440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 18, 1998 12:52 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received letter on Pier 11 Fender project, UP.

2...UP Demands Schedule for Payment of Obligation
3...Schedule for Payment is Not Supported by the Record
4...Progress on Payment to UP

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0201 - Wolkin & Timpane                   415 982 9390 fax 4328
020101 - Mr. Michael J. Timpane, Esq.

Pier 11 Fender project

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000, ref SDS 17 0000.
040502 -
040503 - UP requests a payment schedule.  Analysis indiates there is no basis
040504 - for issuing a definitive payment schedule.  Product development and
040505 - marketing show progress on Communication Metrics to generate revenue
040506 - for paying UP. ref SDS 0 5600  Recent events indicate potential for a
040507 - breakthrough in marketing that may result in a revenue stream for
040508 - estimating payment schedule. ref SDS 0 3483
040509 -
040510 - Called Mike and left voice mail message about his letter.
040511 -
040512 -     [On 990303 received letter from Mike. ref SDS 33]
040513 -
040514 -     [On 990308 sent letter with link to this record. ref SDS 37 3312]
040515 -
040516 -     [On 990610 received letter from Mike that he did not receive
040517 -     letter sent on 990308, resubmitted. ref SDS 39 0001]
040518 -
040519 -
040520 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - UP Demands Schedule for Payment of Obligation
040902 -
040903 - Received ref DRT 1 0000 from Mike Timpane requesting a proposal for
040904 - payment of the Welch obligation to UP in the amount of $527,154.88, as
040905 - of 970206. ref DRT 1 4883
040906 - ..
040907 - Mike says UP wants a time frame for making payment based on our
040908 - agreement received on 960522. ref SDS 18 7424
040909 -
040910 - Mike says the day of reconing is here.  UP does not want information
040911 - from Welch on using Communication Metrics to improve UP's management
040912 - and earnings. ref DRT 1 6608
040913 -
040914 - A time frame for making payment requires a revenue stream.
040915 -
040916 -
040917 -
040918 - Schedule for Payment is Not Supported by the Record
040919 -
040920 - Currently there is no revenue stream.  Over the past several years
040921 - there has been minimal to no income due to lack of sales.  During that
040922 - period investment of time in research and development enhanced the
040923 - value and recognition of value in the market place, for Communication
040924 - Metrics, which includes products and services that Welch owns solely
040925 - and is uniquely able to provide.
040926 -
040927 - Background shows there is no rational basis for estimating a payment
040928 - schedule because the date when executives will begin demanding the use
040929 - of Communication Metrics to improve management, reduce costs and risks
040930 - is unknown.  UP's reticence as cited in W&T's letter exemplifies the
040931 - burden of solving this problem.
040932 - ..
040933 - I need Mike's email address to send this record showing efforts
040934 - to repay UP and other creditors on the Pier 11 Fendor job.
040935 -
040936 -     [On 990303 received letter from Mike. ref SDS 33]
040937 -
040938 -     [On 990308 sent letter with link to this record. ref SDS 37 3312]
040939 -
040940 -     [See also tax report to S.J. Gallina on 990221. ref SDS 32]
040941 -
040942 -
040943 -  ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - Background
0413 -
041301 - Progress on Payment to UP
041302 -
041303 - On 970328 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a report stating
041304 - that Communiation Metrics provides an effective "intelligence" role
041305 - that improves management. ref DRP 9 6172  This report was received by
041306 - Welch on 970418. ref SDS 19 3368
041307 -
041308 - Welch made vigorous efforts to secure work with the government based
041309 - on this report, in order to meet the obligation to pay UP.  These
041310 - efforts were rejected on the grounds that there was no evidence that
041311 - the methodology is cost effective, which is the same argument that
041312 - applies to the alphabet.
041313 -
041314 - On 971007 the San Francisco District of the Corps of Engineers issued
041315 - a second report, ref DRP 10 0129, received on 971008, ref SDS 20 2979,
041316 - that estimated Communication Metrics saved the government millions of
041317 - dollars at a cost of less than $50K.
041318 -
041319 - On 971021 developed plan to deliver work product from Communication
