440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 20, 1998 07:34 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Visited Robert at Kwan Henmi on meeting notes for Moscone.
2...Meeting Note Procedure
3...Project Work Summary
4...Record Linked into Web of Intelligence Showing Cause and Effect
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0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Robert Rudeen; Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation
0202 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020201 - Mr. Bolivar Puyol; Architect
020202 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020203 - Interior Design/Documentation
Consultants and JV Team
Notes for Meetings
Use Notes from Others
Scope of Services
Evaluation, Objections
Project Work Summary Form
1408 - ..
1409 - Summary/Objective
1410 -
141001 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
141002 -
141003 -
141004 -
1411 -
1412 -
1413 - Discussion
1414 -
141401 - ..
141402 - Meeting Note Procedure
141403 -
141404 - Follow up ref SDS 32 8960.
141405 -
141406 - This morning, Robert sent me the comment files he has issued for the
141407 - structural meeting on 981111, ref SDS 25 0000, and for the mechanical
141408 - meeting on 981112. ref SDS 28 0000, which were not received yesterday.
141409 - ref SDS 32 9546
141410 -
141411 - [On 981123 received these files. ref SDS 33 2880]
141412 -
141413 - He reported that Steven Hergert expressed hurt feelings yesterday
141414 - about Kwan Henmi's comments that seem critical of Steven's notes for
141415 - meetings last week.
141416 - ..
141417 - Robert advised that Clonia said that Gensler does not want Kwan
141418 - Henmi's comments, and would only maintain in the project record the
141419 - notes prepared by MW.
141420 -
141421 - This seems to conflict with management standards calling for feedback
141422 - to verify understandings are accurate and complete, as explained in
141423 - the paper on POIMS. ref OF 1 1106 and in review on 970829 of "Managing
141424 - Toward Accountability." ref SDS 1 4373
141425 -
141426 - This willful refusal to perform standard management practice, and
141427 - reversal of policy is cited as a basis for adjusting Gensler's
141428 - management in the record on 981118. ref SDS 31 3752
141429 -
141430 -
141431 - Project Work Summary
141432 - Record Linked into Web of Intelligence Showing Cause and Effect
141433 -
141434 - We reviewed on the Internet this morning, the KH doc log, and selected
141435 - Robert's Project Work Summary for 981113, ref DIP 2 7788, entered in
141436 - the record at ref SDS 29 0000,
141437 -
141438 - Robert saw that the record he created has been linked into the larger
141439 - project record so that impact on project success is more apparent from
141440 - alignment with related information showing patterns and trends.
141441 - ..
141442 - Robert asked if I have received the documents produced by MH and
141443 - Gensler for inclusion into this record?
141444 -
141445 - I explained a procedure Bolivar has used to transfer project documents
141446 - to me for organization, alignment, analysis, and integration into the
141447 - record.
141448 -
141449 - Robert asked me to coordinate with Bolivar to get the Communication
141450 - Metrics web site up-to-date with project documents.
141451 -
141452 -
141453 -
1415 -
1416 -
1417 - 1122 called Bolivar
1418 -
141801 - He said there are no memos for November in the memo directory.
141802 -
141803 - He will send all of the meeting notes directory for November.
141804 -
141805 - [On 981123 received docs. ref SDS 33 5512]
141806 -
141807 -
141808 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"