to 044011,
140807 - which is where it is called.
140808 -
140809 -
140810 -
140811 - ..
140812 - 044011 Move common code from 000007 for query 06112 and 06111
140813 -
140814 - Follow up ref SDS 3 4839.
140815 -
140816 - Line 880, ref OF 1 0266, -label C&F_p, this is where entry 1207 is
140817 - called.
140818 -
140819 - Today, I moved all of the code for entry 1207 into 044011 to save
140820 - compiler space.
140821 -
140822 -
140823 -
140824 -
1409 -