041320 - Metrics via Internet. ref SDS 21 9999
041321 -
041322 - On 971105 objectives were set for using the Internet to enhance the
041323 - value of Communication Metrics, and to enable people to grasp the cost
041324 - and time savings inherent in the methodology. ref SDS 22 1459
041325 -
041326 - On 971210 a PG&E manager reviewed initial capability of Internet
041327 - support for Communication Metrics and found that it makes the power of
041328 - "intelligence" easier for executives to understand. ref SDS 23 0000
041329 -
041330 - On 980403 Internet support for Communication Metrics was substantially
041331 - completed.  The San Francisco District Corps of Engineers noted the
041332 - potential for accomplishing self-evident savings of a "paperless
041333 - office" work environment. ref SDS 26 3920
041334 -
041335 - The Corps of Engineers requested a website "home" page to explain
041336 - Communication Metrics concepts and advantages for managers and
041337 - executives.
041338 -
041339 - On 980405 information was developed that executives fear Communication
041340 - Metrics because it supports accountability. ref SDS 27 5065
041341 -
041342 - On 980803 the Communication Metrics home page...
041343 -
041344 -           
041345 -
041346 - ...was reviewed by the San Francisco District Corps of Engineers, who
041347 - advised that the advantages of this new capability for a "paperless
041348 - office, are self-evident. ref SDS 28 5141
041349 -
041350 - District counsel for the Corps of Engineers was asked for an opinion
041351 - on additional savings Communication Metrics had secured for the
041352 - government. ref SDS 28 2798
041353 -
041354 - On 981027, ref SDS 29 7315, a report from District counsel dated
041355 - 981022 was received which says...
041356 -
041357 -       I can state with certainty that Communication Metrics saved us
041358 -       $187,500 on the RWQCB fine that the Port tried to collect from
041359 -       the Corps.
041360 -
041361 -   ...see para 5. ref DRP 11 6237
041362 -
041363 - This made total savings approximately $500K, which cost the government
041364 - less than $50K, and so supports original estimates of ROI in the range
041365 - of 10:1, as reported on 981027. ref SDS 29 7315
041366 -
041367 - On 981104 USACE Construction Services Branch reported Communication
041368 - Metrics on the Internet is "pretty neat.", ref SDS 30 4320,
041369 -
041370 -     [On 981119 HQ USACE Deputy Chief in Washington D.C. noted in a
041371 -     phone call on using Communication Metrics Corps-wide, that cost
041372 -     savings are self-evident. ref SDS 31 2272]
041373 -
041374 - These efforts, as well as at PG&E, and other firms, show that despite
041375 - evidence of cost savings, executives who approve budgets are blocked
041376 - by ignorance, fear and denial to use Communication Metrics, as shown
041377 - on 980307 in the review of Andy Grove's book. ref SDS 25 1813
041378 -
041379 -     [On 990317 executive for $4B building program at San Francisco
041380 -     International Airport, which needs Com Metrics, says it is cutting
041381 -     edge, but he is totally convinced it works. ref SDS 38 5600]
041382 -
041383 - It is expected that market resistance will be overcome, but there is
041384 - no rational basis to estimate when that will occur.
041385 -
041386 - In order to pay UP a market "breakthrough" is needed.  A light must go
041387 - off in the minds of executives that "intelligence" saves money and
041388 - improves management, and they must exercise the leadership to make
041389 - that improvement.  So long, as no one will take the first step, and
041390 - sustain it long enough for investment to yield rewards, then no
041391 - progress will occur.
041392 -
041393 -     [On 990303 scientific paper shows why Communication Metrics yields
041394 -     cost savings eliminating management mistakes. ref SDS 34 0920]
041395 - ..
041396 - USACE is giving serious consideration to approving Communication
041397 - Metrics for Corps-wide use, and if that occurs, then it may provide a
041398 - market "breakthrough" that leverages wider acceptance.  However, this
041399 - is still months away from a decision.
041400 -
041401 -     [On 990304 HQUSACE recommends Corps wide review for using
041402 -     Communication Metrics. ref SDS 35 7392]
041403 -
041404 -     [On 990305 meeting with San Francisco District on preparing
041405 -     procurement memo for Communication Metrics. ref SDS 36 1716]
041406 -
041407 -
041408 -
041409 -
041410 -
0415 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"